Currently Playing?

I finished Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas without using any of the cheats or anything. I also did this when the pandemic began.

It's an old game. Required some patience.

It let me reconnect with an old friend from highschool who loves this series.

Right now, I’m playing just a little of ACNH, a little bit of Among Us - just with tbt members 🙂. I want to return to Pokemon Violet and Sword too; right now I’m too burnt out though. I’m also playing a little Fate Go. 🙂
I started playing Red Dead Redemption today. It's been years since I've last played it, so I'm definitely excited to be able to play through it again!
I'm playing Needy Streamer Overload and it's pretty good so far. It's definitely a realistic depiction of a toxic relationship (not really a spoiler since there's numerous red flags throughout the entire game). I accidentally got one of the bad endings since I forgot to answer Ame's texts, but thankfully all I had to do was redo that in-game day. I don't think I'll be joining the fandom for the game though. Some of the people in it find Ame attractive solely because of her severe mental health issues and others outright glorify some of the unhealthy things she does in the game. As someone with severe mental health issues themselves I just find the whole thing harmful and really creepy.
I’m back on my 3ds at the moment playing Story of Season Trio of Towns for the first time. It was a bit slow going at first but I’m really enjoying it.
As I've just got a PS5, and game pass, I've been enjoying a few of the games on that. Namely PaRappa 2 and Deceive INC! Also, dead by daylight as I sorted out crossplay from my Xbox.