Currently reading?

Now, I'm reading "globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System" of Barry Eichengreen. I have an Exam of Contemporary Economic History after Easter break, and I need to read it for this, though I've just started, lol. I thought it would be really horrible, but I'm enjoying it more than I thought. It's not difficult to read and it's quite interesting. I hope this continues during all the book and not just in the first chapter...

I love when class books, or texts, are interesting like that. We had a couple of nice ones last class x3 But then I think the many aspects of such a term as documentary is very interesting.
Book sales are the greatest man. I hope I can pick up some more stuff I want... knowing myself I will just buy a truckload just because haha.

Bk 5 of the series isn't even out yet - the preorder price was discounted too! :D

I finished Lolita this evening. Loved it. Why did it take me seven years after buying to get around to reading it.
Bk 5 of the series isn't even out yet - the preorder price was discounted too! :D

I finished Lolita this evening. Loved it. Why did it take me seven years after buying to get around to reading it.

Dang, that's some great deal then :D

Congrats, I'm still reading it (but then whoever did the Swedih translation did it very fancy so I bet it's a bit thicker because of that :p)
I'm just reading kind of obsessively at the moment. I sit down to read 'a chapter or two' and then somehow end up not moving for hours.

Read Stygian by Santino Hassell yesterday and it was amazing minus the super obvious ending. So good that I don't even care it turned out to be a different genre than I expected (the publisher usually exclusively publishes romance). Praying it'll be a series.
Finally started on 'Part II' today so I have about half of the book left. I dunno why I have an easier time reading on trains randomly rather than sit down at home. Oh well I don't like it when it's too silent anyways(unless I need to sleep lol).
re-reading infinite jest by david foster wallace to celebrate its 20 year anniversary!
Ahhh Lolita is being so good, hopefully I can read some at work today :p Or at least finish it this week ^_^
Eventually finished Lolita tonight... damn that was a trip glad I read it though! Now to start on..something ;)
Something Wicked By: Lesley Anne Cowen (For school and pleasure, I really like it)
The Hobbit By: J.R.R Tolkien (Already read once, but need to read it again for school)
Currently reading (and memorizing) my org's constitution for the exam on Monday. It's so long. I cry.
Currently reading (and memorizing) my org's constitution for the exam on Monday. It's so long. I cry.

Uggh.. Reminds me in high school.. think it was 10th or 11th grade or something we had to memorize fourteen paragraphs how a law is made here I'm like ugh why lol
Trying to read The Great Gatsby. The intro was a chore to read but I'm getting there.... just finished the first chapter.
Spent the past couple of days reading Chrysalis Corporation by T.A. Venedicktov. I loved every second of it - one of the best books I've read in a while not a single scene bored me. It's the first time in almost a decade that I've enjoyed a science fiction novel. Only downside was it ended on a cliffhanger and I've no clue when the sequel is due out.

Started reading The Prince's Consort by Antonia Aquilante this evening. Not sure what I think of it yet.
Just got The Bell at Sealey Head by Patricia A. Mckillip from the library today. She's my favorite author and I've already read four of her books, so I'm excited to start this one tonight!