Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"James disappearing the same night there is a murder, well that seems very suspicious." Vick pointed out to Jonathan.
"Order everyone! The class trial begins now! Discover the truth behing the murder! Class trial start! Upuhupuhupuphupupu!"
Calvin stood there silently, thinking about what he had found in the gym and in the hairdresser's room.
"Before we start, I think I should let you guys know something I found in the library earlier." Vick mentioned.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Oh I think this might be funny actually, before a trial we should (if you didn't plan the murder) guess who you think the killer/or what happened and see how close you are at the end xD )
"Huh...?" In the library?Why would anything involving the murders be in there when the murder happened in the gym?
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"There was a three books on the table, two weren't so interesting, but one book was on the deadliest serial killers, monsters and psychopaths!" He said excited.
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Leigh tilted her head. "Is this relevant?"
"Yes! Has anyone heard of the infamous serial killer... Genocider Syo?" He said excited.
Alex crossed her arms. "Riiiiiiiight, like that matters."
Leigh put a finger to her face to think.
"It is really important." Vick said. "Genocider Syo is the worlds most wanted, most evil and deadliest serial killer in the world!"
"I don't suppose you're going to tell us they kill people in the same way two people have just been killed, are you?" Jonathan asked.
Vick nodded. "Yes, the book was open on that section, and the way the victims died, was exactly the same!"
"How so?" Leigh asked.
"Genocider Syo kills his or her victims with scissors! No one knows the gender or what genocider Syo looks like, since even after 50 murders, he/she has never been caught! But the victims are stabbed to death, then crucified with the scissors! An 'S' is then cut into their forehead!" Vick said excited. "It's so cool!"
"It's horrible!"
Misa looked confused. "So you're saying... This Genocider Syo killed Kaede and Hana? They're here in the school?"
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"Don't be stupid, how would they even get into the school? No one can get out, never mind in!" Alex pointed out.
"But then again, maybe he/she was hiding in a closet like closet demon Calvin!"
"Hey! I forgot him by accident! Look, no one else is in the school other than you guys."
Jonathan stared at James. "I'd say chances were pretty high, given we have looney tunes like you in the group..."