Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Misa finally spotted tbe source of the new voice, a strange black and white bear at the front of the room. "Is that a... talking teddy bear..?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Where did they come from? Did you make them?)

(I used this site to create them http://www.icongenerators.net/pixelavatar.html )

Leigh looked up at the bear. "... Teddy bears are cute."
Miki looked suprised and stopped screaming for a second. "W-W-W-W-Whaaa????"
Alex looked at the bear in a strange way. "Well that's the stupidest thing I've seen in a long time."
James put his arm around Alex's shoulder. "Don't worry I will protect you."
"HEY! Who the hell said you could touch me!" Alex snapped at the boy, moving away.
(I honestly can't be arsed to repeat what monokuma said in the last to check the front for trial rules and stuff I won't go other them imagine Monokuma mentions it thought.)

"Uphupupu! You are all part of my new killing game! You are all trapped in this school and if you wanna leave, you have to kill another student and get away with it! Then we hold a class trial, and if the killer is found guilty, I execute 'em! But if you vote for the wrong student, you all get executed!" Monokuma goes through all the rules and stuff. "You are free to roam the school, the doors are unlocked!"
"Well that's messed up but anyway I'm gonna rebuild my Spaceship..."

To Leigh, "I think we should find some where safe....."

"Well Sod this killing thing I'm off to make a sandwich"
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Miki started screaming and crying. "K-Kill each other?!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alex looked angered by the situation. "What the hell?!" Alex growled.
Leigh looked slightly shocked. "Kill each other...?" She said quietly then the man who was with her offered to help her. "S-sure!"
A maniac smile cracked Kaede's face in half. "Awesoomme...." She breathed.

Hana frowned at her again, trying to act calm while her heart was thumping against her ribs. She remained silent unable to comprehend the situation. The voices - they had begun to speak to her.

Matsuda had a front row seat, and he pulled his eyes away from the bear, curling up inside his coat. What a creepy bear.He thought, peering round the room to see the other student's reactions.

Asuna felt the chokes build up in her throat. "W-W-What...? I...I-I...Can't kill....!" She burst out crying' desperately clutching at the her heart pendent, which was tied round her neck with black string.
Miki started screaming and crying. "K-Kill each other?!"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alex looked angered by the situation. "What the hell?!" Alex growled.
Leigh looked slightly shocked. "Kill each other...?" She said quietly then the man who was with her offered to help her. "S-sure!"

Where should we go?
Vick started to smile. "Wow, sounds fun." He giggled.
James looked shocked. "Kill each other?! This bear is mad!"
It took Leigh a second to think. "... We should check what the school has in terms of rooms, other than the bedrooms Monokuma mentioned." (I know he didn't but image he told you guys you have your own rooms)
(Sorry I didn't reply for a while, I was doing homework)

Jonathan walked out of the room, Ignoring all of the consufed and scared, or in some cases excited reactions of the other students. He wanted to make sure he got a good room, what was going on could sink in later.

Misa sat in the corner, trying to make sense of what was going on. What does he mean we have to kill someone, what's going on?
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Kaede pulled put her knife out as everyone began to leave. She pulled her feet off the desk, and twirled it round and round, admiring its glint in the dim light. "Time to find my room!" She announced to the now empty room.

Hana, made her way to a bedroom, Asuna weeping silently behind her. "Kill her. Kill her now. Like you were told." The voice whispered. "Kill the girl. Kill Asuna. Kill." Quickly, she ran into one of the rooms, covering her ears with her hands. "Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She chanted.

Asuna knocked gently on the door next to Hana's, waiting to see if the room was taken or not. "H...Hello...?"
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James looked shocked, then ran to his sister. "Misa, we need to good find somewhere safe, some of these people look like real psychos!"
Vick smiled at the boy who was shouting. "Oh, are you talking about me?" He said, taking a small pocket knife out his coat with a giggle. "This game sounds fun doesn't it." He said then started to play the knife game song in Russian.
"Okay Misa, let's go before he comes near us." He whispered to her.
Miki passed out on the spot.
Alex had already ran off on her own. No way can I trust anyone! One wrong move and I might get myself killed! It's a good thing I've been surviving on my own before now, I don't need anyone's help.
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Misa looked up at her brother and nodded, getting up. James seemed to be the safest person to be around, at least she trusted him not to hurt her.

Jonathan took one of the empty bedrooms, and wrote 'JONATAN' on the door using a sharpie lying around in the bedroom. This way hopefully no one would intrude accidentally thinking it was an empty room.

What a load of wusses, Willow thought, having watched almost everyone freak out and panic. She was currently working on the logic that the bear couldn't keep them there forever, someone would find them eventually. Of course, that was unlikely to actually happen, though it seemed like the best way to cope with the situation.
James took Misa to the kitchen, looking around, then sitting at a table. "We should be fine in here for now." He started then heard a clattering in the kitchen and hugged onto his sister as if he was in a cartoon. "What was that?!" He panicked.
Vick bumped into the boy standing out side, holding his 'dark devas' (hamsters) in his hands, so when he tripped he caught them and hugged them tightly so the would not get hurt. "..."
"You're... squashing... me..." Misa muttered, trying to pry her brother off her. She was the younger of the two, more shy and more easily scared. If anything, shouldn't it have been her clinging to him and not vice versa?

Jonathan had just finished writing his name and was about to go into the room when someone bumped into him, making him stumble back a bit. "Hey, watch it," he growled.
Hearing no answer, Asuna entered the room. She traced the bumps of the wall and the peeling paint until she found the light switch and flicked it on. She flopped onto the bed by the dirty window, so dirty in fact, that you could barely see out of it. Looks like I got the worst room out the lot... The tears began to form again. She couldn't hold them in this time either.

Matsuda crawled under the covers, feeling slightly grossed out by the old duvet, with his coat still on. "Why's it so cold...?" He mumbled, tired already.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Kaede wandered down to find some food, still throwing and catching the knife.

Hana was still clutching her hands to her head, trying to block out the voices. "Kill, kill, kill." They murmured.
She squeezed her eyes shut too; a tear dripped down her cheek.
Vick held his hamsters, stroking them to comfort them after the trip. His voice was menacing and scary, the Russian boy having the scariest expression known to man. "... Apologise."
James, still clinging to his sister, crept over to where the noise was coming from over the counter. Then screamed she a hooded figure stood up with glass bottles in hand. "AGHHHH!"
"Shut up, not so loud!" Alex snapped at the boy, hoping over the counter and pulling her hood down.
Jonathan scowled. "What? No way, you bumped into me." he was already scared of the boy - who wouldn't be, faced with the glare he was giving now - but he wouldn't let it show.

Misa reluctantly followed James to investigate the noise, having no choice since she couldn't get him to let go. Isn't that the girl that kept yelling at him in the other room?