Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

Alex sighed, "I'm leaving-" Alex started to walk away, when James grabbed her arm.
"Y-You have alcohol!" He shouted, pointing at the glass bottles she had took from the kitchen.
Kaede continued until she reached a group of students. One of them, was stroking a hamster. She ran over to him. "Coool...Is that a hamster!?" She peered closer at his scarf, seeing movement. "You got a whole nest of them in there, or something?"
Despite the huge scary outburst he had with the boy, as soon as the girl next to him commented on the hamsters, his manner completely changed to happy again. "Oh, yes, I love animals." He giggled, "these are my dark devas of destruction."

- - - Post Merge - - -

"Oh God..." Misa muttered. "James, please don't get drunk... Or at the very least not too drunk..."

"Pfffft, who do you think I am? I wont get drunk!" He said, obviously he didn't even believe himself when he said it.
Alex grimaced. "Who said you could have any?"
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Despite the huge scary outburst he had with the boy, as soon as the girl next to him commented on the hamsters, his manner completely changed to happy again. "Oh, yes, I love animals." He giggled, "these are my dark devas of destruction."

Jonathan stared at the boy in disbelief. How was it possible to change so drastically so quickly? He backed away into his room, hoping the hamster boy would be too distracted to notice.
"Devas of destruction? Awesome." She breathed. "May I...stroke one of them...?"

Vick held his hamsters close to his chest. "I'm sorry, I can't let you do that, simply stroking these beasts is deadly. One single touch would set your hand on fire and send you to the bowels of hell for all eternity." He then giggled, somewhat convinced with himself. "One second, if you may excuse me." He stood up, went to the boys door right next to him, still wanting an apology went into evil mode again and repeatedly banged on the boys door. "Apologise, apologise, apologies..." He repeated in his scary voice.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Miki was walking down the hall, now no longer passed out, seeing a boy bang on the door like a maniac, "EEP!" She cried out.
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Kaede snorted as she watched the boy slam his fist on the door repeatedly. "So...You gonna kill him?" She asked casually.
"What the hell?" Jonathan muttered, staring at the door from the other side, as hamster boy banged on it. "Go away!" He shouted.

"James, the day you can honestly guarantee that you won't get drunk is probably also going to be the day I become the pope," Misa replied, looking her brother dead in the eye.
Kaede snorted as she watched the boy slam his fist on the door repeatedly. "So...You gonna kill him?" She asked casually.

Vick giggled. "Oh, only if he doesn't apologise." He then continued to bang on the door, taking out his pocket knife and stabbing it through the door.
"W-What's going on!" Miki asked afraid.
James rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah." James went to grab the bear, but instead got counter attacked, having his arm twisted around. "Ouch! Just give me the beer!"
"No way!" Alex snapped, then felt James push her back, making him topple ontop of her onto the floor in a very... Awkward positions.
James, despite being buried face first, continued to scramble to grab the beer.
"Fine, fine, I'm sorry!" Jonathan yelled through the door, as hamster boy became even more agressive. "

Misa started to giggle, watching James struggling to get the beer from awkward positions.
(TBT is glitching)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Vick instantly stopped at the apology. "Thank you for your consideration, I accept your apology. Now if you excuse me, I need to go to feed my hamsters, good bye for now friend." He said then walked off.
Jonathan waited a few moments, and then cautiously opened the door. The boy had actually left. What the hell was all of that?
Alex was blushing bright red, trying to kick the boy off her. "You're crushing me you jerk!" She shouted very irritated.
James was still scrambling for his beloved alcohol, enjoying this very much, but he would enjoy it more if he actually go put ahold of the beer!
(Okay gunna sleep, night!)
Kaede rubbed her eyes and yawned.
"Aw...He apologised..." She said sadly. "If you're not gonna hurt him, I'm going to bed." She raised a hand to say goodbye and went into her room. She stripped off completely then kneeled down. "Hmm..." She stuck her feet under the bed, then slowly slid the rest of her body along the floor, until she was underneath. She sighed contendidly, then closed her eyes.
Kaede was asleep in seconds.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Alex was blushing bright red, trying to kick the boy off her. "You're crushing me you jerk!" She shouted very irritated.
James was still scrambling for his beloved alcohol, enjoying this very much, but he would enjoy it more if he actually go put ahold of the beer!
(Okay gunna sleep, night!)

(Aw goodnight!)
James had managed to grab one of the bottles and smirked victoriously. "Yes!"
Alex go up and frowned. "Fine just have it if you want it so bad." She crossed her arms.
Miki was watching the situation from a crack in the door and said outloud. "J-just share it..." She then hid behind the door, to scared to confront them as they seemed very violent.
"Oh, what a wonderful idea." He took another bottle off the puzzled girl. "I'm James by the way, and this is my sister Misa." He started to drink a bottle.
Alex pulled a face. "H-Hey I didn't say that- ugh whatever, my name is Alex." She then sat on the counter.
When Jamrs started drinking one bottle, Misa snatched the other from his hands. "No getting drunl," she said again.

Willow made her way to the cafeteria to find some food, amd to see what was going on. There were three people inside, arguing over what looked like alcohol, and a fourth perskn hiding behind the door. Seizing the opportunity, Willow crept up behind the door girl, and shouted "Boo!"
Miki screamed. "EEEEK!" She fell to her knees in shock. "D-don't kill me!" Holding her head in her hands.

- - - Post Merge - - -

James downed his drink, Alex copying, trying to prove a point. "Hey! I bet I could drink more than you anyway!"
Alex scowled. "No way, I could drink twice what you have."
"Do you even know who I am? The ultimate mixologist!"
Willow laughed, then moemnts later frowned. The girl looked a lit more scared than she had expected from a simple scare. "Calm down, don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm not gonna bump you off..."

Misa sighed. As much as she loved her brother, she hated when he did things like this. Like getting drunk just to prove a point.
Miki screamed. "EEEEK!" She fell to her knees in shock. "D-don't kill me!" Holding her head in her hands.
Miki, still on her knees bowed. "T-thank you! S-sorry I don't wanna die..." She stopped crying as much.
James prepared the table for a drinking contest. "Misa wanna join in!"