Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"Nuh uh, no way," Misa replied. "I've had to deal with being aroynd you when you've been drunk before, and you're frankly just an *ss. I'm not becoming like that."

"Are you alright?" Willow crouched down, so she was at eye level with the girl on her knees. "I didn't mean to scare you so much, sorry."
Miki looked at the girl and wiped away her tears. "It's n-not you f-fault... I'm just a bit of a cry baby..." She said sadly. "It's just this whole thing is freaking me out... The teddy bear was talking! Teddy bears can't talk!"
Alex started to drink, and after only a few minutes both of them had drank 6 bottles.
Willow thought for a moment. "Don't think of 'im as a teddy bear, think of 'im as a crazy nutter dressed as a bear?"

Misa watched the drinking contest, starying to regret not joining them. At least if she drank too, she'd probably not remember this whole thing the next day.
"But he is too small to be someone! He is definitely a creepy bear!" Miki got up, then peaked though the door at the pair drinking and sighed in an infatuated sort of way.
"Yooooouuuu can't beat me!" James slurred.
"Shuuuut uuuupppp ya blue haired loser!"
Misa sighen and snatched up one of the bottles from the table. If she was going to have to be around two drunken idiots, one of which she didn't even know, she might as well be one herself.

"A barmy dwarf dressed as a bear then?" Willow watched the girl peeking though the door. "You alright?" She asked, wondering what was going on in the room that she was watching.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Hi SuperStar2361, I see you lurking down there ;))

I've just been reading through this RP because it seems like fun. Why must it be private ;-; )

(Caught you Muahahahaha
How are you liking it? XD

It's only private because we wanted to have a close group of people doing it, to make sure we actually reach the end rather than it fizzling out because people keep dropping out at inconvenient times)
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(Caught you Muahahahaha
How are you liking it? XD

It's only private because we wanted to have a close group of people doing it, to make sure we actually reach the end rather than it fizzling out because people keep dropping out at inconvenient times)

(Ohhhh, OK! It's great so far! ...This might sound a little creepy, but I can't wait until the first murder happens... XD)
Alex and James had now drunk all the bottles. "Ooooops! Looks like we are all out, who wiiiiins?"
"Shut your ugly mouth!" Alex snapped, "I wiiiiin~!"
"Ugly? In fabulous!"
"I don't think 'win' is really the right word here, " Misa pounted out. "No one who had drank that much alcohol within such a short space of time can really be called a 'winner'."
"Pfffffft yeah yeah! Anyway, Alex, *hic* you are a *hic* great drinker.... With a great pair of-"
"HEY! Shut your mouthhhhhhh!" She slurred.
"He's right, Alex, you really do have a great pair of shoes," Misa giggled. Having changed her mind, the girl had managed to snath up one of the bottles before they were all drank. Although not drunk, she was slightly tipsy, which made her a lot more open and talkative around new people.
"We could go exploring?" Misa suggested. "There's gotta be some cool stuff in a weird new place with a talking teddy in it."
(I'm gunna say it's close to night now)
Alex yawned. "I would, buuuut I need to rest..."
"I'll help you back toooo your room." James said with a wink.
Alex rolled her eyes and said, "No" then left the room.
Misa giggled again. "You really are awful with girls." She yawned; she was tired too, though she didn't want to have to sleep yet. Though if she tried to stay up, she'd probably fall asleep somewhere random.
James got up. "I'm gunna find a room and go sleep, stay safe." He smiled at his sister. I'm going to have to plan how I'm gunna get Alex to fall for this mad sexy beast known as me over night!
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James got up. "I'm gunna find a room and go sleep, stay safe." He smiled at his sister. I'm going to have to plan how I'm gunna get Alex to fall for this mad sexy beast known as me over night!

(Over night? I think you'll need some more alcohol to even come close xD)

"Okay," Misa smiled, yawning again. I should probably find a room to sleep in too...