Dangan Ronpa 2 - Roleplay (PRIVATE)

"...He does have a point, you know..." But then Calvin thought about something. "...Did anyone see somebody taking a load of b-books out of the library...? Somebody else could have done it for the killer..." he said, then looked at a certain someone who was involved with the first murder and the suicides.
"You were the last one found right? So you had plenty of time to kill Benny." Vick pointed out.

"That doesn't mean I did it! You don't even have any real evidence, you're all just picking on me because I'm the easiest target!" Asuna complained.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"...He does have a point, you know..." But then Calvin thought about something. "...Did anyone see somebody taking a load of b-books out of the library...? Somebody else could have done it for the killer..." he said, then looked at a certain someone who was involved with the first murder and the suicides.

Misa glanced between Calvin and James, seeing what James has been getting at. "James couldn't have helped, he's been handcuffed to someone the whole time."
Leigh was thinking to herself. What evidence is there? Did we look over something? Leigh was thinking to herself.
James sighed. "Believe me, if I was offered help, I would have. But unfortunately this time around I was not involved."
"Don't point the blame at Senpai!" Syo held her scissors, pointing them threateningly at Calvin. "If you blame Senpai again I will cut you!" She said evilly, eyes wide and mad.
"Ugh, shut up Syo, you are gross." James snorted.
Calvin screamed and hid behind the nearest person (I'll leave it up to you who it is XD). "I-I-I-I... I-I-I j-just thought... b-b-because of the... th-the other m-m-murders... I-I-I wasn't saying th-th-that he w-was the killer!"
Vick tapped the cowering boy behind him on the head. "Don't worry. As long as you don't offend her again in sure she won't hurt you." Vick giggled. "Possibly."
(Sorry I haven't been posting at all today, our wifi hasn't been working properly all day. I think it should be fixed now, though if I disappear again without warning that's probably the reason.)

Jonathan thought for a while. "The killer must have known exactly what they were doing... Poisoning someone rather than just stabbing takes a lot more knowledge about how you're killing them."
"It could just be someone who did a lot of research beforehand," Jonathan replied. "Or someone who knew about medicine and stuff like that before. A doctor, a pharmacist, maybe a carer..."

Asuna shufted uncomfortably at the word 'carer'.