Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

"Thanks... I can ignore him fine while everyone's together, it's having to share a room with him on a night that's the problem."

"Nevermind..." Jacob muttered, closing his notebook.
"Why don't you share a room with someone else in a 3. He surely can bunk up with Jacob and the tool." Helena suggested.
Zoe went to go fetch a plate of food for Gunter like he asked her, then brought her own, setting it down on the table next to Kimberly. "I'll be back, I have to go give this to Sir Gunter."
Chey watched Zoe rush around. "That poor girl. Gunter treats her like some sort of slave." Chey said sighing, Frances nodding in agreement.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"What is it on your mind cutie?"
"I suppose I could force him onto someone else. Then I might be able to get a full night's sleep for the first time since coming here."

"I don't know, it's just... Kinda weird, I guess? No, not weird, um..."

(Look, pretty colours are back!)
"What? How?"
Helena finished her tea and sighed.
Zoe sat down next to Kimberly. "What's going on."
"We are trying to find Andrew and Kimberly new roomates."
"K-Kimberly, why not join with Chey and Frances?"
"That could work, I guess. I'll ask them about it later. And I'm sure I could Force Andrew onto Hiro and Jacob."

"I don't know, everything right now is kind of weird. I mean, not just the whole crazy killing people thing going on on this island... Like, I've been talking to people. I've made friends. People actually care more about me than thinking 'what a loner' as I walk past... It's not exactly weird, I just can't think of a better word. It's new, I guess."
Hiro listens seriously before jumping onto Jacob to give him a hug. "Awwwwwww bless, Jacob yay we will all be good friends it's okay everyone is gunna get along fine. Expecially me and you cutie!"
Helena nods then gets up and walks off.
"I-I think she is still grumpy over yesterday..." Zoe muttered.
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"Oops... I don't think mentioning Hiro helped, she seems to hate his guts..."

"Aahh! Hiro!" Jacob squirmed in Hiro's grip, trying to wriggle out of it.
Zoe nodded, then giggled slightly. "I wonder why hehe."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiro let go, then got up. "Let's go get breakfast!"
"Okay." Jacob got up, putting his notebook and pencil in his pocket for later use. "By the way, do you mind if I use you as a character in a story?"
"Sure, go wild cutie." He laughed, as soon as he opened the door and walked towards the hotel, Hiro walked around the corner and bumped into Helena, knocking them ontop of eachother. "Urk! Hey watch- Oh god."
Helena narrowed her eyes. "You." Helena shoved Hiro off her. "Stay away from me."
"She's just being a grumpy cow." Hiro said angrily.
Helena stood listening behind the corner out of sight.
"Pfft let's just leave the ***** and go get breakfast." Hiro said walking off.
Helena went into her room. Idiot. Helena said, sitting on her bed and wiped away a few tears.
"That's harsh... I mean, we were kinda at fault..." Jacob muttered, though Hiro had already walked off. Jacob followed, to get some breakfast.
(I have to go get food and go out so I might be back later idk)

Helena wiped away her few tears and got up folding her arms, now calm again. She took a shower then went to read a book alone in her room.
"Hey. Not sitting with 'Cutie'?" Drew asked, glancing over at Jacob, who was sat writing something in a notebook with one hand while eating with the other.

(Oops, didn't see you'd posted Dx)