Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Chey caught up, also eating 3 burgers, then took a little drink to help her swallow.
"I couldn't probably finish anymore than 2... These girls are super good at eating burgers..." Zoe said happily.
Hiro shook his head. "No, there MUST be a ghost in there, c-come on guys, let's go investigate." Hiro said, not wanting to lead the way.
"What a baby," Drew said to himsepf, confidently marching ahead of the small group.

Jacob followed not far behind, more curious than scared.

As she started on a fourth burger, Kimberly started to slow her pace slightly. Since speed wasn't the main concern, it made more sense to eat slower to not cause problems afterwards.
Chey was starting to feel a little full, but kept going, eating her fourth and fifth burger at a fast pace, but soon started to feel a bit sick from eating so fast. Ughhh.
"Chey, are you doing okay?" Francis asked.
Chey nodded, clearly lying and continued eating.
Hiro walked behind slowly, looking around frantacly for the ghost.
Kimberly was now lagging behind in numbers, though her opponent didn't look to good, probably from eating too fast.

As they walked deeper, Drew heard a faint noise ahead of them. It can't be, right? There's got to be a more logical explaination... he thought, trying to convince himself it wasn't a ghost. He couldn't look scared in front of Hiro and Jacob after he kept calling Hiro a baby or he'd never hear the end of it.
Hiro kept walking and as the trees covered the sky, it also seemed to be getting dark. "D-Do you h-h-here anything g-g-guys?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Chey ate half her next burger, but then stopped, grabbing at her mouth. "Ughhh."
"C-Chey are you sure you a-are okay?" Zoe muttered to the girl.
"Nope! Nothing ay all!" Drew replied quickly, not wanting to admit he was actually starting to gey scared, particulsrly as it was getting dark.

"Shh, I heard something," Jacob said, hearing a quiet 'moaning' sound from somewhere. Is that the "ghost" he heard?

- - - Post Merge - - -

"She looks like she's going to be sick..." Blaine comented, pointing out what seemed quite obvious.
"N-No **** sherlock- ugh!" Chey stood up and ran to the bathroom, about to throw up.
"I'll go help her!" Francis followed the girl.
Zoe looked shocked, then clapped at Kimberly. "I-I think you won. Yay!" Zoe smiled cutely.
"WE ARE GUNNA DIE!" Hiro screamed, jumping Scooby-Doo style into Drew's arms. "G-G-Ghost!"
"Screw this, I'm outta here!" Drew panicked and ran, without even thinking about Jacob or having the common sense to put Hiro down.

Ignoring the other two running away like scaredy cats, Jacob moved closer to the source of the sound. That's not a ghost... Is it- Oh. Yes. Definitely not a ghost... Jacob laughed to himself, close enough to work oit what the sound actually was.

"Oh. Why thank you," Kimberly said, smiling as Zoe clapped.

"What happened? She started so well..."
Chey returned with Francis helping her walk back to the pool. "Well done Kimberly, I guess you win, I've just sicked my gutts up. Not literaly obviously haha." Chey grinned, but weakly due to feeling sick.
"It was a good effort Chey." Zoe smiled at her.
When Drew and Hiro left the forrest, Hiro jumped out of his arms, panting on the floor. "OMG THAT WAS SO SCARY, SEE I TOLD YOU THERE WAS A GHOST!"
Drew Sat down on the ground, trying to catch his breath. "Okay... You were right, that forrest is haunted... That was scary as- Wait... We left Jacob in there! What if that ghost gets him?"

"Well done anyway, you put up the best competition I've seen in ages," Kimberly replied. "If you eat a little slower, you're less likely to feel sick. We should have a rematch some time."
"Sounds good." Chey said. "I need some rest, I feel ill, I'll catch up with you guys another time." Chey turned and walked back to her room.
"I'll see you later Chey." Frances said, sharing rooms with her.
"So what are we gunna do now?" Zoe asked.
"You know, since the trial, I've seen more parts of the island open up when I was exploring with Chey earlier. I think we get more parts of the island after each trial, so should we go explore the new section and see if there is anything to go do there?"
Hiro took a deep breath, and full sprint ran back into the forest until he found Jacob. "I've come to save you!" Hiro grabbed his hand. "Come on cute let's go before the ghost comes back!" Hiro shouted then stopped. "Wait... I... I think the moaning sound stopped..."
"Hiro, didn't you and Drew run out screaming like little girls? Why'd you come back?" Jacob asked, smirking. I wonder if I should explain what the ghost actually is...

"Sure, I'm up for that," Kimberly replied, replacing the gum that she'd got rid of before the competition.

"I'll come too, not much else to do."
"Cool, let's go."
"I came back because I was worried about you cutie." Hiro said seriously. "...Anyway..." Hiro picked up a big stick from the ground. "Maybe... The ghost is weak... WE CAN STRIKE AND KILL IT NOW!" Hiro charged into the forrest. "I-I WILL PROTECT YOU JACOB!"
"Oh God... Hiro, come back!" Jacob shouted, running after Hiro. This'll end badly...

"Why the hell did he run back in? Great, not they're both gonna be killed by the ghost..."
Hiro swung his stick wildly, before it collided with a head. "GOT IT!"
"AGH! NO! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" Helena screamed, picking her own stick up, only in what seemed to be her underwear and skirt. "GET OUT OF HERE!" Helena swung her stick at Hiro, who had just wacked Iron in the side of the head, who had thankfully managed to get re-dressed apart from his helmet, but he had landed face down so they could not see his face. Iron rubbed his head, quickly putting his helmet back on so no one could see his face. "HIRO! PERV! GET OUT OF HERE NOW!" Helena cried, slashing her stick at Hiro who was getting battered on the arms.
"Oh my God..." Jacob watched in horror as Hiro attacked Fallen Iron with his stick. "Hiro, let's go, right now," He insisted, grabbing Hiro's arm and pulling him backwards, hoping to get away before Iron tried to get revenge with Helena.

Drew didn't dare go back into the forest, rather he walked over to Kimberly, Zoe and a couple others. "What's going on over here then?"
"W-We are going to explore the new part of the island. I think." Zoe said nervously.
Hiro was pulled out. "I DON'T WANNA DIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!"
Helena was fuming with rage, Fallen Iron told her he was going back to the room to rest his sore head and left the revenge to her. Helena quickly pulled the rest of her clothes on and chased the two with a huge branch. "HIRO!!! GET BACK HERE!"
"Do you guys hear that shouting?"
Drew looked towards the forest, hearing Hiro screaming about dying. "Oh no! The ghost got Hiro!!"

"Oh God, keep running. Hiro, what have you done!"
"Don't kill meeeee!" Hiro screamed.
"I-Is someone being murdered! Eep!" Zoe panicked.
"T-THE GHOST! OH NO!" Frances screamed when Drew mentioned a ghost.
Helena ran towards them until the three of them ran into the others. "HIRO YOU CREEP GET BACK HERE!"
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Jacob ran over to the group and hid behind Kimberly, the closest person to him.

"What the hell is going on? Ghosts obviously don't exist."