Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Hiro pointed at Helena. "She's trying to kill me!"
Helena was red with rage, catching up to them and swinging her stick at Hiro again. "YOU CREEP-!"
Frances tackled Helena to the floor and held her arms behind her back. "No! We can't have another murder! Stop hurting poor Hiro!"
Helena struggled, trying to push Frances off. "I wasn't going to kill him, just beat him up a bit! He- He-!" Helena went red, too embarresed to say what happened.
"W-Why are you a-a-attacking Hiro?" Zoe muttered.
"Because he found out what the 'ghost' really was," He told Zoe.

"Wait, so... The ghost was Helena?" Kimberly asked. Does he mean what I think?
Helena blushed red. "P-Please let me go!" She stuttered, not wanting to say what happened out loud. "It was just a simple misunderstanding." Helena said calmly. "Now let me smash his face!" She shouted.
Hiro hid behind Jacob who was hiding behind Kimberly. "Not the face!"
Zoe looked between everyone nervously.
"I'm not letting you go untill someone tells me what was going on."
Helena stubbonly refused to open her mouth, going red.
Maybe we should go back elsewhere till this calms down... Jacob thought. He turned around to Hiro who was hiding behind him. He pulled on his arm, guesturing to go up to Jacob's room to get away from Helena.

Kimberly put a hand to her mouth, trying to stifle a laugh as she figured out what was going on.
"Look, Hiro was just being a creep he was... He hit Fallen Iron with a branch, he should be the one on the ground not me!"
Frances grabbed Hiro with her spare arm away from Jacob and pushed Hiro onto the ground too. "WHY DID YOU HIT HIM WITH A STICK?!"
"I thought it was a ghost!"
"Can someone explain to me what this ghost was?!"
Zoe stood mumbling to herself. "...It was probably you know..." She muttered to herself.
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"I'm confused. There wasn't a ghost? We heard it!" Drew looked around at the others, trying to work out what was going on as he hadn't quite caught on yet.

"Helena and Fallen Iron were in the forest together doing 'something' that made them make weird noises that sounded like a ghost," She explained
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"Oh." Frances let the two go. "Okay... REALLY?!"
Helen stood up, brushing dust off her. "Okay can we drop it now-"
Helena kicked Hiro in the nuts, with a red face. "CAN. WE. DROP. IT."
Hiro fell to his knees. "OUCH! That was uncalled for!"
"N-No, I would say that was called for."
Kimberly burst out laughing, unable to stifle it this time.

"That was a bit far..." Jacob knealt down next to Hiro. "Are you okay?"
Helena huffed angry, storming off upset. "**** you Hiro, don't dare speak to me again!"
"It's not '****' me it's '****' Fallen Iron!" Hiro laughed, then returned to the pain. "Ouch..."
Zoe looked between them, then chased after Helena. "Helena it's okay!"
Frances just stood there. "And I'm going to go to bed, it's getting late, night guys."
"Does being kicked in the downstairs area really hurt all that much or is he just a wuss?" Kimberly wondered out loud.

"It genuinely does hurt like hell. We should probably go to bed soon. Want some help getting upstairs, Hiro?"
Hiro nodded, getting up with Jacob's help. "Night guys...owowowow..."
Zoe managed to calm Helena down and headed off to the blimp to rest. "Goodnight Helena~" She said with a cute smile.
"Goodnight." Helena said pushing her glasses up and walked back to her room, falling asleep when she got straight into bed.
France lay down, sharing her room with Chey. "You feelin' better?"
"Yeah, did I miss anything?"
"Just the fact we found out Helena was getting the 'D'."
"Woaaaaah! Really! Good for her I guess!" Chey said and the two girls gossiped in there room for the night.
Kimberly went upstairs just after everyone else, grumpy about the fact that she ended up sharing a room with Drew. Once again she banished him to the farthest corner of the room for slightly more peace and quiet.

Jacob helped Hiro upstairs.

Jacob woke up quite early the next morning. He wasn't really hungry yet, so instead of going down to breakfast he sat with his notebook out, writing in it from the back page.

Kimberly headed straight downstairs for breakfast when she woke up, leaving Drew alone in the room.
Helena sat drinking tea and had a scone. "Morning." She said, still a little grumpy off yesterday.
(We need Kimberly and Helena to have a bromace)

- - - Post Merge - - -

Zoe took a shower in the blimp, cleaned some floors then napped on the couch for a while.
"Yeah, sure." Helena said.
Chey got up with Frances, got some food and sat on a table a few tables away from the others.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiro woke up and saw Jacob writing. "Wacha doing cutie."
"...Why do you always call me cutie..?" Jacob asked quietly, ignoring his question.

Drew got up and walked down to the restaurant, where he spotted Kimberly and Helena sat together. "Heyy, Kimberly!"

"Go away," She replied with out even turning around. "You talk too much at night, at least leave me alone during the day."
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Helena glared at Drew, still in a mood. "Leave her alone, go get some breakfast or something."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hiro shrugged and laughed. "Cos you are cute."
"...But... Um..." Jacob stopped, unsure how to voice his thoughts.

"Wow, someone has their panties in a knot this morning..." Drew walked over to another table since he obviously wasn't welcome there.