Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

"What?" Jacob asked, quite confused. "Oh, the book? Yeah, I read it a while ago. Why?"

Drew stared at Jacob, lost for words. What the hell? He's actually read it?
Hiro leaned in to whisper to Drew. "Well, I see who will wear the pants in this relationship."

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(Sorry for late replies I'm revising)
Drew laughed to himself, earning a weird look from Jacob.

"What's so funny?"

"N-nothing, just didn't peg you as a Fifty Shades kind of guy..." I haven't even read it myself, and he seems way too innocent...

"Oh. I probably wouldn't be, but someone recomended it, so I started reading it. It's pretty bad, actually. But I can't just stop mid way through a book. Or mid way through a trilogy, for that matter."

(Don't worry about it xD)
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Hiro tried to change the subject. "Annnnnnnyway, DREW YOU HAVE TO FACE MY PUNISHMENT!"
Monokuma popped up from nowhere. "Did somebody saaaaay punishment?"
"Go away stupid bear!" Hiro shouted angrily.
"How about you shut your trap Hiro, I've been bored sitting alone for a while, I wanted to see what everyone is up too, you know, SINCE NO ONE HAS KILLED ANYONE IN A WHILE!" Monokuma shouted.
"Aww come on? Why do I lose? It's still one of the books!"

"What are you guys talking about?" Jacob asked, ignoring Monokuma.
Monokuma laughs at Drew. "Phuhuhuhuhu, yeah, I say BOTH you and Hiro lost, so the pair of you should do the punishment."
"Hey! Shut up, why are you ganging up on me!"
"Well you did call me stupid bear about five seconds ago."
"No way, I don't want to have to do that!"

"Can someone explain what the punishment is even for?"
Monokuma crosses his arms. "Shut up Andrew, I'm the boss here so you gotta do what I say!" Monokuma argues. "Now, I'll go pick the 5 foods and get a blender. Andrew you can explain to Jacob. Be right back guys don't go anywhere. Or I'll kill you!" Monokuma said cheerily before disappearing into the depths of the store..
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"Uh... Before you came back, we were talking about what book you'd get. And we bet on it. Now everyone's being fussy about the details," Drew explained. "The loser has to drink a smoothie made from any 5 ingredients blended together.

"And you both lost? Hmm." Jacob glanced in the direction Monokuma went, grinning. "I wonder what foods he's getting..."
"I'm baaaaaaack!" Monokuma appeared again.
"How the hell were you so fast?! You took less than 30 seconds! Wait, to be honest nothing you do makes sense so why am I even asking, sigh." Hiro face palmed.
Monokuma dropped each piece of food in one by one before turning on the blender. "Marmite, Sardines, orange juice, ginger and for good measure a little bit of washing up liquid!"
"Is that even safe to eat?" Jacob wondered out loud.

"Nuh uh. I am not drinking anything from that blender if those are the ingredients."
"Don't worry it won't kill you. I promise." Monokuma poured two glasses and handed it to them.
"Like I'd believe ANYTHING you say!"
"Whatever, just drink, and if you're that bothered, you only need to drink one BIG gulp."
"But it looks revolting, I think I'm gonna throw up already..." Drew complained.

"The more you think about it, the worse it'll be. Just drink already!"
I can do this, I'm a man. I can impress Jacob with my manliness, I can do it, I'm a man, the manliest man there is! Hiro grabbed the cup confidently and put it to his lips. I can do it, watch me Jacob, I'm man- urk! As soon as Hiro took his gulp, he instantly spat in out everywhere, eyes wide and tongue out, dropping the glass on the floor. "URGHHHHH THATS THE GROSSEST F***ING THING I HAVE EVER TASTED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE IM GUNNA PUKE UGHHH!"

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Monokuma laughed evily. "PHUHUHUHUHU!"
Jacob put a hand to his mouth, trying not to laugh too loud.

Drew watched in horror as Hiro tried to take a drink. Come on, I can do this, I'm better than he is. He took a few deep breaths, closed his eyes and drank some of the awful concoction, swallowing it straight away. "OH MY GOD THAT'S DISGUSTING!! Wait, I did it! I swallowed some-" Drew stopped abruptly, clamping a hand over his mouth. Oh God I'm gonna puke!
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Hiro started grabbing his stomach. "I would rather be kicked in the b*lls again than drink another drop!"
Speaking of the devil, at that moment Helena and Zoe walked into the shop happily talking to each other. "So which section do you think sells those cake decorations you wanted?"
Zoe smiled happily. "Thanks for coming with me, I didn't want to go alone and I wanted another persons opinion before I bought anything."
"No problem, one of the five businesses I run is infact an international coffee shop that sells cakes, so I can give you an expert opinion-" Helena was smiling happily with Zoe until she saw the boys, and her face dropped to her usual sullen look. "Oh. Look who's here."
"Omg does the world hate me?!" Hiro shouted.
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Please say this place has a bathroom! Drew quickly glanced around and then ran off in the direction of the restrooms, his hand still covering his mouth.

Oh God, Helena is here... Jacob found himself subconsciously shifting his grip on the two books he had to hide the titles, given what sprung from it the last time.
Hiro knew that if Helena attacked or even so much as touched him, he would most likely puke all over. "Helena... I'm sorry about before, I mean it."
Helena looked at him grimly through her red glasses, then walked off into the store with Zoe. "Fine, just don't talk to me."
Once Helena walked off, Hiro sighed and whispered. "Phew... I've been saved-"
"Lol nope!" Monokuma gave a firm kick into Hiro's parts, and Hiro instantly threw up on his mouth, luckily catching it with his hands before he ran following Drew to the bathroom.
Jacob burst out laughing, watching Hiro run off. "That was cruel...." He told Monokuma, though he found it quite amusing anyway.