Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

Hiro shook his head. "Not as formal as stuits, but not as casual as are usual clothes, like smart stuff you know." Hiro said. (Let's say it is a smart dress code)
"Oh. You can tell I don't exactly go to many parties..." Jacob replied. "Will you help me pick an outfit to wear then? You obviously know a lot more about this than I do..."
"Yeah yeah." Hiro snickers.
Helena nods with a smile, passing him the breakfast. "Yeah, here, the party starts at 3 and aparantly we need to dress up smart."
(We can time skip to the party soon of you would like)
"Seriously. I've never drank before, you can't convince me to start now."

(I'm up for a timeskip if you guys are)
"Sounds good." Helena said and pushed her glasses up and took her side ponytails out and had her long hair down as she cuddled into Fallen Irons side. "I hope the party will be fun."
Helen finishes getting changed and kissss Fallen Iron on the cheek. "We should get going. We don't want to be late."
Hiro finished changing, wearing a matching white button up shirt with black smart trousers and a pear of sun glasses in his hear. "Ready cutie?"

- - - Post Merge - - -

Zoe get changed in her room on the blimp, wearing a puffy brown skirt and green cardigan and white shirt. She did her hair and makeup, making sure she looked cute.
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Fallen Iron: Yeah lets go

Gunter: Hurry up Zoe you're to long. I'm Sure Zay found Anna Frank faster zen zis, We have to arrive at exactly on time
Jacob changed into a similar outfit to Hiro, making them match. "Yeah, I think so."

Drew changed into black trousers and a white button up shirt, and headed to Hiro and Jacob's room while combing through his hair. He stuck his head around the doorframe. "You guys r- Oh my God, we all have the same outfit!"
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Zoe squealed in her room before rushing out. "S-Sorry Mr Gunter sir captain."
Helena walks with Fallen Iron to the entrance of the restraunt. Chev stands at the door on guard.
Chev stops them before they enter. "Before you can come in I need to check if you have any weapons, so I need to give you a pat down. Own up to any weapons please."
Fallen Iron: I sorry you cant have them It is against my oath and religion to leave myself in full ballet gear without a weapon, I hope you can respect that

Gunter: Goooood
Fallen Iron: Well how about I guard the weapons so we are both happy and on condition that Helena can come and see me when she pleases
Kimberly headed down to the restaurant, wearing a purple pleated skirt and lilac tee. As she passed one of the rooms, she saw Drew, Hiro and Jacob. "Come on slowpokes, you're gonna be late," she said as she walked past.