(I'm back if you are, Ben is back now but he will be on the RP tomorrow so let's get it to the point everyone is in bed and we can do the party with Ben tomorrow)
Drew stood by the sink, using his hands to get mouthfuls of water to rinse his mouth out with. "I'm blaming Jacob for this... Why the hell does he have the second book?" He thought out loud.
~Jacob~ It's getting kinda late... we should probably head back when they come out...
Once Hiro sicked up his guts, he washed his mouth out and went back to Jacob. "Lets go to bed, it's getting dark and I might faint from this traumatic experience."
Helena and Zoe found what they needed and they waved goodbye, Helena going to bed, and Zoe finishing baking her cakes, then going to the blimp to clean and then sleep. Chev was hanging the party decorations while France's set out the tables and chairs, putting coloured cloth over them to make them pretty. Chev smiled. "This will all look great for tomorrow! Now let's go get some rest." Chey left the restraunt and locked the door before going to sleep.
Drew caught up to the others as they headed back to the hotel. "For the record, Jacob, I'm blaming that on you for having such a weird choice in books."
Hiro pushed the cart full of alcohol to the restraunt, (let's imagine they got their while Chey and Frances or Zoe was still there to hand the alcohol in), hands the stuff in then goes to bed.
(Time skip?)
Jagob woke up quite early again and decided to read for a while before going to breakfast so he wasn't first there. He sat up and opened up Fifty Shades Darker, one of the two books he got the previous day.
"Eh, it's bot bad... I probably wouldn't bother reading this one if the plot didn't follow along fron the first one, but I can't just stop in the middle of the trilogy," Jacob replied, not looking up.
Hiro nodded. "Hmm, I understand." Hiro rolled around on his bed before getting up and heading to the door. "The bottom floor of the restraunt is off limits aparanrly until the party stars at 3 PM, so I'm gunna use the stairs at the back of the restraunt building to get us some breakfast and bring it back here. Most people seem to be hanging out on their own or in twos before the party starts later aparanrly." Hiro went to get some food for them. "I'll be back cutie."
"Okay..." Jacob replied. He'd already given up on telling Hiro not to call him cutie, it obviously didn't work.
Drew headed out not long after he woke up, leahing before Kimberly had the chance to kick him out. Leaving his room, he saw Hiro heading ot towards the restaurant. No Jacob? Is he still asleep? He wondered, walking along to peek his head around thd doorframe. He saw Jacob, reading. "You're actually reading that?"
Hiro went to pick up two plates and started filling it with bacon and eggs. "Yum." Hiro turned around and even though he thought he was alone, Helena seemed to be right behind him. "H-HELLO!" Hiro panicked. Please be fine with me now, please be fine.
Helena pushed her glasses up, nodding to acknowledge him, then went and grabbed her own two plates, the other for her room mate, putting bacon and sausages on before turning around and swiftly leaving. Hiro sighed once she left. "That was awkward..." Hiro left and started walking back to his room when he noticed Frances hurry past with Chev to get food too. Everyone seems so quiet today.
As Jacob looked up, Drew walked into the room and sat next to him on the bed. "Are you actally into that kind of thing? Like, as the guy in that book? Or the girl?" He asked curiously.
"Not really... Out of the two characters, Anastasia's perspective seems far more interesting though. But I guess it makes sense that I would think that, I mean I hardly have a particularly dominant personality..."
(Thought I'd make an awkward weird conversation for Hiro to come back to at some point xD)
Jacob dog-eared his page before closing it, then put it down.
"Seeya later then. I'm gonna go get breakfast for me and Kimberly. Maybe she won't yell st me if I give her food..." Drew got up and left the room, leaving Hiro and Jafob as he headed to get breakfast.