Hiro fell from the wall and blushed red. "F-FINE, I'M A MAN!" He rips his underwear off, but keeps his hand over his area. He scales the wall with one hand.
Zoe wriggles in her seat. "I-I don't think this is appropriate..." Zoe seemed to be somewhat comfortable with the naked man despite the other girls in the room looking horrified.
Helena looks shocked then laughs as Hiro's hand slips for a second. "HIRO I'VE SEEN COCKTAIL SAUSAGES SMALLER!" "..." "S-SHUT UP!" Hiro said then swang single hadidly from the light before quickly getting down and sitting back down, putting his clothes back on. "See, I'm not a chicken."
(Sorry I was watching game of thrones, I'm going to sleep now so I'll post tomorrow) Hiro sat down, downing about two cans in a row, not wanting to remember that horror story when he woke up tomorrow. "Sooooooo, Helena, truth or dare?"
Helena gave him a look, as if to tell him not to talk to her. "..." Hiro drank another bottle. "C'MONNNNNN!"
"Fine, truth." "When ya sh*gged Fallen Tinman guy was he annnny good or did it feel like having hard core s*x with a tincan of Heinz beans?"
"That's it, I'm not playing." Helena stood up, grabbing some alcohol and walking to the door. "SO I TAKE IT, THAT HE WAS BAD!"
Helena stopped before leaving, exhaling, then walking up to him and slapping his drink out his hand. "No, it was great, so great in fact we did it twice in one day and for the record his d*ck is about 100 times bigger than yours." Helena turned round, feeling proud of herself and flicked her hair as she left. "................." Hiro sat there in shock. "I-I don't wanna be r-rude Hiro but I t-think that is what people call a burn." "HIRO JUST GOT BURNED!" "Need some ointment for that burn?" Chev and Frances laughed.
Drew got himself another beer, handing one to Jacob as well despite not wanting to drink. "Trust me dude, if you're gonna play truth or dare, you want to drink."