Dangan Ronpa - Roleplay [PRIVATE]

(Can we have Drew matching there outfits, I just imagine the three of them at the part walking there swaggering there to the song Uptown Funk XD )

Chev nods and grins. "No problem, but you can't interact with anyone else in the party unless you are weapon free. Go to the office up ahead on the right and I'll drop all the stuff off for you to guard once everyone has arrived. It's the second door on the right, the first is the storage room but it's locked."
(Omg okay xD)

"I'm going now. You guys coming?"Drew asked, walking to the door.

"Yeah," Jacob replied, following. "What are the odds of us all matching?"
Helena kisses Fallen Iron on the cheek. "I'll try to see you often and I'll bring you some food."

Hiro nodded then smirked when he saw the whole crew on point, flipping his shades over his eyes as he walked ahead of the rest, swagger in his walk as he hums and sings to himself. "This hit, that ice cold, Michelle Pfeiffer, that white gold. This one, for them hood girls, them good girls Straight masterpieces, Stylin', while in, Livin' it up in the city, Got Chucks on with Saint Laurent gotta kiss myself I'm so pretty."
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Jacob laughed quietly, walking along behind the others.

As they neared the restaurant, Drew spotted a few of the girls standing outside, including Cheyenne. "Yo, ladies, why is everyone outside?"
"I'm patting everyone down to make sure no one has any weapons, Fallen Iron will be gaurding them in the office." Chey said. "Frances, Helena and Blaine (I assume since he is once again forgot about) are in the hall."
(Oops, yeah, I forgot about him)

Kimberly joined the rest of the group. "Is a pat down really necessary?"
Chev nodded with a grin. "Yup, if non of us have weapons, then no one can get hurt!" Chev patted the three down. "You're all clear."
"So, Jacob, what are you drinking?" Drew asked, walking in after the group had been patted down.

"Anything without alcohol. Like I said to Hiro, I've not drunk before, I'm not starting now."
Chev narrows her eyes. "It's Chev. Anyway," she smiles. "I have to confiscate any weapons and give you a pat down." Zoe comes up clear then Chev finds a gun on Gunter. "No, you can't bring this in, I'll have it guarded in the office, you may enter."
"I don't care, you are not having it in a party."
Helena watched the others walk in, taping her fingers on the round table she sat at. The room was very large, with tables in the centre and around the sides of the rooms with lots of pretty decorations.
Zoe tugs weakly at Gunters arm. "L-let's just d-drop it G-Gunter sir please don't g-get angry..."
Frances sat next to Helena and Blaine. "Welcome, the booze is set out around the room, once you got yourself a drink I was thinking about everyone playing truth or dare if that's cool."
"Fine, part pooper, I'll find you some lemonade or something," Drew said, heading over to one of the tables for drinks.

Kimberly sat down near the others. "Sounds fun." She popped a piece of gum in her mouth.
Zoe gets in and sits down at the table with a nervous smile.
Hiro sits down and starts the game, Chev dropped the weapons off with Fallen Iron and entered the room. Hiro smiled. "Okay I'll go first... Gunter truth or dare."
Drew Sat down in an empty seat next to Jacob, handing him a glass of 'lemonade' in a stupid plastic party cup he found, while he opened a bottle of beer for himself.

(Hint: not all lemonade, he's gotta get drunk somehow)