Dark Army

Ohh and Pikmin,

that mission spec is ok for now but i want it to be more like a story next time.

That is old school RPGing LOL :lol:
SPORGE27 said:
Ohh and Pikmin,

that mission spec is ok for now but i want it to be more like a story next time.

That is old school RPGing LOL :lol:
Have you played EarthBound? That's what it's supposed to be like.

SPORGE27 said:
Ohh and Pikmin,

that mission spec is ok for now but i want it to be more like a story next time.

That is old school RPGing LOL :lol:
that wasn't an RPG

:p that was an Earthbound... mine would have been better

:p il probably write it once i PF

wasn't earthbound an RPG?

Because that is what I meant.

before the age of the internet and RPGs so advanced you need to forget everything else to play it.
SPORGE27 said:
wasn't earthbound an RPG?

Because that is what I meant.

before the age of the internet and RPGs so advanced you need to forget everything else to play it.
Earthbounds an RPG, just a diffrent style of one, turnbased, yet weird

You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
Me: rides up on llama
him: kicks me off llama
me: pulls out rifle
him: pulls out a light sabor
me: "Noooooooo!!"
him: "yesss!"
me: "ha! I used more exclamtion points!"
him: "argh!"
me: "are you a pirit?"
him: "no"
me: "ok." *starts to shoot*
him: blocks all with the sabor, and slashes me
me: gets back on the llama
him: tries to slash thellama, but cuts my arm off insted
me: has my arm cut off, and tramples him in blind fury (yes, I did, not the llama) (and no, I did not dismount my llama)
him: "ow!!"
me: "you got PWNd!!"
Him: Give back Prinsees Peach, or I will crush you!
Bowser: Hahahahaha do you really think I will just giove her back to you? What kind of and idoit to you take me for!?!
Him: I don't like to fight, but if i have to I will!*Kicks me in face*
Bowser: Umph you are goin to regret that!*Torches him with flame, then hits him with tail* hahahahah!
Him: I'm coming Princess Peach! *Slides under my legs and gets inside castle. Shoots gun at Bowser making him fall of bridge*
Bowser: I have failed...but mark my word I shall not fail again!

No one follow my advise this time! :mad:

Please write it like i showed next time.

It is ok for now though. :lol:
SPORGE27 said:

No one follow my advise this time! :mad:

Please write it like i showed next time.

It is ok for now though. :lol:


I did it like you said, it was in 3rd person. Since I am Ness, it makes sense for it to be like Earthbound.
Sir the there is a soldier killing off our guards. What do you want us to do?

Hmmm, tell the guards to retreat. Our Dark overlord wants to see what I can do.

Right away sir.

*As the remaining guards retreat bowser steps right infront of the draw bridge.*

Hahahah you may have defeated my guards but you will not defeat me!

You are wrong! I will save Princess Peach, and destory the Dark Army!

Ha you wish now die. *tries to punch him but misses*

You missed! But I assure you I won't! *kicks Bowser in the Head several times*

Grrrrrrrrr You WON'T DEAFEAT ME! * Torches him with flame breath.*

Ahhh...You are strong, you are loyal, but...I am stornger....I am more loyal! And I will deafeat you! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh * Takes out sorwd and craks Bowser shell and scars his eye*

Noooooooooooo*falls of bridge* I may have lost the battle, but I have not lost the war, mark my words, I will defeat you!

PIKMIN042 said:
SPORGE27 said:

No one follow my advise this time! :mad:

Please write it like i showed next time.

It is ok for now though. :lol:


I did it like you said, it was in 3rd person. Since I am Ness, it makes sense for it to be like Earthbound.
You are ok because you posted before the example.
it is fine that way just throw in some story or something.

This mission will be knon as the Test Mission.

i will make better rules for missions on the first page. :lol:
You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
Are you talking to me?!
PIRANHA2 said:
i did it again last night


(note, last night was not the same last night as it was last night :p)

im wondering if i should do it again tonight

*Has armies of mods and admins waiting for reports*
let's see.
That mission will really only be a practice one so....

let's bring out a real one now.


One village that you had recently conquered is now rebeling!

They are all angry villigers armed with deadly cuccos, as well as house building tools!!

They are lead by a strange old woman who is supplying them with weird potions!

They can see most attacks coming from any side due to a large watch tower in the center of town.

Tell us how you would deal with such a threat! Also bonus points if you know where this is!