you cant get 80 in an hour... its not possible, it stops you at 60, and you cant post anymore for a while, til the hours overBULERIAS said:My record is about 80 posts in an hour. Maybe it's my fast typing skills, or my fast internet connection....PIRANHA2 said:i wouldn't call it spamming... i chat, the diffrence between spamming and chatting is spamming either is WAY off topic (not possible in Town Square or Bungalow) or is 1-2 words.BULERIAS said:No, to PIRAHNA.PIKMIN042 said:Are you talking to me?!BULERIAS said:You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
what i do is chat, thats when you add on to a conversation, you know chat... usually a few sentances, or atleast words...
thats what i do
but i start typing really fast that i get 60 posts in an hour