Dark Army

with this sort of a threat there would be three options...

1. Build a long tunnel and pop out in the center of their village, then attack... this one wouldn't work very well because it would take months or even years to build a tunnel that large.

2. build a catapult, then lay seige to their town until they are forced to attack you.

3. go all covert durring the night, destroy the tower and attack the next day.

i would go with 2, it would work out alot better, no chance for failure, being covert everything could go wrong


of, and for the bonus point, you are talking about Kakariko Village from The Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time

I would go it alone... I work best that way. I would come armed with only my psychic powers. I would turn invisible at night and sneak in. I would target the witch, preventing her from pumping more potions in to the villagers. After she falls, the villagers will be vulnerable, then I will attack full-force with all my minions.
You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
Hey! Chatting is fun!
I would go with you, but there is some truble with the castle I must attened to. If I need help I will tell you. Untill then good bye.
BAMBAM! said:
I would go with you, but there is some truble with the castle I must attened to. If I need help I will tell you. Untill then good bye.

:huh: Ok...

A little confused but don't worry you don't have to participate in every mission.
"Bowser has steals castle from princess peach"

:huh: huh?
BAMBAM! said:
you know it is a typo(takes out has) <_< can we get back on topic
Well, even after that, I don't get it... do you mean Bowser steals Princess Peach's castle?
oh... mr. Saturns new abitity will be saturns ray level 1

:) its just a little P-Shooter right now, and mr. Saturn isn't very accurate yet. but eventually with enough upgrades he can be very powerful.
PIRANHA2 said:
oh... mr. Saturns new abitity will be saturns ray level 1

:) its just a little P-Shooter right now, and mr. Saturn isn't very accurate yet. but eventually with enough upgrades he can be very powerful.


Yay! P-shooter.
PIKMIN042 said:
You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
Are you talking to me?!
i wouldn't call it spamming... i chat, the diffrence between spamming and chatting is spamming either is WAY off topic (not possible in Town Square or Bungalow) or is 1-2 words.

what i do is chat, thats when you add on to a conversation, you know chat... usually a few sentances, or atleast words...

thats what i do

:) but i start typing really fast that i get 60 posts in an hour

PIRANHA2 said:
PIKMIN042 said:
You spammer! I get my posts the good way, and you spam till you drop! You have to post INTELLIGENT stuff!
Are you talking to me?!
i wouldn't call it spamming... i chat, the diffrence between spamming and chatting is spamming either is WAY off topic (not possible in Town Square or Bungalow) or is 1-2 words.

what i do is chat, thats when you add on to a conversation, you know chat... usually a few sentances, or atleast words...

thats what i do

:) but i start typing really fast that i get 60 posts in an hour

My record is about 80 posts in an hour. Maybe it's my fast typing skills, or my fast internet connection....
PIKMIN042 said:
PIRANHA2 said:
oh... mr. Saturns new abitity will be saturns ray level 1

:) its just a little P-Shooter right now, and mr. Saturn isn't very accurate yet. but eventually with enough upgrades he can be very powerful.


Yay! P-shooter.
P-Shooters are fun




