Dark Veil 2

I order a coffee. I sit down and take a sip. You know...this'd go well with some biscuits. I stand up to go to the salad bar to get some biscuits. (NOW COMES THE TIME TO STRIKE)
(guys go on the irc and talk about katy perry with me)
I head to the cafe with the others, and order a venti Double Chocolaty Chip Frappucino, and then sit down with the others. "When did you find out, Alex?"
Alex nudges me, and I get the hot sauce, pouring in a medium amount so he doesn't notice, but it is still effective. I sit back down, putting the hot sauce away.
"You-you!" I run to the bathroom to fill my mouth with tap water to relieve the pain. I knew it'd look comical, but saving my tongue was my priority. I come back from the bathroom. Quietly, like my normal self, I started nibbling on my biscuit. While I was doing that, I was plotting my revenge.
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(Chapter 4 of novel version!)


Cordelia waved slightly as Alex walked off, then focused on Misa. “You don’t have to talk about this if you don’t want to,” she said softly.

Misa nodded. Maybe I should tell her...I need to tell someone, I can’t keep this hidden inside of me... She sighed, then started to explain.

“Remember at the start, when Raphael said that he was the only survivor of the previous generation? Well, that may not technically be true. My brother, James, was in that previous generation, he was a mage like me. When the others died, he went missing. No one ever found his body. So there is a possibility that he is still alive somewhere. When I joined here, I promised myself that I would find him, even if it is just his body...” Tears started forming in her eyes when she started talking, and they were down her cheeks by the time she finished. “I had to tell someone...I couldn’t keep this inside of me. But please don’t tell anyone...”

“Oh...Misa!” Cordelia gasped. “I’d never tell anyone. I’ll definitely keep this a secret. I won’t tell anyone.”

“Thanks...” Misa muttered, wiping away the tears.

Cordelia placed her hand on her wrist to comfort her. “...I guess I kind of know how you feel.”

Misa was going to ask why, but thought better of it, so she just smiled. Looks like I’ve made a good friend.

“...Hey, what time is it?” Cordelia asked, sliding her daggers into her holster.

Misa looked at her watch. “4:30 AM. We’ve been here quite a while...”

“Oh, wow.” Cordelia stood. “Maybe we should head to bed, we’ll be tired for the assignments tomorrow.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Misa said, also standing up.

“See you in the morning,” Cordelia said, and smiled. “Well, later morning.” She crept back into the room, and slipped into the bed.

Misa crept back into the room after her and climbed back into her bed, but she couldn’t get to sleep. She kept thinking about James, and if she would ever find him, and if he was still alive.

Lily lay in her bed, staring at the ceiling. 5:30 AM. Her mind was still reeling from the dream she had. And no, it wasn’t as bad like a monster ate her or zombies came from the dead, it was a dream where she stood in the middle of the streets, everybody there, but no one listening. She screamed, “monster,” but no one heard. No one believed her. But a dark shadow stalked the people killing them one by one. Latching itself from person to person, it thrashed from side to side, killing the people in a beat. A slow satisfied laugh escaped her lips before she could stop it. They didn’t listen to her and now they’re dead! Serves them right...

Then came the part of realization. She realized that it was pretty twisted and ironic. Then she woke up, hoping she was not twisted in real life.

Cindra was awake, but her eyes were closed. She groaned, and turned over. Her entire body and mind were aching from the previous day. The previous day. Her eyes shot open. She was in a room full of sleeping people. She looked at her watch. 5:30 AM.

It almost seemed like everybody was waking up. Misa chewed on an apple, Cindra stared at her watch, many people tossing and turning...Lily knew it was going to be a rough day ahead. She began to grow jittery staying still in one place, so she walked away from the mass of half-asleep people and took a quick shower.

Cindra cringed as she heard somebody bite into an apple. She sat up and began brushing her tangled hair. After her hair was brushed, she grabbed her backpack and went outside, away from everyone. Sometimes she felt so alone, but when she was near people, there were too many...What is wrong with me?

As Misa sat eating her apple, she decided that she could practice her new spells. She clearly wasn’t going to fall back asleep, and she couldn’t see anyone sitting up from where she was, so she assumed everyone was asleep. She grabbed her staff, got up, and sat in the nearest chair, looking for something to practice on. Noticing a glass of water on the table next to her, she tried freezing it. It took a few tries to freeze it perfectly, but she managed it in the end. She walked over to pick it up and look at what she’d done, but she accidentally dropped it, and it completely shattered.

Alex woke to the sound of the glass shattering from across the hall. No other Brutes seemed to be awake, so she lay in bed playing with her hair. She checked her alarm clock to see that it had just gone 5:40. Who on Earth wakes up this early? Oh well, I guess I should get up. With no one else awake in the Brute room, or at least she didn’t think, she decided to take an early shower and brush her hair. She flung on a loose black hoodie, her red skinny jeans and big black biker boots. With the left-over bubble gum she had the other day, she stuck it in and blew huge bubbles before flopping on her bed. She wondered what the others were up to.

Lily put on easy fitting jeans, boots with metal tips and heels, a t-shirt, and her favorite jacket on before slipping on a tiny white-gold ring on her finger. She covered it with her jacket sleeve. Her thoughts drifted off for a moment as she stared at the ring.

Misa fixed the glass, hoping no one heard her smash it, then decided to go in the shower, since no one else was in there. After showering, she changed into a pink t-shirt, a pair of denim jeans, and her trainers. Then she went outside, where no one would hear her if she broke anything else. She made her way outside to the pool, with an idea. She passed Lily on the way out, but she just walked straight past her, not particularly wanting to talk to anyone. When she reached the pool, she tested her idea. She thought that, if she really concentrated, she could walk across the pool by freezing small portions of water under her feet as she went, then thawed them once she was past. She started by freezing select spots, just to make sure she could freeze little bits at a time.

Lily heard the faint shattering of glass outside. If they’re smart, she thought, they’ll have picked it up by now, or mend it or something. She roamed around the lobby floor, waiting for everyone to wake up. It seemed that she was always waiting. She saw the pool area, and Misa freezing its water. It seemed interesting, so she went over. “Hey!” she called out. “What are you up to?”

Misa started to walk across, freezing the water under her feet, when she heard Lily. She lost concentration, so the next step didn’t freeze properly, and she fell into the water. “Oh, uh, hi. I-I was trying to walk across the water, but I’m not too good at it...” she mumbled, swimming to the edge to climb out.

“It seems that you were getting the hang of it though,” Lily said, feeling bad about doing that. She held out a hand to help pull her out of the water. “Sorry about that, you want me to leave you by yourself to concentrate?”

 “It’s fine, you can stay if you want...” She tried again, almost reaching the end this time, before she froze an area that was a little too far ahead. And she fell again. She was already wet, though, so she didn’t really care.

Lily sat on a nearby bench, staring absently at the ring. Her thoughts were drifting as she heard another splash. Her dream state was hard to get out of. Her hands kept nervously flicking towards the knife hidden beside some pills.

After a few more tries, falling in the water each time, Misa finally managed to get all the way across in one go. After walking away from the pool, she used a wind spell to dry herself off, then summoned a brush and blushed her long navy hair. She sat down on a nearby bench, then ended up breaking down in tears, wondering if James was able to do that.

Cindra opened her sketchbook, drawing her fears. After a while, she shut it closed with a sigh, and stood up. She decided to walk to a garden next to the hotel. She started just humming, but then she started to sing. She knew nobody was nearby, and she was out of earshot from everyone else. She began:

Sometimes I feel so alone
No place to live or call home
Nobody to hold me or dry my tears
I really want to disappear

I feel like I’m falling
Nothing to hold on to
Nobody lends a hand

So I stay alone, on my own
And I stay lonely
I can’t be strong
For very much longer

I can’t breathe...
She ended the song with tears in her eyes, and sat on a bench.

Alex decided to see where everybody was. She wandered aimlessly around the hotel, trying to find something to do. Suddenly, as she walked towards the garden, she heard a beautiful voice. Was that the Aura healer? She overheard that she could sing, but this singing was truly beautiful. She followed the voice and hid around the corner. She didn’t want to disturb her. When she started to cry, she decided not to disturb her, so she headed back to her room, humming her song all the way.

Cindra wiped her tears away, and smiled slightly as she saw a few birds walking up to her. She tried a few bird calls, and they flew in formation around the garden, making her laugh. The birds went back to their nests after a few minutes, but left her a beautiful blue feather on the bench. She picked it up, and slipped it in her backpack. She went back to the hall, and sat on a chair in a corner, humming to herself.

Lily traced her fingers as she silently walked throughout the halls, thoughts resting on the ring. Rounding the corner, she saw Cindra humming and sitting in one of the chairs. Take this with precaution, be friendly, give her some space, breathe. Make friends, she told herself. She took a deep breath and came over to her. “Hello...Cinder, right?” She stayed a few feet away from her to give her some space, being careful not to startle her.

Cindra stiffened slightly. “It’s Cindra,” she mumbled, looking down.

Whoops, so much for starting off right! Lily nervously tapped her fingers against her sheath. “I’m sorry, hello Cindra...” she said. “I heard you humming, it’s very beautiful. When did you start singing?” She hoped she wasn’t making her even more uncomfortable.

“I started singing when I was 8...” She nervously knocked her knees together. She didn’t want to seem anxious, but she couldn’t help it.

Lily sat down in the chair next to her. “8? That’s very young! You must be very talented, then.”

“Thank you. I don’t know about talented, but I try...”

“So how did you join, Cindra?”

Cindra stiffened again. My uncle. He hated me, abused me, and wanted me gone...I went to the only place I knew...She shook her head. “My uncle sent me here,” she said simply.

“Aha, well I’m sure he’s a swell guy. Why are you here, and up so early anyway?”

“I woke up early, and everyone was making so much noise that I couldn’t sleep anymore. And I’m here because I wanted to sit here.”

Seems like I’m irritating her. Maybe I should leave. Lily stood up and nodded at her reply. “Hey, thanks for chatting with me. You seem like a nice person!” She have her a quick wave before returning to her wandering.

Cindra smiled slightly, and then sighed, frowning. Why am I such an idiot? Maybe I was just never meant to mingle with people...she thought as she ran her fingers over her healer’s charms.
( I read the fourth chapter. I LOOOVE IT<333 )

(Haha, thank you :3)

(guys go on the irc and talk about katy perry with me)
I head to the cafe with the others, and order a venti Double Chocolaty Chip Frappucino, and then sit down with the others. "When did you find out, Alex?"
"Two days ago." I tell Fein.
It startles me slightly as he grabs my hand, but I try not to let a blush show on my cheeks. "Maybe you should try to sleep, it might help you get better faster," I suggest. "Once you're better, I want to repay you for when we went to that fondue place."
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