Dark Veil 2

I got a surfboard at a shop, and I headed back to the mansion. The swimsuit of mine was still okay, just a little damaged. I started to get on the surfboard.
I see a dock, and run across it, jumping in right next to Chiyoko and Aions. "You two need to keep it PG-13, there are kids on this beach." I say, and quickly swim away, laughing.
I notice Sam in the water and James smirks. No way.
Pushing us underwater, I swim under the surfboard and push him off. "NOW FOR OUR GREAT ESCAPE!" I shout before Sam could notice and pull one way, but Alex pulls the other and we get stuck. "Hey!"
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While Alex and James do their forfeit, I start to practise an ancient spell that I read about in the same book as lumen. What if this one does something weird too, like the lights in my hands? I think, trying to swirl the water in front of me.
"Awwww." I say.
(Leah hurry up and write chapter 7 I need plenty of Feindra)

(Chapter 7 won't be done until tomorrow... I have Soul Eater to watch @_@ But don't worry... I plan on major Feindra to come... AND some Cintay in the future.)
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Okay, now is the time to stand up and -
I for some reason get pushed into the water. I resurface, and I notice James and Alex, trying to run away as fast as possible. I concentrate my magic. Now is the time... The waves get larger and larger. I wasn't going to destroy anything or hurt them, I just wanted to see their reaction for a little counterprank.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Chapter 7 won't be done until tomorrow... I have soul eater to watch @_@ But don't worry... I plan on major Feindra to come... AND some Cintay in the future.)

While Alex and James do their forfeit, I start to practise an ancient spell that I read about in the same book as lumen. What if this one does something weird too, like the lights in my hands? I think, trying to swirl the water in front of me.
I lay back in the water, breathing heavily as the waves make me bob up and down.

(Your fanfic needs more Aions)
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The waves grow high and I know it is Sam who is doing it. Grabbing Sam, I dunk his head under the water.
Unable to let go of her hand due to the dare, I also dunk his head with my free hand.
"Water magic," I say, concentrating on the water in front of me, which is swirling slightly but it isn't doing much. At least my hands aren't glowing this time...
The waves grow high and I know it is Sam who is doing it. Grabbing Sam, I dunk his head under the water.
Unable to let go of her hand due to the dare, I also dunk his head with my free hand.

I immediately stop the waves. However, they were only holding my head, which meant I could wriggle free. I started to frantically move my head in multiple directions, hoping to break free.
We let Sam up for air as we were only being friendly. When he resurfaces we chuckle and splash him with water.
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"Sounds cool!" I say, opening my eyes. I stand up in the water, and watch her perform the magic.