Dark Veil 2

I go to splash more water, but because holding hands and trying to splash water at the same time effects your swimming, I lose balance and my splash goes all the way around and I accidentally slap Alex in the face.
(Oh yeah that reminds me I have another drawing by FoxWolf to upload later.)
Seeing as this was the perfect time for a getaway, I grab my surfboard, hop on it, and get on the nearest wave.
Instead of trying to swirl the water around, I settle for shooting spurts of it upwards, which is considerably easier.
After assuming the slap was an attempt to start a fight, I start to attack him and push him into the water. "Idiot!"
I try and come up for air, but Alex had pushed my head down under the water and I struggle to move.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(Oh yeah that reminds me I have another drawing by FoxWolf to upload later.)
Seeing as this was the perfect time for a getaway, I grab my surfboard, hop on it, and get on the nearest wave.

"Stay down!" I start to lessen my grip around James' head that was being pushed under water. Flying out the water her grabs me and flips me backwards into the water.
"Hey Fein." I say casually.
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Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my back. "Aah!" I scream, swimming away. I hold my hand against the location of the stinging pain. I look underwater, and a jellyfish floats where I was once swimming. "Helix, this hurts."
His sudden scream startled me slightly, and I swim backwards a little. "Are you okay?" I ask Aions, spotting the jellyfish in the water that must have stung him.
I flinch from the sudden pain of me touching the wound. "Ack-- Yeah. I can probably just wait it out."
I carefully lift up the jellyfish using telekinesis, and throw it over into a section of he water where there is no one swimming. I then go around to Aions' back to check it.
"Is it bad?" I ask.

(Won't be posting as much, gotta help my family bring stuff outta the basement. It's flooding :c )
Not seeing Fein splash me, combined with Feins comment, I growl angrily and leap onto his back, wresting a James into the water. "DONT SPLASH ME JAMES!"