Dark Veil 3

"Want some ginger tea or something?" I offer, hoping Shady has the ingredients for it. "It helps when I'm hungover, it might help you too."
I walk into Shady's kitchen and search for the ingredients I need. When I find them, I start to make a pot of ginger tea. "Alex, do you usually take sugar in your tea?"
Great, she's praying to the porcelain God already...
I finish the tea, and bring the pot back to the bedroom on a tray with a few cups. I put it down on a little side table, and pour out a cup each for Alex and myself.
I come out of the bathroom, having been sick and changed my clothes from yesterday. I flop onto the floor and sit down, clutching my head. "Thanks Willow..."
I wake up and go to my room for clothes but stop cause I see that my window is smashed so I say "who ever broke my window is trouble."