Dark Veil 3

I shake my head. "I'm the knights shining knight in only her underpants!" I giggle drunkishly. "No what do I change into, these jeans?"
"Bbbbut I'm the knight! I'm stronger, and you saved me from my capture under the clothes, so we are the bromance knights!"
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(I was in the middle of posting two hours or so ago, when I had someone knock on the door, it turned out to be Zara, Samantha and Jack who dragged me out the house (FYI I hardly EVER socialise with people), I was sexually harassed by Samantha, forced to hang out with people I don't know or don't really like, saw intimidating chavs on scooters which I tried to avoid, THEN I awkwardly snuck off and now I am home. I now understand what the 'cool' kids do these days. I think I will just Roleplay from now on and never leave the house again. Okay, rant over.)

"Why not?"
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"She's gonna have a pretty awful hangover when she wakes up though, I'm not sure what else she's drank but I know she at least had over half a bottle of vodka in one go..."
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