Dark Veil 3

(Timeskip :))
All I want to do the next day is just stay at home and mope around, but I don't have any cereal or anything, so I have to go out for breakfast. I hope I don't run into Vedette, she probably hates me after yesterday's incident... I think as I leave my apartment.
I go to the same cafe that I went to yesterday for breakfast, and order a piece of pain grill? fran?ais.
(Let's timmmmmme skip)
I wake up the next morning on the couch in Shadys apartment. "MY HEAD!" I clutch my hungover head and look around the room. "What even happened?" I hear vomiting from the bathroom. "Oh surprise surprise, James once again can't control his alcohol. Idiot."
I go into the same cafe as yesterday, and only get a few steps through the door before I see Vedette. Oh no...
I read the newspaper, and when I look up, I see Willow. My heart leaps, and I resist the urge to stand up. Better to let her come..
"Killlll meeeeeee..." I mumble as I crawl back into the living room and collapse on the floor. "Just leave me here to die."
"Get up, we are going to get breakfast at the cafe." I say and get up. James's mam has baby Misa for the week, since she asked to look after her.
Should I go talk to her? Yeah, I probably should...
I walk over to Vedette nervously. "Um, hey, Vedette... I, er, sorry about yesterday..." I say quietly.
I take a deep breath. "It's..okay. Really."
Putting down my newspaper, I blurt out, "You're a mignon
girl. I.."
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I go up to the window of the cafe, look inside and see girls. "GET DOWN!" I push James to the floor and look through the window.
"I think you broke my everything..." I mutter as I kneel, just out of view like Alex and spy though the window. "What are we even looking at?"
"Shhhhh, look the girls are talking. It's so cute!" I fangirl.
"Do you... er... do you like me, in the same way I like you...?" I ask quietly, still quite nervous about the answer.
I stay quiet for a minute, then stand up.
Oh, ce que l'enfer... I kiss her quickly on the lips, then sit back down.
"I hope that is a sufficient answer."
I can hear their conversation and I let out a little girly sequel.
"I don't get it..."
"oh... Now I see..."
I stand there, stunned for a moment, before sitting down at her table. A sigh of relief escaped my lips.
"When you ran out to the bathroom last night, I... I thought you might have hated me..."
I watch them kiss then shake my head, even though a day had past, I still felt a little drunk. I jump up at the window. "YOU CALL THAT A KISS? GET YOUR TONGUE IN THERE AND-" Alex grabs me and pulls me back down.
"Why would I hate you?" I say softly. "I just needed to trier mes sentiments. I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was right or not.."
"I've had girls date me as a dare, I've even had a gay girl dump me for a guy, I kind of automatically assume the worst when it comes to this kind of thing..." I reply sheepishly.
"Not everyone's out to get you. Surtout moi pas.." I look out the window. "I don't understand why people can be so hurtful to a person that cannot help being what they are."
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James tried to get back up but I push him down."YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!"
"WHY NOT I AM JUST TRYING TO HELP!" I get up and go to shout. "GO ON GET STUCK IN! MOVE YOUR MOUTH LIKE THIS!" I start making kissy faces.
"Stop!" I wrestle James and he wrestles back. We hit the window at the same time and we go crashing though it. "CRAP!"
"I know, it's awful..." I reply. And I know better than most, I've been called every name under the sun back in England...
The window closest to us suddenly smashes, and Alex and James come flying in. "What the bloody he'll are you two doing?"
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