Dark Veil 3

I turn around sharply as I hear a crash, to see James and Alex lying in a heap on broken glass. My face grows stony, and I stand. "Do you two have anything better to do but spy on us?!"

Suddenly, a chef comes out of the kitchen, waving a spoon. "Out! Out! Sortez!" he yells.

"We weren't spying, we were just passing by then a bird flew in our faces, so James tried to fight it off then we ended up... James, I don't think they are buying it..."
The chef come out shouting and I pick up a fallen pie and hurl it at him. "Hey, that was rude!" I still had alcohol in me.
"Vous ?tes une honte! Sortez de mon magasin, vite, vite!" he yells loudly, and I grimace. "Shall we go somewhere else..?"
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I facepalm. "I'm so sorry about this." I tell the girls. I then pick up some food and hurl it off the chef. I grab James and run out. "LETS GO! See you girls later!"
"Why can't they just be normal...?" I ask, resisting the urge to Facepalm. "Going somewhere else is a good idea, there's glass all over here now..."
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I take Willow's hand, and lead her out of the store. "So..should we go somewhere to talk?"
"I was originally coming here for a holiday, but I may stay here." I smile slightly. "There seems to be a park over there." I point in the direction of one.
I walk with her to the park, then guide her to a bench, and sit down.
"When did you realize that you liked girls?" I ask.
"Um, I'm not sure exactly when, but it was quite a long time ago. I think it started when I was in primary school, and I developed a crush on a girl called Rebecca. Though she tend out to be incredibly homophobic, I'm sure you can guess how that went when I told her my feelings..."
I drag James by the ear back home, but see the girls in the park across the road.
"Owowowowowowow, hey what you looking at?" She pushes me into a bush. "ARE WE SPYING AGAIN?!"
"Awwwww, isn't that sweet." I whisper, fangirling. I look at James who looks bored.
"Why don't they just makeout already..."
I roll my eyes, seeing Alex and James in a bush. "May as well please the crowd," I say, and pull her into a kiss.
"THEY DID IT! Maybe I could give them some tips. Maybe if I shout some more stuff-" Alex hits me after she finishes fangirling.
"Shut up!" I shout then drag him off by the ear. "You ruined it. AGAIN!"
She catches me a little bit by suprise, so I'm not expecting it when she pulls me into a kiss. It takes me a moment to figure out what's going on and return it. Shame it didn't manage to shut those two idiots up...
I pull away, and smile. "You are amazing, let me just say that."
"AND YOU TWO, GO AWAY!" I shout towards Alex and James.