Dark Veil 3

"Nah, attercops have more legs, that looks more like a neet buzzer..."
(Leah, I lost count of how many of those words I used...)
I wake up, get dressed, I'd picked a nice dress, since I wanted to kinda take Sam around for the day.
"Oh, hey Claire."
(Shipping twist begins here. If you like Jaire I advise continuing reading this post at your own risk.)
"Hey Sam. What'd you think of that party last night? I didn't get drunk, thankfully." I laugh.
"It was fun. Want some scrambled eggs?"
"Yeah, I'll take some. Bacon on the side, too."
"Got it. And what'd you think?"
"It was cool..." I look down.
"Claire, what's wrong?" I lived with her for 8 years, I know when she's bothered by something.
"Nothing Sam. It's nothing."
"No, it's something. You're my sister, I love you, I really want to get to the bottom of this."
Dang, he just read my mind. "You know...James?"
"Yeah, I know him."
"Well, I saw him making out with that other girl..."
"You mean Alex?"
"Yeah. I think I'm just gonna dump James now. He's such an idiot."
"Tell me something I don't know," I moan as I start cooking the bacon.
"Oh, you mean the chandileir?" I laugh. "Close your eyes. I have something for you."
I plant a kiss on her forehead, and put both my hands in hers. "My gift is myself. I want to do everything I can to make you happy, okay?"
"Wow... I think that's the cutest thing anyone's ever said to me... And it works both ways," I add, switching our hands a little so one of my hands is in hers. "If you're making me happy, then I have to make sure you're happy too."
After finishing a very nice breakfast, we both headed out into the city.

(CLS this is your cue.)
After everybody has split up, I sit there, bored. I decide to walk around town, and I see Alex. I say hi to her, then don't notice where I'm walking and fall into a pothole.

- - - Post Merge - - -

After finishing a very nice breakfast, we both headed out into the city.

(CLS this is your cue.)
