Dark Veil 3

"If you ask me, she is acting like a pathetic little child." I spit out then turn to Caylin who stormed off. I follow her close behind and place a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, that was a big speech. Are you okay?"
"No!" she hisses, kicking over a plastic can. "He's being an idiot! And to think I liked him.."
"Why do I have to be the victim of all of this?" I mumble.

"I think I'm the victim, I'm the one with her skull almost caved in..." I mumble before I walk off.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"No!" she hisses, kicking over a plastic can. "He's being an idiot! And to think I liked him.."

"Boys are jerks, trust me, I know." I try and calm her.
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My eyes flash a violent yellow, and I quickly lose my temper again. "I hate people!" I cry, dissolving into tears. "All they do is break everything..including me.."

( Yes, I know how dramatic this is. But she is upset, so DEAL WITH IT )
My eyes flash a violent yellow, and I quickly lose my temper again. "I hate people!" I cry, dissolving into tears. "All they do is break everything..including me.."

( Yes, I know how dramatic this is. But she is upset, so DEAL WITH IT )

(Such drama XD)
I hug into her and stroke her head soothingly like a cat. "Shh... It's okay, being heartbroken is a horrible experience."
"You're not the one who was tortured to the point of breaking! You're not the one that was experimented on!" Those doctors..those people..those scientist..ruined my heart.
"Nobody told you? I didn't leave. I was taken. They wanted to know why I was like this..they would do anything to know.." A shudder runs through my body.
"Caylin, I know what those people are like, evil people that is, when I had the parasite for most of my life, I was just like them. I know how horrible these people are, and I feel for you, I really do. I'm sorry about what happened to you, and having your heartbroken now must just make it worse."
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"Nothingnothingnothingatall. You probably think I'm a stupid crybaby who makes to much of a deal out of everything.."
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I squeeze my eyes shut. "IwishthattheboysthatIlikedwerebetterattalkingtogirls."