I shrug my shoulders. "Okay." "I might head down to the training room." I say, "Alex you should come with me, hopefully this time we won't be... Interrupted." I give my little sister a look, "If that's fine with you guys."
"Don't worry, I actually have something to do now," I reply, then I go into the aura room and collapse onto my bed, grabbing the first volume of 'Shingeki no Kyojin' from the shopping bag.
I walk to the gym with James. I notice we are still in costume. "Erm, it would probably be a good idea to change." I point to my Misa costume. "Nah, let's keep them for now." I laugh as we arrive at the gym. "It suits you. You are just like Misa... Whinny, obsessive and a little creepy." I chuckle and see Alex's face get angry.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I say angrily, but laugh at the end, slapping him playfully across the face.
After reading through volume one, which didn't take as long as I expected, I put it away and decide to see what James and Alex are up to. It turned out to be pretty funny last time, so why not? I walk downstairs, and see Fein spying on them, but I ignore him and peek through to door to make sure they aren't facing this way if I go in.
"No," I say trying to help James balance my long sword. It was heavy, and he could keep it up, but his possitioning was all wrong. "Look," I say standing behind him, bringing my arm around him to reach his, to make him hold the sword the roght was. "Keep tight ahold of the handle." "I know how to hold it, do you think I am 2 year old or something?"
Both of them had turned away from the door as Alex was trying to teach James how to use a sword, so I took that opportunity to open the door silently, and float upwards, hoping neither of them would turn around as I went up.
I roll my eyes. "Fine, be stubborn." I say leaving him to fail on his own. I take a few swings, but realise without Alex's help, I cant hit anything. "Whatever." I say passing her the sword. "Any way, your turn." I say chucking her my staff.
"I cant use magic." I say bluntly. "Well, let me teach you the basics." I chuckle.