Dark Veil (Roleplay)

I notice that my sister had completely passed out. "Misa!" I call to her. "Sis, wake up." I shake her slightly. I shake my head. I know what will wake her up. I use her staff to take an apple and put it up to her face. "Wake up silly!"
I hear Cindra whisper. "Are you okay Cindra. Wait that's a stupid question." I blurt out, leaving my sister to see if Cindra is okay. "Can you sit up?" I ask, trying to help her move. Turning to Misa I see she isn't moving either. "What do I do?"
What's going on? I think, as James checks to see if Cindra is alright. I've passed out from using too much energy before, but this seems different...
As I rest in my bed, I have visions. When I was in the fog and that thing touched me... Did something happen? Images of death flash in my head and I hear evil voices. My head hurts and I remember the day I killed my family. "No..." Muttering, I shake my head, to silence the memories. I slip under my covers and fall asleep.
"The fog..did this...Can't move. Energy almost gone.."
I whisper. Spots darken my vision
I try as hard as I possibly can to move, but all I succeed in doing is making my arm twitch a tiny amount.
This is so weird, what's going on?
I stand next to James, shocked into silence. I feel useless, yet I know this is the best way to help now, because every time I open my mouth, panic erupts from it.
"What the -" Taylor, run, run away as fast as you can. There's nothing that can be done. You can't help them, just run, now. I immediately dash on my heels, run as fast as I can, grab all my weapons, two weeks worth of food, and run out of the hotel, not even shutting the gate behind me.
I wake up, and I walk over to the garden, only to see Misa and Cindra, looking nearly dead.
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"What the -" Taylor, run, run away as fast as you can. There's nothing that can be done. You can't help them, just run, now. I immediately dash on my heels, run as fast as I can, grab all my weapons, two weeks worth of food, and run out of the hotel, not even shutting the gate behind me.
I wake up, and I walk over to the Aura room, only to see Misa, Alex, and Cindra, looking nearly dead.
(I think me and Cindra are still out in the garden...?)

I hear footsteps, someone running. What's going on....?
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(Alex is upstairs, but the rest are dying downstairs)
"Okay, so what do we know about this fog?" I say standing up and pacing, "how do we cure the illness?" I ask myself. Light... Was that the answer? "What if..." I pick up Misa's staff, seeing how Alex had broken mine earlier that day. "A light spell, maybe?" I point the staff at Cindra and it shoots out a little shot of white light. "Let's hope this works..."
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I am seeing things like I am in a movie. I still can't move.
Am I breathing?
Suddenly, a white light fills my vision, making me scrunch up my eyes.
"Yes!" I say realising the spell worked slightly. "Okay, James... Focus." I tell myself in a whisper. I focus as hard as I can to push as much light energy into my hands, they glow slightly. Think happy thoughts... I place my hands where her heart is located and push all the magic I can into her.
I groan, and turn over. "Too bright..."
Then I realize what happened, and sit up.
I let out a sigh of relief as I notice Cindra had woken up. "Cindra, are you okay." I hold her back to support her, in case she falls.

- - - Post Merge - - -

(If I don't post, my wifi has gone off :3)
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