Dark Veil (Roleplay)

James places me back onto my feet. I notice the sun, it is causing the darkness to fade. "L-look." I say weakly as James supports me so I don't collapse.
"Misa, fire spell, NOW!" I call to her.
My mind races, and I see Cindra look up at the clouds. What is she looking at... "Misa! Use fire!" I say, figuring it was worth a shot.

(Way ahead of you, just did that xD)

As the light from the fire shines on the smog, it retreats backwards into the bushes again.
After the fog retreats, I sit down with my eyes closed, trying not to pass out. I've used way too much energy in the past few hours....
Feeling like I'm about to pass out, I lie down on my back so that I don't fall if I do. "Not really... I did... too much..." I tell Alex quietly.
I turn to say something to James, but I feel like the fog had sucked the life out of me. I slump, "I don't feel so good." I tell him.
I stand up and extended my hand out to Alex to help her up. As I pull her to her feet I tell her she needs some rest. "Come on, let's get you back to the brute room." I say and help her back to her room.
(Okay going AFK)
I can't move. The thing keeps whispering in my mind, threatening, hissing....
And wanting me to join it.
I feel myself losing conciousness as I lie there on the floor, until I eventually pass out, and my staff rolls out of my hand.
I wake up with a searing headache. I got up, and went downstairs to practice to get my mind off of the headache. But first, I saw some of the others, looking like they were about to die. "Hey, uh, what happened?"
Even while unconcious, I vaguely hear another male voice near us, different to Fein's. I can't quite tell who it is, but presumably it's Raphael or Taylor.
After making sure Alex is ok, I leave her to rest in the brute room, she looked deathly ill. I head back to the others on my own. I find my sister, she looks like she is losing consciousness. I crouch next to her, "Are you okay sis?"
This is wierd... I think. I can vaguely hear everything that is going on, and I can still think clearly, but I can't move or open my eyes. I hear James ask if I'm okay, but I can't move to answer him.
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This is wierd... I think. I can vaguely hear everything that is going on, and I can still think clearly, but I can't move or open my eyes. I hear James ask if I'm okay, but I can't move to answer him.

"James...." I force out. "Can't...move...Misa too.."