Death Penalty

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*trevor said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
*trevor said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
Living is worse than dying in most cases. Prisons are like hell for some people. It gives them a lifetime to be stuck in jail and to think about the people they've hurt, the lives they've destroyed, the families they've broken apart. It all weighs down on them and makes them feel guilty every single day of their miserable lives. Death would be too sweet a punishment for those *censored.1.3*s.
It seems to me what you're (almost) advocating is a form of euthanasia. If the person would rather be killed than spend life in prison... what then?
Make them live in prison. It's a more or a torture. Again, if someone would kill someone, go to jail, feel guilty about it, and ask for the way out, it sounds both cowardice and like they would be getting what they wanted. And I suppose so; some form of it at least. Not intentionally, though.

And I do kind of agree. Someone that poses such a threat should be taken out of the threat list, such as... Bin Laden... Say we were to catch him. Most likely, (if we had probable cause), we would most certainly kill him. We, being the government, not us.

Scratch that, with the current government, they might force him to just do community service...
I'm sorry, but could you re-read your post and... like... make it make sense? Then I'll reply to it and your hackneyed joke.
Rambling, sorry. But if you're referring to my first paragraph, it's in reply to your "If the person would rather be killed than spend life in prison... what then?" Then why give them what they want? Sounds more like a good thing then a bad thing to me.
If it's like genocide kill them, I don't want people eating off of my tax money that killed a lot of people.
Mr. Phoenix said:
*trevor said:
Mr. Phoenix said:
*trevor said:
Quoting limited to 4 levels deep
Make them live in prison. It's a more or a torture. Again, if someone would kill someone, go to jail, feel guilty about it, and ask for the way out, it sounds both cowardice and like they would be getting what they wanted. And I suppose so; some form of it at least. Not intentionally, though.

And I do kind of agree. Someone that poses such a threat should be taken out of the threat list, such as... Bin Laden... Say we were to catch him. Most likely, (if we had probable cause), we would most certainly kill him. We, being the government, not us.

Scratch that, with the current government, they might force him to just do community service...
I'm sorry, but could you re-read your post and... like... make it make sense? Then I'll reply to it and your hackneyed joke.
Rambling, sorry. But if you're referring to my first paragraph, it's in reply to your "If the person would rather be killed than spend life in prison... what then?" Then why give them what they want? Sounds more like a good thing then a bad thing to me.
It's not so much the rambling as... it doesn't make sense. I can't figure out what you're saying exactly.
Numner said:
If it's like genocide kill them, I don't want people eating off of my tax money that killed a lot of people.
Hm... that puts things in perspective.

I guess the whole subject is a gray area mixed with morality, emotionality, and a supposed justice system ideal.

@Trevor: I can't really focus. Writing a report and trying to make some sense. :<
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
No one answered D:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
I was just thinking about this. :p
Obviously as a human my first thought would be that they shouldn't be living afterall I'd be furious. But then of course morals and all that come to mind. & honestly I'd prefer they suffer the rest of their lives in jail.
Pally said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
I was just thinking about this. :p
Obviously as a human my first thought would be that they shouldn't be living afterall I'd be furious. But then of course morals and all that come to mind. & honestly I'd prefer they suffer the rest of their lives in jail.
Same, in some weird way, I'd feel responsible for their death.
Thunderstruck said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
No one answered D:
I would smite the *censored.3.0* out of them.

but I'm not against the death penaly, really.

i think there's some merit to saying life in jail is a worse punishment than death, but eh. not like you really have to do much, compared to everyone else. inb4 people bring up jail gangs and wardens and *censored.2.0* nobody cares about.
I think yes depending on what they've done. if they've repetedly murdered then yes it makes sense because you would be saving lives by doing so. I understand how people say 'maybe they're mental and can't help it?' well it doesn't matter in my opinion they'll never learn and there's no stopping them till they're dead soo... I also understand how you say they should have life in jail but that's throing their life away too, they'll be miserable, want to die, take up room in the jail, and waste food so it's pointless (plus if i knew someone who has killed someone else I wouldn't want to see them so it's not they'll have anyone to live for)
Thunderstruck said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
No one answered D:
hm probably not lol one of my best freinds is the smartest people in school so if he's dead ill be the smartest >:D and we dont actually talk much and my other best frisnd is kinda annoying and i also dont talk o her so yeah lol but when it comes to people close to me... my dad isnt a very good person but i still love him since he's my most favorite person ever (my parents are getting divorced and hes the 'bad guy') even if i dont see him like ever, my sister pisses me off everyday and my mom well shes awesome :3 So that pretty much just makes me my mom and dad (dont get me wrong i love my sister sometimes so it depends on my mood XD and im not a very social person so my best friends im not very close to so please dont call me evil ive been feeling very emotionless lately since my dad isnt here...)
Silentshadow said:
Thunderstruck said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
No one answered D:
hm probably not lol one of my best freinds is the smartest people in school so if he's dead ill be the smartest >:D and we dont actually talk much and my other best frisnd is kinda annoying and i also dont talk o her so yeah lol but when it comes to people close to me... my dad isnt a very good person but i still love him since he's my most favorite person ever (my parents are getting divorced and hes the 'bad guy') even if i dont see him like ever, my sister pisses me off everyday and my mom well shes awesome :3 So that pretty much just makes me my mom and dad (dont get me wrong i love my sister sometimes so it depends on my mood XD and im not a very social person so my best friends im not very close to so please dont call me evil ive been feeling very emotionless lately since my dad isnt here...)
Pally said:
Silentshadow said:
Thunderstruck said:
Thunderstruck said:
Quick question to everyone against the death penalty (No real reason for me saying this, just curious.)

If someone killed your best friend, or the closest person to you. And was disgustingly proud of it, would you wish death upon him/her? Be honest.
No one answered D:
hm probably not lol one of my best freinds is the smartest people in school so if he's dead ill be the smartest >:D and we dont actually talk much and my other best frisnd is kinda annoying and i also dont talk o her so yeah lol but when it comes to people close to me... my dad isnt a very good person but i still love him since he's my most favorite person ever (my parents are getting divorced and hes the 'bad guy') even if i dont see him like ever, my sister pisses me off everyday and my mom well shes awesome :3 So that pretty much just makes me my mom and dad (dont get me wrong i love my sister sometimes so it depends on my mood XD and im not a very social person so my best friends im not very close to so please dont call me evil ive been feeling very emotionless lately since my dad isnt here...)
lol to sum it up i would only wish death upon them if it was my mom or dad and maybe my sister depending on my mood :3 and I know the question was to those against the death penalty but I answered anyway :p
I think if that person has purposely killed someone, then they deserve to die as well.
Yeah to be honest, the death penalty is like an escape. I mean, they don't really suffer, their life is just put to an end. And no one has a right to rightfully end a life, no matter what they've done
Depends, but after hearing/reading some news stories, sometimes I make a comment like 'just shoot him.'

Like the Rod Blagojevich crap, for example.
I a person shows absolutely no remorse for a ridiculously evil action (serial killer ect.)
and that same person shows no hope of rehabilitation I think the death penalty is actually allowable.

However I am generally against it simply because our justice system is flawed and often biased. Many people have been falsely accused, and if you give someone the death penalty for something they didn't do, there is no going back. Nothing you could do would make it up to his loved ones.

Fact is we have flaws in the system, and it lets some get away with murder while other get put away for no reason. But if we at the very least allow for that error, we can try to make it up to anyone falsely imprisoned.
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