• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Giveaway Debra's first HYBRID GIVEAWAY for 10 DAYS! / ENDED!

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I'd like to enter for day nine!

story; Today me and my cousin went grocery shopping with our grandmother. I carried a gourd throughout the store like it was a baby... I got weird looks but my heels were hurting my feet so bad that it didn't matter to me. xD I was only doing it for laughs ( I returned it when I was done, I wonder who's going to eat it...)
As we were leaving the store my cousin realized there was a trail of milk leading to our cart and that's when we found out the milk wasn't sealed all the way.. whoops!
That was a weird story to share haha. Thanks for entering me! c:
I wanna enter for 9!

Today I woke up at 1pm PST. Ive been waking up at like 6:30 for the past week or so, because school just started up again; so the rest was really nice. Im also not time traveling in my ACNL town which is a nice change of pace!!
Can I enter for day 9?

For a story..I suck. but here :)



Everything around me was small. tiring. I could have sworn I went to the right place.. I thought. The train was like 10 meters long, and it had the shape of a square. Could have been revamped.. I stepped on, not thinking about the possible things that can happen.
"Who are you? Whats your name?"
Should I? Should I tell, and risk losing? Should I tell information? "My name..I..My name. Its, uh...."
"Perhaps memory loss? Forgetful?" the driver said. "Oh no, its just...well, my name. Its-"
"Dont stress yourself, honey. Things happen. Hop on, where would you like to go?"
I had to think for a second.
"...I would like to go to Animal Crossing, please. The city, not state. I-you know what I mean, right?"
I was delivered a look of mystery-a confused look. "Okay. C'mon." I sat on the seat in the back, with a person. They looked at me, smiling....creepily. "Hello! Where are you going this fine day? Moving? Visiting?" It looked male, yet female. I guess all living things have female and male elements.
"I..Im moving. To a new town." I replied, still not sure if I should have. "Thats nice! By the way, my names Rover. Nice to meet ya! Whats your..ah. Thats right-you dont remember, yes? I overheard your.."conversation". But I guess I'm no gentleman."
Great. So he WAS a male. Behind him I saw billions, maybe trillions of trees. "Well, I guess so. But my stops going to be soon, so..early goodbye?" I ran over to the next seat.

The ride took 2 hours, but it finally got to Animal Crossing. I stepped out, out of the station, into the outside air that breathed in, making my fur blow, making my name Ankha.

I'd like to enter for day nine!
Right now I'm eating Teddy Grahams for some reason. I feel like a kid again; my friend is playing Windwaker HD next to me! Also, my dog just rolled over on to my laptop. The end.
There are less than 4 hours left to enter, so make sure to do so before Day 9 ends if your aiming for the gold roses!

I would love to enter today!

My story:
Today I have done loads of trades. I found Chadder in the campsite. I let him move in, because my town is food themed so he would fit as he is a cheese mouse :) his name is a play on chedder. I did a few glitches with friends too
I would love to enter for the golden roses!

As for my story, well I was sleeping and its really cold here, (like negative 6 during the day, colder at night) and I woke up to my cat scratching at my door. So I let her in and she sleeps with me. In the morning I woke to find 2 more cats in my bed. Dispite these cats not liking each other they were all cuddling together to stay warm. They kept me warm. :)
15 mins!

- - - Post Merge - - -

And one of the winners of DAY 9 is.............!!!!!
And the second winner of Day 9 is...

...Skyzeri, yay!

Congrats to you both :) Darkbrussel will contact you soon ~

Day 10 has started!

We have reached the final day of this giveaway. The last day more special than the second-last, with an amazing THREE winners who can each choose blue roses, pink roses or a mix of both!

This is your last opportunity to tell us an amazing story. So far we've read every single one
and we really appreciate it when you add a story! c: Please keep sharing!
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I would love to enter for day 10!

My story~

When I was little and living in Cornwall there was this maroon coloured plant in the kitchen next to the door that lead to the porch. Every day when nobody was in the kitchen I would sneek in there and pick one of the stalks and would eat it, I don't know, they tasted nice I guess!
I'd like to enter for day 10


One day at school I was having a good time. At one point I went to my last class and felt something on my seat. When I got up got up I realized I had a piece of gum on my butt. Completely felt embarrassed it ruined my day.
I'd like to enter please. :)
Story: Once when I had nine villagers, someone visited my town and I found a plot the next day in the worst possible place belonging to BERTHA. I tried to get her to leave for months, but it was tedious because every other villager in my town was a dreamie. Today, when I loaded up my game, I noticed my map looked different and started to panic because I had no idea someone was moving. THANK GOD AND PRAISE JESUS IT WAS BERTHA. :D I got so lucky, I could have lost a dreamie!
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