• Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

Giveaway Debra's first HYBRID GIVEAWAY for 10 DAYS! / ENDED!

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Please may I enter?
I woke up in the morning feeling like...no I'm not singing.....I felt sick
I can't wait to see who wins, I didn't know it was so close till it ends, I thought it was around hours xD
On the last day of this hybrid giveaway we had significantly more entries than the other days... Luckily there is more than one winner ^^

And the three winners are...




Ty so much! Can I claim right now?

- - - Post Merge - - -

4 pinks and 12 blues?

Sure thing :) Darkbrussel will shortly contact you (and the other winners) to arrange a time and place for claiming! I'll let him know to get to you first ~
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Congrats to all the winners!! Darkbrussel will try to reach out to you about claiming your prize - but if you don't receive a message, contact us instead. And make sure to empty your mailbox.

Unfortunately this means that this is the end of our first giveaway.

Thanks everyone for participating!

I hope you all had fun entering and sharing stories. I for one absolutely loved reading them. For a long time I tried to hold back on replying to some, because I thought I'd clutter my own thread and I completely forgot about VMing, ugh But now that this is the last post, what the heck. I'll try to atleast reply to a few before I close this thread... It's way too much for me to reply to everything now, sadly!

Story: I was out eating dinner with my parents while we were waiting to pick up my sister from a basketball game. They run into their old wedding photographer. He goes to shake my hand and when I take my hand out of my lap, my hair goes with it so not only did he get to shake my hand, he got a shake some of my hair too. I was so embarrassed omg.

I honestly giggled at this.

I remember doing something really embarrassing myself, when I was still working in a restaurant in Norway. I was born and raised in the Netherlands, but I moved to Norway for a little while to work. At the time, I hadn't been in my own country for several months and was starting to miss my family and oddly enough, speaking my native language. Occasionally some Dutch natives (probably on holiday) would visit the restaurant and I was the only one who could overhear them talking + understand it. Every time I heard my native language, I would secretly get excited about it... because I missed hearing it! As I was just working, a man and a woman came up to me. We chit-chatted a bit and they told me they were Dutch. I didn't know how to reply to it. I just stood there, smiled and did some awkward cheer along with the sound of something like "hhnnnngngng". Then when they left, I asked to myself "what on earth was that... why- just why did I do that?".

Story: I have been in a continuous war with my villagers over home decor. They keep filling their homes with bugs and fish, or selling their furniture in Re-Tail. I've been buying back their furniture and then mailing it to them. The other day, Bree talked to my husband (who also has a character in my town) about the wonderful Regal Vanity I gave her and how she could never let it go -- which is of course the same one that she put up for sale in Re-Tail and that I mailed to her >_<

Ugh, I know this struggle too well!! Why do villagers do this, haha. Flurry has been trying to sell her regal bed to me various times, but I'm like "Flurry... where are you going to sleep then?". Why is it always the bed/couch the villager tries to get rid of first? xD

I'd like to enter for day 10


One day at school I was having a good time. At one point I went to my last class and felt something on my seat. When I got up got up I realized I had a piece of gum on my butt. Completely felt embarrassed it ruined my day.

This seriously happened to me too! When I was still in high school, we had to change classrooms for every class. (idk if that's normal in other countries too, but anyway) As always, I casually sat down on a random seat. At this point I didn't notice anything, because I was wearing jeans. But as soon as I got up and ran my hand up the back of my leg as I did (it probably sounds weird now that I'm trying to describe it, but trust me - it was all casual still xD) and I felt something unpleasantly sticky. Apparently I had hit the Jackpot that day, so I had to excuse myself to the toilet and try to get it off .__. Seriously, who spits gum on a SEAT? I'm thankful that I was able to get it off and didn't ruin my clothing.

Anyway, the same thing happened to my friend. He was wearing a dark pair of jeans and the gum was smeared all over the back of his leg. I couldn't help stop myself from laughing. It looked so ridiculous. During our break I helped him get it off, while trying to be sneaky about it. No one could see that he had chewing gum on his pants or me standing in the boy's restroom and hallway. (Students weren't allowed to roam in the hallway during breaks) He was also able to clean his pants, thank goodness.

Atleast I had a good laugh while typing this story xD

I'd like to enter please. :)
Story: Once when I had nine villagers, someone visited my town and I found a plot the next day in the worst possible place belonging to BERTHA. I tried to get her to leave for months, but it was tedious because every other villager in my town was a dreamie. Today, when I loaded up my game, I noticed my map looked different and started to panic because I had no idea someone was moving. THANK GOD AND PRAISE JESUS IT WAS BERTHA. :D I got so lucky, I could have lost a dreamie!

OOOHH LAWD THAT WAS A CLOSE CALL xD Glad it all worked out!

my story I'll tell is the time I went to montana to visit some family one summer (&more). first off it was absolutely breathe taking! they own a bunch of acres of land with many things on the property such as: a creek that circled around which took like all day to float down, a big lake for boating and some fishing, a large horse corral for my babies, a big park area with tables and a wooden gazebo used for shelter, large lots for sale for you to build a cabin, a large gated entrance with a train that passed through the front (like ac, lolz), and so much more! during the summer it's beautiful and warm but at night you can still wear a light sweater, the fields glistened in the sun and the fish would jump out of the creek and greet you as you floated down with some friends and a can of homemade tea. so amazing. and I've been a couple times in the winter and the snow is extremely deep, beautiful fog covers the entire property and the creeks freeze up a bit and the fishes hide... there's lots of deer and you can see your breathe outside as we bundle up and sit around a nice fire and make s'mores... I loved it. I don't go there much anymore however, and it makes me sad, but just writing this makes my heart a litter happier... especially since I can remember such detailed memories from so long ago.. memories all I've got of that place now! but..

I do plan to take my boyfriend there in the future though (maybe this summer) and maybe even move out there though. it's just so beautiful, and isolated, and.. feels like home..

Seriously, when you go.. take me with you :p It sounds like the most beautiful place on earth the way you described it!

Last night was New Years' Eve, right, so I was drinking uh... water....... and the weather man told everyone to put their pets inside because it was going to be really cold. Well, I heard "plants"; so I went out onto my porch and took all the little potted succulents, one by one, and put them on my kitchen table. My mom walks in, asks what in the world I am doing, and I tell her! The plants're gonna shiver outside in the cold! They've gotta be brought in!

Moral of the story is, I now have like 15 potted plants sitting in the corner of my kitchen, and I get really empathetic when I drink. I love my plants.

HAHAHA! This is probably one of the most memorable stories I've read. It's a fantastic one!

This is it! We really enjoyed holding this giveaway and are sure to be back with a new one in the future! Enjoy the flowers and goodnight!

(pictures below are click-able!)

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