Delectable Delights

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Aug 16, 2018
Throwback Tickets
Sweet Heart Balloon
Purple Bunny Balloon
Pink Balloon
Sweet Bunny Balloon
Purple Heart Balloon
Pink Heart Balloon
Blue Bunny Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Pink Bunny Balloon
Blue Heart Balloon

The kitchen is open and you can already see quite the array of deliciously decorated desserts. Approaching the table, you slide your contribution into an open spot. You hope the other party-goers will appreciate your efforts. You've certainly made sure your dish stands out from the crowd!
Task 🧁

We want to see your sweet treats Animal Crossing style!

Create a dessert item themed around Animal Crossing or The Bell Tree Forums to share at the party. A variety of baked and non-baked desserts will be accepted, including but not limited to: cakes, pies, cookies, brownies, parfaits, sundaes, and handmade chocolates.

If in doubt, please ask.

Rules 🧁

  • Your entry must be created by you. Pre-made ingedients can be used, but you cannot simply add decorations to store-bought cakes, cookies, etc.
  • Your entry must be completely edible. No plastic toys, ribbons, or other non-food items may be used.
  • Your entry must be Animal Crossing or TBT themed.
  • Your entry must include a physical name card displaying your TBT username.

How to Submit 🧁

Take a photo of your dessert along with your name card and post in this thread no later than 11:59 PM EDT on Sunday, 25th August 2024.

Your entry has a clearly distinguishable Animal Crossing or TBT theme.
✅ Your entry is not store-bought.
✅ Your entry does not include any inedible objects.
✅ A physical name card is clearly visible in your entry.
If you used an in game recipe, a reference photo from the game or wiki in included.
✅ You have attached an image of your entry and checked "entry" on the attachment's thumbnail. (See this post from a previous event if you're unsure how.)

Prizes 🧁

  • Participation
    • 12 Tickets and 12 Throwback Tickets
  • Staff Favourite
    • 6 Tickets and 6 Throwback Tickets
    • To-be-revealed animated collectible
FAQs 🧁

What if I can't cook or bake?
We will allow entries that don't require a stove or oven. Parfaits, ice cream sundaes, or even milkshakes will all be accepted as long as the entries are not low-effort and meet the criteria of having a distinct Animal Crossing or TBT theme.

What counts as acceptable pre-made ingredients?
Small candies and snacks, ice cream, yoghurt, frosting, etc.
Store-bought mixes for things like cakes, brownies, etc are also acceptable.

Can I use small toys or party favors to decorate my entry?
No, everything on your entry must be edible.

Am I allowed to use cupcake wrappers even though they aren't edible?
Containers or other items that are necessary for supporting your dessert do not have to be edible. This includes things like plates, glassware, cupcake wrappers, popsicle or cake pops sticks. However, these accoutrements cannot be the primary means of decoration that goes towards your Animal Crossing or TBT theme.

Do Animal Crossing in game recipes count as Animal Crossing related?

Yes, I will accept in game recipes as being Animal Crossing related. However, please follow the guidelines listed below.
  • If you use an in game recipe, please link a reference photo from the game or wiki.
  • If the recipe is rather small and plain (things like the jellies or scones), please add something to give it a stronger link to the game or TBT.
  • Remember that these will be judged for staff favorites. No matter how much I might wish it were so, we can't taste them so presentation matters.
It took a while for me to come up with an idea for this over the past week, but I like what I conceptualized at least. Hopefully it will be practical and I can pull it off.

Looking forward to seeing everyone's entries!
Question: I have these little cookies in the shape of mushrooms (called Chocomont), am I allowed to use these as decorations in my idea or are those not allowed?
Sorry if this is a silly question, but is using stuff like premade cake mix/brownie mix/etc acceptable?
Okay, have an idea on what I wanna do.
Definitely not something I've ever made before, so this will be fun, stressful and hopefully tasty on my end.
Questions Answered
Some questions answered: (I will update the main post later)

When I say that your entire entry must be edible, I am not counting containers or other items that are necessary for supporting your dessert. Plates, glassware, cupcake wrappers, popsicle sticks or scewers for cake pops would all be acceptable simply as means of keeping your dessert contained and edible. However, these accoutrements cannot be the primary means of decoration that goes towards your AC or TBT theme.

Question: I have these little cookies in the shape of mushrooms (called Chocomont), am I allowed to use these as decorations in my idea or are those not allowed?
Yes, I had to look them up but I think these could be considered the same as Hershey Kisses or candy corn or things of that nature, so I will allow them! 🍄

Sorry if this is a silly question, but is using stuff like premade cake mix/brownie mix/etc acceptable?
Yes, you may absolutely use store-bought mixes. You don't have to make everything completely from scratch, but you can't buy already made cakes or brownies.

If I make plain scones from scratch based on this ACNH recipe, will it count as animal crossing themed even if they just look plain?
I was thinking that I'd allow entries based on ACNH food items, however this one is very plain and looks no different from regular scones. I think it would be better if you could find a way to dress them up a little bit to visually match the theme as well.
I would absolutely do this if I wasn't already baking cheesecake-on-a-stick for my boyfriend today.
Post automatically merged:

too many sweets around, y'know.
Minou's event entry:
  • PXL_20240811_205629135.jpg
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I hope this is ok... Tried to make British scones for the first time, based on the ACNH plain scone recipe and added a little twist to it (strawberry jam) to make it fitting for the theme (chose red colour based on the red balloon collectible).
corlee1289's event entry:
  • IMG_8247.jpeg
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Here is my entry! I decided to do a non-bake dessert for mine. It’s an island (mound of ice cream with green M&M) surrounded by water (blue M&M). On the island are mushrooms (the mushroom cookies) with bear villagers (gummy bears) with a coconut tree in the middle (the straw cookie)


Bonus photo of trying to sort out the M&Ms by colour and having all the stuff assembled so the ice cream doesn’t melt too quickly D:

Here is my entry! I decided to do a non-bake dessert for mine. It’s an island (mound of ice cream with green M&M) surrounded by water (blue M&M). On the island are mushrooms (the mushroom cookies) with bear villagers (gummy bears) with a coconut tree in the middle (the straw cookie)

View attachment 577533

Bonus photo of trying to sort out the M&Ms by colour and having all the stuff assembled so the ice cream doesn’t melt too quickly D:

View attachment 577536
Ooh I know that ice cream brand...I love the blueberry one.
Bob Zombie's event entry:
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Here’s my entry, a two-layer carrot cake with homemade vanilla buttercream frosting wishing TBT a happy birthday! I do most of the cooking/baking here at home, including all the birthday cakes, EXCEPT apple pie and blueberry muffins (those are Fox’s recipes 🦊).

Wish I could give everyone here a slice, we’ll make sure to toast for another 20 years of TBT!





Foreverfox's event entry:
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As soon as I remembered that Apple Pie was in ACNH, and even more so after seeing the picture - I knew what I had to do. I make an Apple pie at least once every two weeks, and I’ve made one the last two weeks in a row now. It’s one of my favorite desserts to make, along with Blueberry Muffins. I wish you guys could taste this. I’ve never had a better Apple pie. In fact, I think I’ve ruined myself from being able to get it anywhere else but me making it.




Apple filling all mixed! Skipped the progress of the next step - it’s a secret ;)


I wish I’d thought to get a picture of the dough as I made it, but I didn’t. But this is as I was rolling it out.


Lattice all cut!


I would have preferred a bit more filling, but last week I peeled 7 apples and only ended up needing 6. Today, I peeled 6 and wished I’d had 7. Oh well.


All set to go in the oven! I prefer to do a lattice AND streusel top. I mean, who doesn’t like both?
Looks like fun! IDK how I'm going to be able to make something with my lousy cooking prowess (I still need parental supervision T_T) but since I plan on participating in an many events as I can, I'll probably give it a shot, but I won't guarantee that I'm going to make an entry here.
Do animal crossing in game recipes count as animal crossing related? I saw it mentioned that for the simpler recipes we want to add something else to make it more unique. Just wan't sure if one of the dessert recipes count as animal crossing themed enough or not
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