"Yoko has returned, they cry."
I've only done like one or two trades on Nookazon in the early days of New Horizons when TBT was basically worthless and NMT was the desired currency, with the only actual instance I remember being for Gladiator Sandals. It went fine, though I found the process of actually reaching out to the people selling things kind of a hassle. Maybe I was just going about it the wrong way though. However, once NMT fell in desirability here on The Bell Tree Forums and the TBT currency regained its former standing, I've felt no need to bother with Nookazon whatsoever other than to browse items to see what things I still need for my catalog and that I might want to purchase here. The prices on Nookazon seem ridiculous when I can buy most of what I want here on the forums for very cheap TBT prices.
Here on the forums, both in New Leaf and New Horizons, I've had no complaints in terms of trading with people. Everyone has been friendly and professional in their dealings. Whenever someone's dropping off items I'm purchasing, I always just have them drop the items off in front of the airport while I'm standing by and watching. If I'm picking up something from someone, either they've laid the stuff out in the front of their airport as well, or they'll guide me to the items and then I'll head back to the plane and fly back home.
It's not impossible that there might be a negative experience here, but it seems like unless you're dealing with a really new member who hasn't been around long and might just disappear one day never to return, you probably don't have to worry that much about someone messing with you. This site has a review system where you can leave a review of your experience playing or trading with the other member, be it Positive, Negative, or Neutral, and you can leave a comment pertaining to your experience. Someone acting in bad faith on here would accumulate negative reviews and people would thereafter be likely to steer clear of interacting with them. Someone could be greedy or rude, but their short term gain could have the long term consequence of no one wanting to do business with them. You can see someone's reputation listed as Feedback when viewing certain sections of the forum like the TBT Marketplace, Nook's Cranny, and Re-Tail. Regardless, if you stick to reputable traders here who have conducted pages and pages worth of trades, you can feel fairly secure in your purchase being a smooth one.
Sorry to hear you've had negative experiences elsewhere.
Here on the forums, both in New Leaf and New Horizons, I've had no complaints in terms of trading with people. Everyone has been friendly and professional in their dealings. Whenever someone's dropping off items I'm purchasing, I always just have them drop the items off in front of the airport while I'm standing by and watching. If I'm picking up something from someone, either they've laid the stuff out in the front of their airport as well, or they'll guide me to the items and then I'll head back to the plane and fly back home.
It's not impossible that there might be a negative experience here, but it seems like unless you're dealing with a really new member who hasn't been around long and might just disappear one day never to return, you probably don't have to worry that much about someone messing with you. This site has a review system where you can leave a review of your experience playing or trading with the other member, be it Positive, Negative, or Neutral, and you can leave a comment pertaining to your experience. Someone acting in bad faith on here would accumulate negative reviews and people would thereafter be likely to steer clear of interacting with them. Someone could be greedy or rude, but their short term gain could have the long term consequence of no one wanting to do business with them. You can see someone's reputation listed as Feedback when viewing certain sections of the forum like the TBT Marketplace, Nook's Cranny, and Re-Tail. Regardless, if you stick to reputable traders here who have conducted pages and pages worth of trades, you can feel fairly secure in your purchase being a smooth one.
Sorry to hear you've had negative experiences elsewhere.