
I've only done like one or two trades on Nookazon in the early days of New Horizons when TBT was basically worthless and NMT was the desired currency, with the only actual instance I remember being for Gladiator Sandals. It went fine, though I found the process of actually reaching out to the people selling things kind of a hassle. Maybe I was just going about it the wrong way though. However, once NMT fell in desirability here on The Bell Tree Forums and the TBT currency regained its former standing, I've felt no need to bother with Nookazon whatsoever other than to browse items to see what things I still need for my catalog and that I might want to purchase here. The prices on Nookazon seem ridiculous when I can buy most of what I want here on the forums for very cheap TBT prices.

Here on the forums, both in New Leaf and New Horizons, I've had no complaints in terms of trading with people. Everyone has been friendly and professional in their dealings. Whenever someone's dropping off items I'm purchasing, I always just have them drop the items off in front of the airport while I'm standing by and watching. If I'm picking up something from someone, either they've laid the stuff out in the front of their airport as well, or they'll guide me to the items and then I'll head back to the plane and fly back home.

It's not impossible that there might be a negative experience here, but it seems like unless you're dealing with a really new member who hasn't been around long and might just disappear one day never to return, you probably don't have to worry that much about someone messing with you. This site has a review system where you can leave a review of your experience playing or trading with the other member, be it Positive, Negative, or Neutral, and you can leave a comment pertaining to your experience. Someone acting in bad faith on here would accumulate negative reviews and people would thereafter be likely to steer clear of interacting with them. Someone could be greedy or rude, but their short term gain could have the long term consequence of no one wanting to do business with them. You can see someone's reputation listed as Feedback when viewing certain sections of the forum like the TBT Marketplace, Nook's Cranny, and Re-Tail. Regardless, if you stick to reputable traders here who have conducted pages and pages worth of trades, you can feel fairly secure in your purchase being a smooth one.

Sorry to hear you've had negative experiences elsewhere.
I love trading on here. I trade with a couple of players on here regularly, and it's always a great trade.

I do know where you're coming from though. I used to trade on game faqs when I played New Leaf, and it was frustrating when players would take hours, and sometimes the next day to get back to you. My biggest complaint was when someone wanted something and I would respond immediately, and let them know that I would order the items and have them ready in about 10 minutes, and they don't get back with me until the next day. Not to mention that I always did this for free, and also had to time travel to get the items quickly.

another fun one, is when they had a few items for sale, and players would post saying what they wanted, and there would be no response for hours, or the next day. I would just tell them to nevermind. I already bought it from someone else.
While I have gone on another site for watering services, I have mostly only ever traded on these forums and for good reason. Some sites can have A LOT of scummy traders, as well as those who will ask for an exorbitant amount of bells for just one or two items (I can't imagine what Sanrio items go for).

These forums though, have always been pleasant. There was only ever one time I got scanned (and it was pretty), but that for NL when I asked someone to hold on to all my stuff while I restarted my town, and I never got a single thing back. It was truly an awful experience, but it didn't stop me from trading and having fun. No matter what game you play, whether it's AC, Pokemon, etc., you will always have those people who play dirty, but it's important to not let them get to you :)
I only ever trade on here, because I've never once had anyone try and scam me (the closest I came was when someone forgot a single item from a huge trade order, I just shrugged it off since it was clearly a mistake and I didn't care that much about the item). This website is slower then some others it seems, but boy do I appreciate the rating system and the security it offers! I've traded items on here and bought villagers (I've never "traded" villagers, I don't really know how that would work unless you have a second island, which I don't) and I appreciate having this website for that.

Buuut... I really wish I didn't have to. I mean, this is Animal Crossing. Not Pokemon. Previous games usually had ways to get everything without trading, it just took a lot longer. Now, in order to catalog every item in every color without trading, you'd need some phenomenal RNG luck (since you can get other color variants from trees and such). And there is absolutely no way to get exotic fruit unless you trade for it- which really stinks. I am a quiet, introverted person who prefers single player games, especially since I don't have many RL friends who play. So I don't particularly care for games that force you to socialize and trade.
Like, I had a big trading thread on here at one point... but eventually I stopped using it because I was SO overwhelmed. These days, if I really need an item, I post a thread looking for specific items and close 'em down once I've found them. It works well!
I only ever trade on here, because I've never once had anyone try and scam me (the closest I came was when someone forgot a single item from a huge trade order, I just shrugged it off since it was clearly a mistake and I didn't care that much about the item). This website is slower then some others it seems, but boy do I appreciate the rating system and the security it offers! I've traded items on here and bought villagers (I've never "traded" villagers, I don't really know how that would work unless you have a second island, which I don't) and I appreciate having this website for that.

Buuut... I really wish I didn't have to. I mean, this is Animal Crossing. Not Pokemon. Previous games usually had ways to get everything without trading, it just took a lot longer. Now, in order to catalog every item in every color without trading, you'd need some phenomenal RNG luck (since you can get other color variants from trees and such). And there is absolutely no way to get exotic fruit unless you trade for it- which really stinks. I am a quiet, introverted person who prefers single player games, especially since I don't have many RL friends who play. So I don't particularly care for games that force you to socialize and trade.
Like, I had a big trading thread on here at one point... but eventually I stopped using it because I was SO overwhelmed. These days, if I really need an item, I post a thread looking for specific items and close 'em down once I've found them. It works well!
Well to explain how Villager trading works its basically someone has a villager up for grabs that is moving out and they are "in boxes" which means that they are moving out, but they don't know where they are going. Thats when someone else comes to the island, speaks to the villager who is moving out, and they get accepted on their island as long as they have an open plot on their island in order for the villager to move in.

Its a long and complicated process so villager trading is something that used to be popular last year but recently it has declined. I think because you need to have an empty plot for a villager to move in and it requires a lot of time travel to kick out a certain villager that has a thought bubble over their head, but its pretty RNG and it can take a lot of time.

I used to do all of villager trades myself with amiibo cards but then sometimes I have people who don't understand how the process works and I have to explain to them what they have to do in order to get the villager they want and that makes it even hard to trade the villagers. It used to be easy last year but lately because more new people came to the game and don't quite understand how the process works it gotten a lot more harder and it just didn't feel as enjoyable as it used to be.
Well to explain how Villager trading works its basically someone has a villager up for grabs that is moving out and they are "in boxes" which means that they are moving out, but they don't know where they are going. Thats when someone else comes to the island, speaks to the villager who is moving out, and they get accepted on their island as long as they have an open plot on their island in order for the villager to move in.

Its a long and complicated process so villager trading is something that used to be popular last year but recently it has declined. I think because you need to have an empty plot for a villager to move in and it requires a lot of time travel to kick out a certain villager that has a thought bubble over their head, but its pretty RNG and it can take a lot of time.

I used to do all of villager trades myself with amiibo cards but then sometimes I have people who don't understand how the process works and I have to explain to them what they have to do in order to get the villager they want and that makes it even hard to trade the villagers. It used to be easy last year but lately because more new people came to the game and don't quite understand how the process works it gotten a lot more harder and it just didn't feel as enjoyable as it used to be.
Oh, no, I've got villagers from other people! Heck, I'm heading back to my island right now after buying Dom off someone, lol. I do it a lot and have never had an issue.

What I meant is I'm not sure how it works when you want to trade villagers for each other. Like, if someone offered me, IDK, Reneigh for Paula. I'm pretty sure you need an extra island or be willing to TT a lot (and REALLY trust the other person) for that to work. But I often see people saying things like "Judy is moving out! Hoping to trade her for Raymond!" and that seems like a confusing hassle to me. Unless there's a secret method I'm missing.
Oh, no, I've got villagers from other people! Heck, I'm heading back to my island right now after buying Dom off someone, lol. I do it a lot and have never had an issue.

What I meant is I'm not sure how it works when you want to trade villagers for each other. Like, if someone offered me, IDK, Reneigh for Paula. I'm pretty sure you need an extra island or be willing to TT a lot (and REALLY trust the other person) for that to work. But I often see people saying things like "Judy is moving out! Hoping to trade her for Raymond!" and that seems like a confusing hassle to me. Unless there's a secret method I'm missing.
Yeaaahh that one is weird. I think maybe some people expect you to have a 2nd switch and a 2nd island if you have another plot on that said island, but I don't have a 2nd switch so I don't bother with the whole villager to villager trade all that much. For me it was just trading away a villager and getting nmts in return. I am not sure how thats possible to trade villagers with another. I always find that confusing.

Maybe they meant trying to trade a villager that is moving out on their island and to get the villager they want is moving out on your island. Sadly to say I tried to do that and it doesn't work. Again like I mentioned before the plot needs to be empty in order for the villager to move in. So I am not sure why "trading villagers for another villager" is a thing when I haven't seen a video showing how it works.
I've only traded on here and have had only positive experiences. I refuse to go anywhere else because this place is already so great.
I've done a lot trades on Nookazon, the Nookazon discord and here on TBT. Definitely over a hundred. I've had a few annoying trades where I've had to wait hours and one instance where someone claimed their villager was ungifted but turned out to be heavily gifted so I felt scammed. I haven't had a single negative experience on TBT.

Overall my trading experience on all the places mentioned has been overwhelming positive and people are usually super kind. Most people I meet on Nookazon have been very friendly. I pretty commonly get free gifts or just nice comments like my outfit is cute or they like my island. I'm pretty darn picky with who I trade or sell to, so maybe that has played a role.

So my experience is different, but I can totally see why you feel the way you do.
I used to trade on nookazon but the prices of everything put me off from really using it after a while. I like the trades here; it seems far more reasonable price-wise trading here and everyone has been super nice and kind.
I've never traded on Nookazon, but have traded here and on discord a whole bunch - I've never had an issue. If anything my experiences have always been really nice with folks going above and beyond (I've also made some friends through trading which is awesome, too).

I do read about people who have had bad experiences every so often, and it really sucks - I feel sorry that they have had to go through that and I know if I had been in a similar position it would make me wary, too.

That being said, although I have done a bunch of villager trades, I still get a bit nervous about them. Again, never had a bad experience but it always strikes me as the type of trade that could go wrong very quickly.
Well its nice to everyone had positive experiences, but for me I just had the worst experience of all time. Part of me is happy because I at least got everything I wanted, but the other part of me is just like feeling mentally drained because the bad experience. I was there. Forcing to wait hours for people to arrive to my island to trade because I didn't want to start anymore drama since I already had enough already and of course people telling me to trade for their friend.

Looking back I could've just said "Stop enough is enough" but I was being stubborn and just wanted to get it done any over with. Again I am happy that I got what I wanted but it was a cost of a bad experience. Its already in the past so I should move on, but its a scar that will forever be inside me whenever I think of trading with others.
I find trading fun (obviously). I only trade here on TBT and from 4000ish trades, I'm proud of this community to say I've never been scammed. Always a pleasant experience from everyone!

I do hope you have better luck in the future (if you decide to trade again) though :)
I trade a lot on here and I haven't had any problems with TBT. I don't like Nookazon because whenever I go on there someone's usually selling something for an absurd price, apart of my dislike of Nookazon is that I think it's confusing to use. I've also traded on Reddit before and I've never had any problems there either but I always prefer TBT to trade over any other website.
I stopped trading with anyone online after about three months after ACNH came out, because I realized that I didn't like the process, and it would take me FOREVER to print out HUNDREDS of NMT, and even with the offers that request bells in exchange for the item/villager I just decide that since I don't do the stalk market at all... making bells is difficult enough for me. I recently just hit 19,000,000 bells, and since I have been re-doing my island for a while now.. I am back down to about 18,400,000 bells. It will take me a while for me to reach that 19,000,000 bell mark. So I don't do trading because it isn't worth my time nor my in-game finances.
First of all, I'm really sorry you've had such a bad time of it with trading. With any game really where trading is an aspect, you're going to get the exception that are greedy, or that try and scam, or that try and take things that aren't there's.

There's a point in what you've said I want to touch on, so I'll paste them in with what I want to say :)

'Even worse is that the person sometimes ghosts you and you don't get a response. I know you have to be patient but, the main problem is that when it takes like about an hour or 2 hours long it becomes annoying and you have to cancel the trade. The thing I noticed with how people put stuff for sale is that they tend to have a pricing issue and a lot of the times people have to set their own rules for how they have to trade, which can create a huge divide when some people are used to trading from one person but the other person may have different rules of how they want to do the trade.' - Yes, this. I've had this quite a lot. I too have used the website you have used, if it's the one I'm thinking of. They ask for bells, NMT or wishlist items in return, and when you offer something reasonable, or something they want, they don't respond, or tell you it's too low. It's not nice, and I wish that there were rules in place for it, but they can't really police it.

I myself don't trade too much, I did at the start, but not so much now, and if I do, I only really trade with one or two people on here I trust. For example, I'm really glad Jhine replied to this thread. He's one of the only people I will go to now when I need stuff for ACNH, his prices are fair, and he always delivers. He's pretty much what he says on the tin. Also, he's one of the biggest traders on here, and I think his opinion on this subject is pretty valuable. In fact, I was trading with him once, and picking my stuff up from his island when someone tried taking stuff from his preorder section. You'd have to ask him, but I imagine that though it happens, the majority of his trades go without a hitch.

When I did trade back when the game first released, fresh in my mind were the horror stories I'd heard from people trading on New Leaf, as well as early traders on New Horizons. I'd block off my island with fences at the entrance, or make sure I always went to the other person's island.

As I mentioned, in New Leaf there was a lot of trouble with people trading, or people visiting others islands, and them getting trashed, either through normal means, tools etc, or by in game hacking. For example, there was someone who would visit Tortimer's Island just for the sole purpose of messing with people on there, they'd spawn stuff in via hacking at the entrance to the building so anything they caught, or found, they couldn't take home. There were also people who'd steal perfect fruit and perfect fruit trees, money trees, hybrid flowers etc. Part of the reason why they made it so only best friends can use shovels and axes on New Horizons.

For some reason I can't understand, there are people out there who will always seek to ruin other people's enjoyment of things, whether it's the whole game, or an aspect of the game, like trading. You can't let those people win. Your best bet for trading is on here, people give feedback on here, and you can see how many people they've had feedback of. While I wouldn't say someone with less feedback is less trustworthy than someone with more, it's still worth taking into consideration.

There's a couple of people on here as I said I trade with who are extremely reliable and are well worth trading with. Don't let the few people who want to spoil the game ruin it for you <3
I’ve only traded on tbt and the worst I’ve experienced was that the person was rude, sold me something at bit of a too high price (which I wouldn’t realize until much later) or the person gave me the wrong color variation. I’ve traded for one villager and it was quite a pleasant experience. I am still in contact with the guy who sold me Raymond. He sold me Raymond when my potential trade for him fell through (the guy never responded to any of the offers including mine and then weeks later said he was sold) even though he wanted to keep him 🥺. Sorry that your experiences left you a bad taste. Initially when I started trading here for the first time and after returning from NL hiatus, I was nervous and super cautious. But it ended up being fine and I continued to trade and in NH, have been letting people roam when we hang out. :)
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First of all, I'm really sorry you've had such a bad time of it with trading. With any game really where trading is an aspect, you're going to get the exception that are greedy, or that try and scam, or that try and take things that aren't there's.

There's a point in what you've said I want to touch on, so I'll paste them in with what I want to say :)

'Even worse is that the person sometimes ghosts you and you don't get a response. I know you have to be patient but, the main problem is that when it takes like about an hour or 2 hours long it becomes annoying and you have to cancel the trade. The thing I noticed with how people put stuff for sale is that they tend to have a pricing issue and a lot of the times people have to set their own rules for how they have to trade, which can create a huge divide when some people are used to trading from one person but the other person may have different rules of how they want to do the trade.' - Yes, this. I've had this quite a lot. I too have used the website you have used, if it's the one I'm thinking of. They ask for bells, NMT or wishlist items in return, and when you offer something reasonable, or something they want, they don't respond, or tell you it's too low. It's not nice, and I wish that there were rules in place for it, but they can't really police it.

I myself don't trade too much, I did at the start, but not so much now, and if I do, I only really trade with one or two people on here I trust. For example, I'm really glad Jhine replied to this thread. He's one of the only people I will go to now when I need stuff for ACNH, his prices are fair, and he always delivers. He's pretty much what he says on the tin. Also, he's one of the biggest traders on here, and I think his opinion on this subject is pretty valuable. In fact, I was trading with him once, and picking my stuff up from his island when someone tried taking stuff from his preorder section. You'd have to ask him, but I imagine that though it happens, the majority of his trades go without a hitch.

When I did trade back when the game first released, fresh in my mind were the horror stories I'd heard from people trading on New Leaf, as well as early traders on New Horizons. I'd block off my island with fences at the entrance, or make sure I always went to the other person's island.

As I mentioned, in New Leaf there was a lot of trouble with people trading, or people visiting others islands, and them getting trashed, either through normal means, tools etc, or by in game hacking. For example, there was someone who would visit Tortimer's Island just for the sole purpose of messing with people on there, they'd spawn stuff in via hacking at the entrance to the building so anything they caught, or found, they couldn't take home. There were also people who'd steal perfect fruit and perfect fruit trees, money trees, hybrid flowers etc. Part of the reason why they made it so only best friends can use shovels and axes on New Horizons.

For some reason I can't understand, there are people out there who will always seek to ruin other people's enjoyment of things, whether it's the whole game, or an aspect of the game, like trading. You can't let those people win. Your best bet for trading is on here, people give feedback on here, and you can see how many people they've had feedback of. While I wouldn't say someone with less feedback is less trustworthy than someone with more, it's still worth taking into consideration.

There's a couple of people on here as I said I trade with who are extremely reliable and are well worth trading with. Don't let the few people who want to spoil the game ruin it for you <3
I appreciate your feedback and advice, but for me its already damaged me too much so I just choose not to trade anymore. Maybe if I didn't use that website that I will not name and use this website it could've been different, but like I said in my OP it was the one site that people were using and I wasn't aware of this site until October 2020. Its wasn't a "few" people it was a lot of them. I would get people telling me how they want to do the trade, asking me to wait hours for them, and of course the most annoying one asking me to explore my island.

The thing is I reached a point where I had enough of these people and I told them to read my bio about the rules that they need to know before the trade, but still most of the time they even bother to read it. No matter how many times I tell them and how many times I try my best to explain the rules they still insult me and leave negative reviews as if I insulted them. I made like several reports just to get those harsh reviews removed. It was enough to reach my breaking point so I just stopped using the website.

To this day I still suffer from all those experiences I had to deal with those people. I really want to believe that there are nice people out there, but in my case its very rare. I know looking back I could've done better, but its done either way.