
All my trading experiences have been positive so far, thankfully. I haven’t been in the market for too many big ticket items, though.
I’m having a bit of a time finding the new Bunny Day items for my restarted island right now. I’ve got the planter, but still need everything else.
I've done many trades and I've been lucky to not have any issues. I did a few trades on nookazon but i really don't care for that site. I feel like people want way too much for things. When I did trade I looked for listings with wishlists cause I preferred to trade items rather than currency on there. Also I looked at postings of people who were online at that time for quick acceptance of offers. I couldn't use that site now if I wanted to with those all those ads on there now.
This is where I prefer to trade(only went to nookazon cause I was looking for crown/wreath diys I couldn't find here). The people here are great. I found this site back in the nl days and I made a real good friend and we have helped each other a lot. Not just even trades but if one of us needs something and the other has it we send it with no expectation of anything in return. We just help each other.
When I post things here I do say tbt/igb with no set amount because I don't know what things are worth. But I have never turned down any offer made to me. I try to be fair and help people and I have given things for free. When I go to someone's island I stay by the airport, make the trade and go. Unless the person specifically tells me I can shop and even then I rarely do. And when someone comes to my island I have the item or items on the ground by the airport waiting for them.
I understand being worried about people coming to your island you don't know, it is a risk. Sometimes I've done trades and the person does the trade and just stands there instead of leaving. Makes me think they are going to do something weird. If someone asks to shop I always let them.
I know you said you have everything you need but I'm willing to help if that changes.
I appreciate your feedback and advice, but for me its already damaged me too much so I just choose not to trade anymore. Maybe if I didn't use that website that I will not name and use this website it could've been different, but like I said in my OP it was the one site that people were using and I wasn't aware of this site until October 2020. Its wasn't a "few" people it was a lot of them. I would get people telling me how they want to do the trade, asking me to wait hours for them, and of course the most annoying one asking me to explore my island.

The thing is I reached a point where I had enough of these people and I told them to read my bio about the rules that they need to know before the trade, but still most of the time they even bother to read it. No matter how many times I tell them and how many times I try my best to explain the rules they still insult me and leave negative reviews as if I insulted them. I made like several reports just to get those harsh reviews removed. It was enough to reach my breaking point so I just stopped using the website.

To this day I still suffer from all those experiences I had to deal with those people. I really want to believe that there are nice people out there, but in my case its very rare. I know looking back I could've done better, but its done either way.

I totally get it don't worry... I know what you mean though. Yeah, if it's the website I'm thinking of, I really don't like it either. Some people are just greedy and unpleasant, and if you have enough interaction with them, it just sours you off the whole experience.. We can look back at things in hindsight and think what if and stuff, but we learn from it, and yeah. I hope you're doing okay though, and everything is all right <3
Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear you had such an awful trading experience :( Besides several ghostings, all the trades I've had are typically fast and have never been scammed before! The behavior/content from users is the cause of my very few negative experiences... But I have lots of trust in trading on TBT forums due to the feedback feature. Please remember at the end of the day it's not your fault but rather the other users for breaking that trust and/or being selfish.
I have had bad trades on Nookazon and I stopped using that website, but the trades I've done here were always lovely and I never had any issues with anyone.
I can't trade, because of the internet connection I have.. (only have my phone internet), which makes me mad,
since it's impossible to get items in different colors otherwise :mad:

I remember that I always felt super awkward when I would trade in other games. Not because they were unfriendly
or so, but just because I had no idea how to act. Should I go as soon as the trade is done? Should I compliment their town? and so on x)
Friendly reminder all that while it is okay to discuss negative experiences to please not imply or call out another person. If you have a negative experience involving another TBT member please leave them negative feedback using our feedback rating system and hit the report button to bring them to our attention. Thank you!
Friendly reminder all that while it is okay to discuss negative experiences to please not imply or call out another person. If you have a negative experience involving another TBT member please leave them negative feedback using our feedback rating system and hit the report button to bring them to our attention. Thank you!
In no way I was mentioning anyone or mentioning another website. I am just speaking in general.
I can't trade, because of the internet connection I have.. (only have my phone internet), which makes me mad,
since it's impossible to get items in different colors otherwise :mad:

I remember that I always felt super awkward when I would trade in other games. Not because they were unfriendly
or so, but just because I had no idea how to act. Should I go as soon as the trade is done? Should I compliment their town? and so on x)
Thats how I felt too
I only trade with trust worthy people from this website, and don't like to trade on other sites for reasons you mentioned-I've heard some pretty bad stories of people who got scammed on other sites. I like that there is a rating system here and so far I've thankfully never gotten scammed. I understand your frustration though and I'm so sorry you've had troubles :(
I'd like to begin by saying that I'm sorry for the awful experiences you've had while trading. I can only imagine the frustration of being ghosted or scammed, everyone's time is valuable, including yours.

I really wish there weren't people out their who felt the need to scam or waste people's time. At the end of the day, New Horizons, is just a game. We should all be able to enjoy it without our generosity or kindness being taken advantage of.

Thankfully, from my experiences, I have traded here in the forums and on Nookazon with no issues. I think the rating systems on both sites have been what have saved me from negative experiences.

When I need to buy any kind of items or diys, I usually use Nookazon. I find that I have a lot more options on who I can buy from with any given item.

When it comes to villagers, I trade on here. People seem to communicate a bit easier through the forums and that makes being on the same page with someone a lot easier. People on here also tend to be more generous and it makes you want to pass on that kindness and generosity too c:
Trading with people here is always a pleasant experience. Don't go to other places really.

As for trading villagers, do it at your own risk. I won't recommend it.
I hate Nookazon but it's a necessary evil for me sometimes. You can set up some preventive measures, like blocking off your island with a table that's 2 squares wide and dropping the items you want to trade on the table. I try to limit my trades to this forum and stick with users I've had good experiences with before, but the userbase is much smaller than Nookazon unfortunately so it's harder to find things quickly. As for villagers, if I'm giving them away for free, I only give them to users with lots of good reviews and I follow them the whole time. It may be a bit rude but I figure they're getting a villager for free so the least of their worries should be me thinking they might steal something I left on the ground 😂
Traded on here for the first time.
It was super nice and easy and unlike other places, I far from feel ripped off.

I spent a very small amount of the bells I have on here, which I have no idea how I even have them or where they came from, and got so much for it.

I highly recommend anyone who's not traded on here to consider it.
I don't mind trading and like to be fair. But once I opened my gates and stupidly put my dodo code on another site to trade and I had alot of people come to my island and take all my fruit of my trees so I'm more careful now wont make the same mistake.
I don't mind trading and like to be fair. But once I opened my gates and stupidly put my dodo code on another site to trade and I had alot of people come to my island and take all my fruit of my trees so I'm more careful now wont make the same mistake.
My advice is to only post your dodo code with the person you are trading with. Don't post it in public otherwise you'll end up with people coming to your island that you had no intention of inviting. It should be done in a private message.
I have had great experiences trading (I've used BTF, Reddit, and Turnips Exchange), but I understand the hesistancy. I hosted once for Sahara and everyone except one person was good, and that one bad apple soured me on hosting for months. He didn't even do that much, but they left the designated area and shook fruit off of my trees. Again...not a BIG deal, but if the person had asked, I would have let him take the fruit. Disrespecting the host is just not the right spirit of the game. I always try to be courteous when I visit other people's islands and always ask if I can do things like visit shops, etc. I have found that people are very generous.