The icons in this post are of just Orphan Black and Steven Universe. I normally have more series diversity in my icon posts but this time... yeah, no

Anyways, OB is my favorite live action TV show, no contest, and its third season ended a few weeks ago so I had to do something with the screencaps I hoarded. Lmao. (And by the way, y'know, if you're looking for a TV show to watch... go for Orphan Black. You won't regret it. It has literally EVERYTHING. Tatiana Maslany is such a good actor that sometimes I don't even think she's real.)
Ah, and as for Steven Universe, it's a really good show as well! It's pretty much blown up everywhere so I doubt I have to say much more about it haha. The characters are great, the art style is stunning, and the soundtrack is amazing. There you go.
But yeah, update details aside, I'm quite pleased with how this batch turned out, considering my complete lighting weakness. At this point I like to think I'm good at most aspects of iconing, but lighting is definitely what I'm the worst at. If I even decide to enhance lighting in the first place, I'll normally just slap on a gradient and a few light textures (occasionally) and call it a day. Going past that is almost always a pain for me to implement, since I literally force it on, but I'm satisfied with the results, so I hope you enjoy! :-]
[15] STEVEN UNIVERSE (Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst, Connie, Sardonyx, Ruby, Sapphire)
[25] ORPHAN BLACK (Sarah, Helena, Delphine, Cosima, Krystal, Alison)
[40] TOTAL
[11] STEVEN UNIVERSE (Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Sugilite, the cool kids + Steven, Ruby, Sapphire, Rose Quartz, Opal)
[11] TOTAL
My entry for the 23rd SOTW contest :-]
And no, I can't stop making everything red.
Ah, also, one last thing
YEAH I ALREADY KNOW MY POSTS ARE HELLA LONG BUT BEAR WITH ME: school will be starting up for me again really soon. This isn't exactly bad news, as I do plan to keep updating consistently, but there will probably be a lot more large pieces. I can't say for sure but you can probably expect more diverse stuff in the future ;-]