Shop Desies ⭐️ Market [No Longer Active]

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Hi :) Can I please buy all your Four-Leaf Clovers, White Wet Suit and W.Link's picture off you if they're still available?
I'm in GMT+9 and will be off and on for most of today. Thanks in advance!
yes, they are still available! send me a private message of when you want to get them and if you want pickup or delivery
yes, they are still available! send me a private message of when you want to get them and if you want pickup or delivery
Thank you! Gonna send you the bells and a PM right after.
I'm available for another hour or so. FC in my signature, I'll be using my second FC. And I'd prefer picking them up if that's okay with you!
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Hi can I have Filbert‘s pic, Pompom's Pic, Jacob's Ladder x21, Crown and Striped Wet Suit please :)
yes, that's a total of 25 TBT :) send me a private message and we can discuss when you want to receive your order and whether you want delivery or pickup
yes, that's a total of 25 TBT :) send me a private message and we can discuss when you want to receive your order and whether you want delivery or pickup

hi I just sent you tbt. delivery please. I am available now for 2-3 hours. I will be also available from around 13:00~ cet time tomorrow too.
carnary - i'll be availabe in about 20 minutes, i'll let you know through private message when i'm ready to deliver!

drowsy-mermaid - yes you can! would you prefer delivery or pickup? :)
drowsy-mermaid - yes you can! would you prefer delivery or pickup?
I can pickup, however I will not be available until about 8pm Mountain time today :( So let me know when it's best for you in case you need me to go tomorrow instead!
carnary - i'll be availabe in about 20 minutes, i'll let you know through private message when i'm ready to deliver!

drowsy-mermaid - yes you can! would you prefer delivery or pickup? :)

Sure. Thanks :) pl private message me when you are ready.
Could you add this fc please: I will use this fc: 1349-7691-3338.
Hi I am back again :) Can I have Lucky Clover x11 and Blue Wetsuit please. Thank you!
Hey welcome back, yes you can! it will be 12 TBT for everything :) though itll have to be later in the day today since my wifi has been problematic this morning
Hey welcome back, yes you can! it will be 12 TBT for everything :) though itll have to be later in the day today since my wifi has been problematic this morning

Ok. I will send you tbt now. np. when you are available anytime, just send me PM again. thank you :)
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