Shop Desies ⭐️ Market [No Longer Active]

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Hi! :) Are the bell knickknack and sushi bench available? I’m interested in these items! (edit) I’m also interested in the scary painting :)
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yes they are all still available :) send me a private message and we can discuss when you want them!
Can I please get the Golden Can and Black Wetsuit for 2tbt? *u*
I would love the lotus pond, fairy boots and fairy dress if they are still available. Also the galaxy floor? :)
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i'll send you both a PT! and yes all you both requested is still available :)
Hey there! Closing down shop for a couple days since i'll be distracted playing wild world for nostalgia feels :)
(hey at least i'm honest about it lol)
any orders that have been made before this announcement will be fulfilled as normal though, so don't worry of a delay in your current order!
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Want a bunch of stuff? For 100 TBT per visit you can grab as much as you want from my town, nothing is off limits! There's Hybrids, DLC items, RV and Sanrio Items, Wetsuits Pictures, Golden Tools, tons of in game bells, and more! this is the perfect chance to raid a town with great stuff! You don't want to miss out!

If you have these still available, could I get the flower fairy wand, donut cushion and the nabiru ornament?

My time zone is New Zealand- The best time to catch me is in the evenings.

Thanks! :)
Hi again :)

Can I have these if you still have?:
(x1) Shop Ice-Cream Case
(x1) Cash Tray
(x1) Rose Sofa
(x1) Desert Island Stool

Thank you.
yes everything is still available! i'll send both of you pm's once your order is gathered and ready :)
Hi. May I please have...

2017 Cake
Nintendo Bench
Golden Axe x2
Golden Shovel
Birthday Shades
Wedding Cake
Tricky Pitfall Seed x5
Convenient Wall
Katie’s Pic
Racing Helmet

Please note that you’ll have to VM me since I can’t receive any more PMs.


(By the way, you have “(x1) Nintendo Bench” listed twice.)
Will there be an update on my order soon? It’s been a while. :)

i sincerely apologize for the wait, ill be gathering up your order and my gates will be opened once youre ready, if you want anything else you can take anything before i close everything down once new horizons is out, free of charge :)

anyone else who is intetested in some items are free to come get whatever they like aswell
hey! I'm interested in golden tools, if you have any left could I please come get them?
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