The dwarfs decided to use their brains to find who the perpetrators were. However, as they mourned over their beloved friend, they drank away their sorrows. They were so intoxicated that they started babbling random gibberish like "Daniel is Kolechian Scum!" at a random bird. Two of the dwarfs(who it was very apparent had romantic tension), killed the bird yelling "GLORY TO AROSTOKA!" The bird was Snow's favorite bird, Daniel. The bird was wearing a little handkerchief with this mysterious symbol:
The dwarfs recovered from their hangover and had to chose who the traitors were.
Call me Daniel has been modkilled for the following reasons: Editing and being a little b***h. He was a Kolechian spy Bird. All Kolechian scum is dead, but there's still 2 Mafia left!
Day has now started. You can vote on who to lynch. You unvote and cast a different vote, but you can only do this once. After you revote, there's no removing it.