Did treasure islands kill ACNH online market?


Junior Member
Mar 12, 2025
I used to use treasure islands and Im not saying what way u should play ACNH, claiming that treasure islands are cheating and blah blah blah, but I remember going in nookazon server and there were posts EVERY 5 minutes, now I l looked at nookazon server and it get posts casually...
I just restarted my island trying to aim for an "forever" island, no treasure islands, no maxbells, only chilling and trading, but looking at the ACNH online market it seems dead now.
Was it the treasure islands or ACNH hype died after everyone touched grass when the pandemic ended?
Just going to state my opinion and thoughts, but honestly I feel that the NH market did slow down a lot. It slowed down as some players lost interest / got burnt out on the game months after launch (the hype slowed down). But for this forum, the online market is still going strong and is more reputable than Nookazon.
i’ve used treasure islands for some things like getting DIYs and bells to move houses/terraform, but i’m kinda interested in using this forum instead to finish my island! i don’t really like “cheating” but my patience was being tested with getting duplicate DIYs, only unlocking 5,000 spaces of storage after paying off your entire home loan and then some more, and having to grind for infrastructure money when trying to design my island.
i think it’s the fact that the hype (sadly) died down after the pandemic. i think many people were new casual players that wanted to pass some time and liked the community to trade, but once they felt they had reached everything they wanted for their island and life got back to normal again, they put it down and only the players that were actually part of the animal crossing fandom remained, which was the smaller part of the players that joined at release with the initial hype. i loved trading with people during that time but it was also a big time for scammers (we all remember the raymond era) so the more cozy and calm trading community here or on the nookazon servers is also quite nice to me. that being said, i totally understand using treasure islands, especially when you are a player that creates themed islands in a fast pace, to upload them to the dream database and then restarts. you always need new diys and masses of resources, it’s definitely easier with those islands that provide everything, if you play for the design aspect more than for the actual community aspect.
Honestly what made me stop trading in New Horizons was people's behavior on Nookazon. They'd list something for free but ignore anyone who didn't offer enough in their opinion when there's an option for offers. Or they'd just charge a ridiculous amount of Bells/NMTs for something that wasn't that valuable or rare in the end. That and navigating through the bots made me want to rip my hair out.

I feel like HHP and Cyrus' customization shop also made trading a bit useless, since we can order pretty much anything in any color now or refurbish it if it's not available in the color we want (i.e. Nook Redemption items).
i think it’s the fact that the hype (sadly) died down after the pandemic. i think many people were new casual players that wanted to pass some time and liked the community to trade, but once they felt they had reached everything they wanted for their island and life got back to normal again, they put it down and only the players that were actually part of the animal crossing fandom remained, which was the smaller part of the players that joined at release with the initial hype. i loved trading with people during that time but it was also a big time for scammers (we all remember the raymond era) so the more cozy and calm trading community here or on the nookazon servers is also quite nice to me. that being said, i totally understand using treasure islands, especially when you are a player that creates themed islands in a fast pace, to upload them to the dream database and then restarts. you always need new diys and masses of resources, it’s definitely easier with those islands that provide everything, if you play for the design aspect more than for the actual community aspect.
Ive never been scammed while trading on NH, either way I just noticed that now since im trying to base my island only on trading, DIY, cataloguing and shopping. Been using treasure islands for like 1 year and a half because people back then used to charge A LOT of NMT for items lol.
I looked at the trading page here on bellstree and the recent posts are just about trading fruits, so maybe ill wait to see something more interesting
I remember Treasure Islands being a thing even at the start of the game so no I really don't feel like they killed it. If someone wants to play and make connections with others they would never choose a Treasure Island over something like TBT or Nookazon. The reason places like Nookazon aren't updated as frequently is because the game is 5 years old now, there's not much to do in it in the first place, so most people have moved on