Did you ever end up liking the ugly/hated villager?

Did you ever end up liking the ugly/hated villager?

  • Yeah, at first I hated that villager but I eventually warmed up to said villager.

  • No. Never.

  • I liked that villager from the start even though other people think_________.

  • I only liked it a tiny bit and planned to move it out eventually but now I can't let it go.

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Apr 12, 2021
Tasty Cake
Tricolored Puppy Plush
Yellow Candy
I'm curious to hear if other people experienced this as well. At first when Maddie moved in to my island I thought she was OK. Not too desirable but kinda cute. I planned to move her out eventually, but I never did because I ended up loving her so much. She's such a cutie!
On my old island, Rocket was one of my first villagers. I thought she was absolutely horrendous but I warmed up to her eventually, I kind of miss her, to be honest!
When I got Quillson as my first smug in my campsite I hated him, but I warmed up to him pretty fast. Sometimes I find ugly(er) smug villagers to be more fun than the cute ones.
I've had this happen a couple times.

Jambette moved into my main New Leaf town, uninvited, and plopped her house right on top of my only patch of purple roses at the time. I wasn't really a fan of her design and was a bit annoyed with her for a while. Over the course of her stay, I softened up and grew to appreciate her design. I found her enjoyable, though since she wasn't an intended villager, I did eventually have her move out to make room for someone I actually wanted. I just straight up like her now.

Also, Al was one of my starting villagers in a different New Leaf town. Unlike seemingly a lot of people, I actually do like the Gorilla species in these games, but even I wasn't a fan of Al's design. As with the Jambette situation mentioned above, I grew to appreciate and like him over time as well. I did still have him move out to make room for a villager I actually wanted, but it was nice while it lasted.
Moose and Muffy were my starters. I didn't like them at first, but warmed up to them quickly. A mouse talking about muscles is hilarious and Muffy has the best personality. I did let them go eventually, but am still fond of them. Lionel was my first campsite visitor and same story with him... disappointed at first, but later sad to see him go.
I wouldn’t say Angus is ugly, but he’s definitely not anyone’s favorite. He’s one of mine though!
When I walked out of the airport on March 20th 2020 I immediately thought "NOPE" when I saw my starter villagers were Goose and Katt. I had long had a hatred for chicken villagers and Katt was at the top of my ugliest villager list.

They're now my two favourite villagers of all time - and I've been playing the games since 2005.
Tammi the peppy monkey (she's designed like a lemur) was a random move in for me. Her eyes turn some people off and made me unsure at first. I remember I was trying to get her to move out at one point, but then I did a 180 and ended up really liking her a lot.

I think it was partially her expressions, she's just a really fun villager.

I also really like Mallary the snooty duck a lot and I don't see her get mentioned much.
Coach, I didn't like his appearance when I first saw him on my island, but I ended up loving him. I was sad when I eventually moved him off my island, but I did get his picture before he moved out.
I also really love Katt, who I originally did not like in New Leaf. After having her in New Leaf and loving her I ended up getting her again on my island.
agnes isn’t ugly but she’s not popular either. i originally got her for the first time in NL and i loved her. i got her as a starter in NH and refuse to let her go. agnes is my special little baby lol
I remember my first ugly villager was Canberra. I never wound up liking her but there was one moment in time where she got the zoomies and actually looked cute because she looked really happy and her evil eyes went away for a moment.
I had Canberra at the beginning and absolutely loved her from the start! There is this meme or comic which was populair at the beginning about someone "bullying" canberra out of their island, which made me really sad :(
I get that you find someone ugly or annoying (and that theyre, you know, not real) but I still felt sad for canberra so I kept her for longer than I was planning (i wanted to cycle all my beginner villagers out because of theyre basic housing) and have her photo hanging on my wall :)
I've had a bunch of low tier villagers move in who I've grown to love. Anchovy is on of the main ones, and I will preach his name at any available and relevant moment.

I also really like Tabby, and Cole - their designs are really cute. Especially Tabby since she is always making that face like she just said something inappropriate, and ill-timed in polite company, and who can't relate to that.
Unpopular opinion but I thought Judy was really weird looking at first when I got her, but then I slowly started liking her design and I can't let go of her!

I also got Hans as my first campsite villager and thought he was hideous but I actually ended up appreciating him even though I ultimately let him go.