Did you ever end up liking the ugly/hated villager?

Did you ever end up liking the ugly/hated villager?

  • Yeah, at first I hated that villager but I eventually warmed up to said villager.

  • No. Never.

  • I liked that villager from the start even though other people think_________.

  • I only liked it a tiny bit and planned to move it out eventually but now I can't let it go.

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My first campsite visitor was Graham and I didn't like him at all. I thought he was weird and since I didn't know about personality types and that they all pretty much have the same dialogue, when he said something in German I thought that he was meant to be some stupid stereotype and that really rubbed me the wrong way. Didn't help much that his first activity after moving in was creeping by Pate's window with a magnifier. His high-tech interior didn't help the fact that he seemed like a total creeper to me. I never really warmed up to him, even though I tried. I think it was mostly unlucky circumstances that I ended up not liking him. Later on I saw pictures of him online without his glasses on and realized that he is actually somewhat cute, but at that point he had long left my island. I wouldn't want him back, I just wish we wouldn't have gotten off the wrong foot. He is quite the character though, I give him that.

I think it is hard to really dislike a villager, the way they are animated even the truly atrocious ones have a certain charme in their interactions.

Some of my favorites are regarded as "ugly" by a lot of people, but I refuse to call them that - I'm not one for liking something ironically, so to me, all of my villagers are genuinely adorable.
I feel like all my villagers don’t necessarily fall in the category people like ( Rodeo, Curt, Raddle, Avery, Mathilda ).
I don’t necessarily consider them ugly. I love them.

I do love Barold also. I don’t understand all that hate towards him. He’s not creepy. You just have to change his ugly yellow shirt.
i hated Quillson when i first saw him cause he reminded me of this emote :sick: which i REALLY hate and it's a joke between and my bf lol
but after some time i started loving him and when i had to let him go to get my dreamies i was actually quite sad ;w; i'd be happy to have him in another town one day even for a little bit ^^
I'm curious to hear if other people experienced this as well. At first when Maddie moved in to my island I thought she was OK. Not too desirable but kinda cute. I planned to move her out eventually, but I never did because I ended up loving her so much. She's such a cutie!

Maddie is a new favorite of mine too! Except I sought her out--I wasn't sure if I'd love her but she's sooo cute! I can't imagine ever letting her leave. Chops was my obligatory campsite villager. I knew a lot of people hated him but I thought he was okay. Not one I would have picked, but not terrible. I warmed up to him over the months he spent on my island, and was sad to let him go. He really isn't that bad, and he looked quite cute in his reading glasses.
Hate is a strong word, but my closest experience to that was my disappointment with freckles who was a random move-in. When I saw her i was like oh nooo.. not the duck I was hoping for XD as i was after either Molly or Gloria or a popular villager like Judy and Raymond so I can sell them off lol. But after a while, freckles really grew on me...I think I have a weak spot for the sparkly peppy personalities because they are so friendly I cannot bring myself to hate them 🥺 I end up letting go her of though because, ultimately she doesn't fit the color scheme I'm after but I really have a new appreciation for Freckles now.

Story with Hans and Gruff is quite different though 😅 I still can't bear the sight of them...yet. Maybe one day....
Rocco in New leaf stole my heart.. he is adorable! I have him in my new horizons town too and I just cant get rid of him. ♡

Edit; and like the poster above; i had Katt as a started and I was so dissapointed... but now shes like a sister to me ♡
So most people would consider Canberra to be ugly, but I like her, she's one of my AC "besties" because I've had her since New Leaf, and in that game she also was one of my oldest residents. So yeah I'd say it's because I've had her for so long :)
I never hated any villager. I stronger dislike(d) some villagers, but not hate. I did vote A for a few reasons. First, the starters I ended up going with - Fuschia and Rudy. When I saw Rudy’s back of the head, I was thinking nope since I thought it was Katt who I never liked until a few months later. Now I think I’d actually like her (same with Tabby). Once I saw it was rudy, I was relieved until I found out he was a jock. fuschia— i never was interested in her. Now that I don’t have her, I think she was alright — not my favorite and I can’t say I enjoyed her or appreciated her when she was on my island, but now I feel like I appreciate her more. I was happy I got a cat but before NH, I felt neutral about Rudy’s design. The minute I talked to him, I already started changing my mind. The little meow sound effect and the jock voice and his expressions 🥺. Now, he’s never going to leave (I did boot him out when I messed up his house twice but reinvited him right away via amiibo card). He may have taken over the number two spot on my favorite villager list (it used to be Kiki for the longest time).

I never had Rodney, but he is one that I strongly disliked almost as much as I dislike Violet and Rocket. But now, I think he is adorable and appreciate him greatly 😊.
Not really on NH, but with NL I had Hazel move in and had no idea who she was. When I found her walking around the town one day I wanted her to leave right away, but I warmed up to her. Plus she had KK Disco playing in her house and it was the first time I ever heard it. That song is pretty catchy so I had to request it to KK when he came that weekend lol.
Beardo was my first campsite visitor, and I was so enraged when I saw him because I hated him when I saw pictures of him from New Leaf. He ended up growing on me really quickly, though. Now I adore him, and can't imagine my island without him! <3
In NL I had a lot of ugly villagers that I warmed up to (but didn't end up keeping). Most notably Violet and Cesar. I wouldn't want them on my island but I don't hate them, they make me nostalgic. And Violet reminds me of my grandma a lil bit

Never warmed up to Greta though, she's evil
Early on I spent almost all the few NMTs I had earned (maybe 30 or so? at the time it seemed like a ton, but now it's nothing, lol) looking for a good jock. I was near my last ticket and saw Coach on an island. My first response was "UGH, I want a cute jock, not some ugly old bull!" but I decided to say hi to him, and look him up. I found out he was the only non-lazy and non-cranky bull, and I thought that was neat. And the more I looked at him, the more I liked him. So I moved him in.

I ended up keeping him for months because he grew on me! I came around and decided he was actually pretty cute. Also, I liked his name and general vibe, and his house was lovely on my island. I made up a story in my head that he was a retired sports coach who wanted to move to a peaceful tropical island... but he couldn't give up his love for all things fitness and continued to "coach" everyone even in his new home. Like I said, I eventually moved him out, but only because none of my villagers are permanent. He was a much loved villager while I had him, and IIRC, he was the first villager birthday I had. And I'm pretty sure this was the first pic I took on Harvey's island:


It looks so simple compared to my more recent pics 😂

And I'm sure it's happened with other villagers, too, but I can't think of them right now. But I am planning on moving Jacob in soon, who I was rather indifferent to until I noticed his house would look perfect next to Lily's, and checked him out in game and noticed he was pretty cute!

And, of course, I happen to love a lot of unloved villagers- like Ursala *pokes pics* and Paula *pokes avie*!
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Unpopular opinion but I thought Judy was really weird looking at first when I got her, but then I slowly started liking her design and I can't let go of her!
Ohmygosh, SAME! I thought her eyes were weird. Then I saw her in someone's DA, talked to her, and loved how expressive she was! She'll move off my island eventually, but I love having her for now. I love gifting her cute new clothes ☺
Coach, I didn't like his appearance when I first saw him on my island, but I ended up loving him. I was sad when I eventually moved him off my island, but I did get his picture before he moved out.
I also really love Katt, who I originally did not like in New Leaf. After having her in New Leaf and loving her I ended up getting her again on my island.

Yesss to Coach!!! I accidentally adopted him in New Leaf from someone and I was so disappointed at first, but I eventually warmed up to him and ended up loving him so much! He's such a big ol softy. I had his amiibo and was going to scan him in on my island in NH and then he ended up being one my first two starters! I was so stoked to see he had packed up and came with me to the island.

The only reason I'm considering moving him out now is because his house is just not his house and I hate that for the starter villagers. I'd love if he had a home that was really his dream home. Although everytime I think about moving him out he does something that totally melts my heart or is hilarious and then I feel like I can't kick him out.

Like yesterday he gave me a dolly but his dialogue was just adorable giving me a toy because he cares about me then I went to go move his house to a different spot and when he came into the resident services he was wearing his cheerleading uniform I gave him and an eye mask lmao. He's one of the only villagers that entertain me with the outfits I give them and I just love him for that.
I had Canberra at the beginning and absolutely loved her from the start! There is this meme or comic which was populair at the beginning about someone "bullying" canberra out of their island, which made me really sad :(
See, those kind of memes always bum me about, because it's like... even if YOU hate them, someone else probably loves them, and it feels icky to see something you love be insulted/made fun of.

Like, I had Graham as my first smug camper and was actually delighted- I had him in ACNL as my first smug ever, IIRC, and really liked him. His coloring and face was just so cute! But when my BFF visited my island she was like, "You have Graham? I'm so sorry." and said some mean stuff about him that she'd read online and I was just like... huh?

Like all my villagers eventually, he's moved on, but I was happy to have him on Woodland for as long as I did!

Yesss to Coach!!! I accidentally adopted him in New Leaf from someone and I was so disappointed at first, but I eventually warmed up to him and ended up loving him so much! He's such a big ol softy. I had his amiibo and was going to scan him in on my island in NH and then he ended up being one my first two starters! I was so stoked to see he had packed up and came with me to the island.

The only reason I'm considering moving him out now is because his house is just not his house and I hate that for the starter villagers. I'd love if he had a home that was really his dream home. Although everytime I think about moving him out he does something that totally melts my heart or is hilarious and then I feel like I can't kick him out.

Like yesterday he gave me a dolly but his dialogue was just adorable giving me a toy because he cares about me then I went to go move his house to a different spot and when he came into the resident services he was wearing his cheerleading uniform I gave him and an eye mask lmao. He's one of the only villagers that entertain me with the outfits I give them and I just love him for that.

Lol, I guess there's something about Coach! I feel like he's one of those villagers you don't notice until he show up and then it's like "You know what? He's a pretty cool dude."

And there's always the option to move him out, then move him back in via Amiibo to get his regular house! His regular house was actually a favorite of mine, it just fit him so perfectly. I still remember giving him a Pullover Jacket for his birthday... he wore it ALL THE TIME and it was so adorable! I made sure to get his pic before he left and it has a place of honor in my side character's house- he's very sporty and athletic, so I figure Coach taught him some things before he moved on ☺
I loathed loathed loathed Raddle and he made the mistake of being in the way when I was trying to learn how to terraform so I booted him. Later, I brought him back and ended up being a huge fan. Every goth island needs a little poisonous frog. And he's so courteous to wear a mask to protect everyone from his poison.
I used to dislike Pietro since New Leaf. There's just something with him that doesn't sit right with me. Actually, I never liked sheep villagers in general. But New Horizons changed that, or probably because I'm older and my preferences are now different than it used to. Now I don't mind having a sheep villager at all.

Frita was my starting villager and Curlos was my forced camper (it's like the game knows). They are not my favorite, but I really like them.
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I used to dislike Pietro since Wild World. There's just something with him that doesn't sit right with me. Actually, I never liked sheep villagers in general. But New Horizons changed that, or probably because I'm older and my preferences are now different than it used to. Now I don't mind having a sheep villager at all.

Frita was my starting villager and Curlos was my forced camper (it's like the game knows). They are not my favorite, but I really like them.
Are you sure you mean Pietro? The clown sheep? Because he wasn't in WW, he was introduced in ACNL.

But I could see why you wouldn't like sheep before and would now- I feel like they're one of the best species makeovers in ACNH (I think the young people call that a "glow-up"?) now that they can wear actual clothes, lol.
Are you sure you mean Pietro? The clown sheep? Because he wasn't in WW, he was introduced in ACNL.

But I could see why you wouldn't like sheep before and would now- I feel like they're one of the best species makeovers in ACNH (I think the young people call that a "glow-up"?) now that they can wear actual clothes, lol.

Oops. Sorry, I meant New Leaf. Dunno why I wrote WW. :p