Wisdom Teeth Removal

Have you had to have your wisdom teeth removed?

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Mine are still in there but they have to go. I really drag things out.
Mine were extracted a few years ago. I had them done in two different surgeries, one for the top 2 and one for the bottom 2 (along with 2 other teeth).
Here in England they don’t remove them unless they are impacted and unfortunately mine aren’t impacted
They can get pretty painful sometimes but they’re been growing in
Mine were removed a long time ago. I remember going to sleep then waking up like asap but things already happened haha then had no school for a week. Also lived on chicken nuggets and Gatorade lol
no i still have mine. i'm not sure if it's different in america and perhaps i'm incorrect but it's not normal practice to remove wisdom teeth in the UK - there's no real reason to remove them unless they're causing harm, it seems like in the US they just remove them as standard which is kind of odd
I have not had them removed, and only one has really came through, its weird. my dentists have never told me to get them out so i havent bothered
I was told a year ago that I should get mine removed -- like 3 of them -- and I still have yet to do it because it will have to be done at a hospital under general anaesthesia and that is super expensive (i don't have insurance and australia's universal healthcare doesn't cover it) 🙃

not looking forward to it at all though, i don't like the idea of being put fully under and then acting loopy afterwards. and then having to take special care of the wounds and eating soft foods for weeks.. ugh. I really wish I had gotten them removed when I was a kid
It’s been 5 days since my surgery and I feel good! The swelling was bad for 2-3 days after the surgery, but I am still a little sore. Also, eating nothing but soft foods sucked so much because I love normal foods.
Mine are growing in right now but they're not needing to be removed based on where they are. I COULD remove them to stop the overcrowding in my mouth which I may do but it also sounds like a terrible experience
It’s been 5 days since my surgery and I feel good! The swelling was bad for 2-3 days after the surgery, but I am still a little sore. Also, eating nothing but soft foods sucked so much because I love normal foods.
Glad you're doing good! I had the realization when passing by this thread again that, in my first post, I neglected to mention to keep your head well elevated. Seems things have worked out well so far though.

I feel you on the soft foods. I got so tired of mashed potatoes that I didn't eat them for like a year afterward.

Mine are growing in right now but they're not needing to be removed based on where they are. I COULD remove them to stop the overcrowding in my mouth which I may do but it also sounds like a terrible experience
Definitely an annoying experience to go through. While an earlier post in the thread indicated that it's not common practice to just remove them in other countries, from what I've seen when looking around it seems that probably part of the reason they opt to do so in the USA is because the recovery is more difficult the older you get. The wisdom teeth develop nerves and stuff over time so they prefer to get them out before people reach their 30s. Of course I still have three of them and am in my 30s rip.

Probably up to the individual situation with how they fit your mouth and risk factors like proclivity for developing cavities. If your dentist doesn't think you need them out then I'd figure it's just up to how you feel.
I still have mine. They started growing about 10+ years ago, and I suspect they still are growing. My top two are fine, they came through like normal teeth. My bottom two have came partially through the gum and are probably going to stay like that due to overcrowding. They're also starting to cause decay on my other teeth since they're hard to clean properly. So I need to get them out at some stage, but it's costly and a lower priority at this stage.
I had all four of mine out at the same time. Needless to say, eating was a pain since I had no sides to chew on. Definitely stock up on soft foods like pudding, jello, apple sauce, scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and soup, as you'll be eating those for a while. Stay on your meds schedule to avoid pain. Rinse out your "wounds" with salt water every day too. Generally take it easy and sleep as often as you can.
i had my wisdom teeth taken out last year. i have dental and medical anxiety, so i was pretty terrified of the procedure and even rescheduled it once because of how scared i was, but the removal itself wasn’t bad! i opted to be put under anesthesia for mine— the moments before were kind of overwhelming since the procedure room was pretty small and there were a lot of people around me and hovering over me checking my bp, getting the iv ready, putting the anesthesia mask on me etc, but obviously i didn’t care so much once i was out haha

waking up after the procedure wasn’t too bad, either. the anesthesia didn’t make me as goofy as i’ve seen it make other people after their wisdom teeth removals (which was lowkey disappointing LOL), but it was a trip waking up, not remembering where i was or what happened, and noticing that one of my socks was missing and that i had an iv in my foot (i was dehydrated, so they couldn’t get a vein from my arm). the staff was super sweet, though— the nurse thoroughly explained how to take care of myself after, walked me out to my mom’s car, and even wrapped a blanket around me that i got to keep 🥹

the recovery wasn’t very fun, though 😅 sleeping was pretty challenging since i had to do it on my back and while propped up, i missed eating solid foods and being able to use straws, i had to be extra cautious about sneezing, coughing, or straining myself in any way out of fear of getting dry socket, having to replace the bloody gauze in my mouth on the first day grossed me out, etc. i was diligent about taking my pain meds on time so i thankfully was never in any pain, but the pain meds and/or the antibiotics i was prescribed caused me massive brain fog and honestly made me miserable and ridiculously emotional haha. i even begged my mom to call the dentist because i was so certain that i had dry socket (even though i wasn’t in any pain), and i was just… a mess lol

it’s been over a year since my procedure now, and i’m doing just fine! i’m not in any pain, the empty sockets don’t interfere with my ability to chew my food, sleep on my side etc. i don’t play the french horn, so i sadly don’t have any insight or advice on that to offer you, but i don’t see not having your wisdom teeth affecting your skill or your ability to play!

i’m glad your recovery is going smoothly so far! the only advice i can really offer you is to adhere by your dentist’s aftercare instructions— stay away from straws for at least another couple of days, keep your mouth clean and hydrated, saltwater rinses are your best friend, and even use a dropper tool of some sort to squirt the saltwater directly into the empty sockets to flush out any food that might get stuck there, use heat/ice and keep your head elevated as much as you can to help with the swelling, be gentle when spitting/rinsing, and of course rest and take pain meds as needed!

i hope you’re back to 100% soon 💜
I had all my wisdom teeth removed on July 19th. I wanted to get my wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible so I don't have to deal with problems later in life but as I was waiting for them to grow in enough so they can be removed properly my bottom wisdom teeth on both sides(especially my right) were impacting my molars so I needed to have them removed at a really young age anyways

I needed to reschedule after my first attempt didn't go well(I don't want to talk about it) this time I requested to be put under heavy anesthesia so I could be asleep before they draw my IV, I remember momentary waking up in the parking lot in a wheel chair before falling asleep again in the car. I had to have gaze pads in my mouth for a few hours and I think the swelling stopped after 1-2 days(I don't really remember that part) I could walk and talk less than 12 hours after the procedure, I was really sleepy the first one and a half days

Now I'm someone who has really high pain tolerance so either a) physical pain doesn't feel that bad and instead feels like a nuisance to ignore or b) I don't really even pay attention that I'm in pain in the first place. I've been in worst pain then it feels like without the painkillers and ice. I needed to sleep elevated for 2 days and have ice for 4 days and the pain was annoying enough for 4 days that I needed to have both Ibuprofen and Tylenol and I was prescribed Amoxicillin for one week. I had a mild fever/headache(?) for 3-4 days

Basically I would have been recovered after 4 days but me & my mom accidently kind of delayed cleaning my teeth with saltwater & special mouthwash with an eyedropper thing so my recovery time got boasted +3 days because I had a dulling ache in the bottom right of my jaw, I went to the dentist to see what's wrong luckily I didn't have a dry socket I just had food pieces getting stuck in that socket and it couldn't seal up like the others, it was perfectly fine once I started making sure to clean it properly + taking a small dose of Ibuprofen or using ice to get rid of discomfort(not pain) I was fully recovered after one week but I decided to not eat solid food for another 3 days so I don't do anything bad to my (bottom right) socket. The worse part of all of the wisdom teeth removal isn't the pain it's that I couldn't have solid foods for 10 days and I was really hungry.

I see you already had yours out by now and I wish you a speedy recovery. Echoing others on this thread tips for recovery: Elevate your head, use ice/heat to numb the jaw, stay on top of your meds, if you were prescribed antibiotics you should take them as directed to prevent risk of infection, stock up on soft foods(Applesauce, Ice cream, Yogurt, Mashed Potatoes, Pudding etc.) drink lots of fluids, gets lots of rest, make sure to clean your mouth with saltwater as directed, don't use a straw, spit, blow your noise, don't smoke or drink if you do that is don't eat foods with tiny hard pieces like nuts and seeds, avoid hot foods and liquids, don't use mouthwash unless instructed to, and take it easy and avoid doing anything that could get yourself hurt. Feel better soon 🖤
I got all four of them removed at once. It was alright, there was an uncomfortable pressure at one point, but once you're in the moment it's almost over anyway. No need to worry about it.
The problem is moreso in my jaw, my bottom teeth STILL havent come out the gum and my teeth there are just too cramped. Yall saying you have to avoid suction and keep eating soft food… im gonna cry, i miss my freedom to eat more so much already because of braces. 😭
i've had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed! i had braces before, so my dentist advised that i get my wisdom teeth removed before they grew out of the gums and push all the other teeth around. i had them removed in two procedures, the left two and then the right two. i wasn't put under anesthesia for either procedures which kinda freaked me out! my dentist just numbed the area but i could still feel them digging around in my gums. it didn't hurt but the sensation was definitely super weird... i almost kinda wish i was put under just so i wouldn't know exactly what was going on LOL

@Darkesque_ i'm so glad to hear that it went well ;u; keep up with eating softer foods for a while, and i found that making sure i stayed super hydrated helped! ice packs or a cold compress helped when i'd feel kinda sore or had any swelling around my jaw
Mine have never given me problems so I was never told they needed to be removed. However, I lost insurance while having cavities and let's just say... all of my teeth have been getting worse since then. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm told I have to get them removed when I finally go back. Definitely would be terrified, but not surprised.
i need to get my wisdom teeth out but i haven’t yet because i still have braces. they are emerging but thankfully i don’t have any pain. im not really scared to get them removed because i had four premolars extracted (overcrowding) and i didn’t have any pain at all afterwards, im assuming getting tooth extractions and wisdom tooth removal is a similar experience (I hope), the scariest thing for me was being put to sleep.