Yes! It's definitely chill for me. I'm able to work on things at my own pace and be able to go on hiatus without worrying about missing too much (because of TT!).
Oof i got lots of opinions on this. I think at the end of the day It depends on how you play the game and what kind of player you are. Casual players likely have a more chill experience than hardcore ones who’s islands are decked head to toe in expensive furniture, hybrids and spend hours island hopping for dreamies lol.
Its the most customizable AC game to date, and decorating your island is THE main selling point which draws in a lot of talented and creative people. But for some players that just creates pressure and stress for those who played for other reasons in past games, or even new players unaware of how to play and enjoy the game. And stumbling across amazing, intricate 5 star islands is impossible while online, so that might ruin the chill experience for most people who want a good looking island, but don’t wanna spend hours in the game. Still not really sure if thats the ACNH dev team’s fault, or the fanbase’s fault...
But for me, overall ACNH has had it’s chill moments and does an OK job at being a getaway from real life, like how its advertised. Could be more immersive and its STILL content locked as of January 2021, but on a chill scale of 1-10 it gets a 6 from me for now.
I find it to be pretty chill, yeah. It's an AC game and as open-ended as ever, so I've never felt stressed or pressured to really do anything in-game, even though I've been slowly making my way towards obtaining pretty much everything in the game. I'm just enjoying playing it daily and slowly gaining more and more items towards that 100% completion and also hanging out with friends along the way, lol
to be honest, i’m one of those people who’ll occasionally feel overwhelmed when it comes to decorating; i’ve never been the greatest at landscaping and that + the fact i haven’t dedicated much time towards decorating my island, anyway, definitely leaves me feeling insecure to the point where i’ve begun avoiding photos of other people’s islands as it just leaves me feeling a bit yucky. >_<
however, my insecurity definitely isn’t limited to my island nor is it the game’s fault; i’m honestly just insecure in all aspects of life aha. but that aside, i do find new horizons to be chill - i’m working on realizing that it isn’t a competition at all and whenever i’m ready to start work on my island is totally okay. until then, i’m just focused on my villagers, expanding my catalog, completing nm achievements and those not only make me feel chill but accomplished, too, which is nice. :’^)
It really depends how you play it, I remember finding it super chill when I started in March, then I reset my island and started looking for villagers to buy, I saw all the amazing islands other people were doing on tumblr and reddit and it all went downhill. I tend to be all or nothing with this game, in NL I only did my dailies and it got boring quickly so I'd TT, which made it even more boring. Since NH has less features and the villager dialogue is repetitive, the only thing that really felt interesting was decorating. I'm also not that great at decorating and landscaping, it was frustrating because I too wanted a super pretty and decked out island but I had no idea how to do it!
For me what helped me relax and stop being frustrated with my island was visiting other people's islands. I'd go for a trade and see a lot of ppl had lightly decorated islands with simple or random layouts, and they all looked very cute! So that's what I'm going for now that I reset my island, I'm not rushing to get to 3 stars because I don't want to worry about terraforming yet, instead I'm just putting a few paths, flowers and objects all around my island and I'll slowly fill it over time. I also try not to TT too much.
It's weird that I spent so long waiting for this game, telling all my friends how chill it was and now everytime I play I have to remind myself to relax.
Not as much as the other titles but it’s still pretty fun and chill for me. It’s not as much as stress but getting the DIYs during the events kinda becomes a grind after some time.
I don’t find it competitive, though I do find it less ‘chill’ than other games because it’s easy to become absorbed in its core element. Instead of relaxing with Animal Crossing’s simple pleasures, it’s mostly an island build simulator for me. While it‘s enjoyable to build, the continuous grind of building and rebuilding certain areas to achieve a look I like can start to become taxing.
For me it's mostly a chill game, it's nice not having a competitive aspect to it and been able to go about things at my own pace. I've also recently started concentrating on decorating my island the way I want it and am enjoying doing this rather then been stressed by it. Plus villager hunting and befriending the ones on my island is something I find relaxing.
On the other hand though I have been stressed by the game before usually related to fishing or catching the harder to find fish and bugs, trying to make sure I don't miss them and completing the cast master milestone, catching 100 fish without any escaping was pretty stressful but luckily that's done now and I can get back to really enjoying the chill nature of the game.
The least chill of the Animal Crossing games for me, but it's still more chill than most games. I used to boot up the other games to interact with the villagers a lot and that was how I unwinded some days. The animal villagers in this game were clearly not their focus this time. I've tried interacting with them still, but their dialogue is lacking and there's not a lot of stuff to do with them outside of them just being their for their looks.
I still do boot up the game to mess around, see what npc visited, and maybe do some decorating, but that's not my biggest thing to do. So like Watercolor, I'd have to give it a 7-10 or something like that.
I do find it to be a chill game, 100%. It’s what you make it really. I could choose to be stressed out by shooting down balloons for hours in the hopes of collecting all the seasonal DIY recipes, but I just don’t? If I don’t collect them, I don’t collect them, maybe I’ll catch them the following year?
I got far more stressed out playing New Leaf when I’d worry a villager would leave without notice, or move in on top of a field of hybrids.
New Horizons is very chill to me. Terraforming doesn’t really stress me out because I can change it all whenever I want.
I find it chill. I design when I want and don't when I want. I shake some trees, talk to villagers, maybe buy a shirt. If I'm feeling it update a room or if I have an idea bulldoze and entire area and rebuild. I don't have any real expectations or timelines for myself so I just enjoy vibing and creating.
I did find the snowboys stressful but I'm not going to count that against the entire game. I just hate that mechanic.
I think it's chill, however I understand why it may be stressful for someone if they're terraforming and it's not going to plan.
having a routine and only doing a small amount of terraforming and decorating a day has made NH really enjoyable for me.
I always felt like it was pretty relaxing until New Leaf came out. I was always in fear of losing a villager and having a new one plop their house down in a terrible spot. I wouldn't run on my Island because I didn't want grass erosion. I tore down a bridge so I could change it to brick. Isabelle wouldn't let me put it back. She wouldn't let me put it anywhere at all. It was always too close to something else. This caused me so much stress.
I feel like Horizons fixed a lot of these issues and I'm way more relaxed playing.
Although, I feel stressed when my sister visits and tells me how much better my town is than hers, and how it must be nice that I have room to add a forth character, and asks me if I need a certain recipe or item then says very rudely " of course you dont, you have EVERYTHING". Or looks her nose down at me because I occasionally time travel. She constantly complains that her town is a mess and it must be nice that mines so tidy. Lol. I don't think she finds the game to be very relaxing.
In my case it's true some stuff gives me more anxiety, like catching bugs, fish and sea creatures. Also not being able to align some items with others or paths or trees.
I think their are times where I do feel insecure when I see other people's islands but then I think about if I do too much with my island, the game could start to lag a bit. So I just try to focus on how to build upon what I already have going for me.
I think for me, ACNL was more chill than ACNH. And while I love the new design aspects introduced in NH (terraforming and freedom to place furniture outdoors), it forces me to be more attentive when I play NH (and less relaxed). I remember being able to play NL before bed and enjoyed running around my town at night doing some last minute errands, or even going to Kappns island to do a few mini games or creature catching. Now, I cannot play NH before bed because I am too sleepy to design (the level of design requires more brain power and leaves me more awake than asleep), and there is not much else I can do now in the game (not trying to throw shade since I really enjoy this game and have 1000+ hours in it). I admit that playing ACNH has become more of a "task" that requires my full attention, rather than something I do to relax after school or work while laying in bed.