Did YOU find ACNH to be a chill game?

I hate being this negative, but I have to say no, it's not a chill game for me. I found myself stressing more than I was enjoying. Instead of turning on my switch to relax with NH, I just played for maybe 15 minutes a day, doing the same tasks to get bells. Because that's what online posts made it seem was the most important, to get bells and cute furniture and aesthetically pleasing islands. It wasn't until I started playing New Leaf again that I remembered the point of animal crossing wasn't to match other people's expectations but to just live your own life, however you please.

Sorry to get preachy, haha. It's still a fantastic game, and it holds a special place in my heart despite it all.
Mostly yes, except I tend to make it stressful on myself because of how I can't rest easy if I haven't done every daily chore, and that's because I want to make the most of the game and earn as many bells as possible, since at this point I don't really have many other goals to work towards in the game lol.

Also, as I've expressed on the rant thread many times, the flower spreading stresses me out to the point where I actively avoid snow. On the days right before winter I had cleared out hundreds of flowers, which was a massive relief, but then the snow days started so I was still clearing out 35-40 every second day which completely burnt me out and I had to leave the game for a few weeks.

And secondly I feel bad every time I use a tool because I know it's just getting closer to breaking and I'd rather avoid that as much as possible. Repeatedly crafting new ones and replacing them in their pocket spot and tool wheel ended up irking me to the point where I haven't even fished in months because that's yet another tool that breaks, and I don't even get to choose what I catch.

Maybe I just get annoyed easily, I think I'm one of the only ones who complain about the flowers and probably the only one who doesn't fish lol. But I'd be very very grateful for these two things to be toned down in the future. Then it would be a much more chill game for me!
Not as chill as the previous games, but still chill nonetheless. I don't stress out about deadlines or perfect island/town. I never stressed out about that on NL and I saw how every thread back then was about resetting to get some rock out of the way or whatever.

It's not as chill as say like WW or NL, but it's more chill then like playing Resident Evil at night lol.
Definitely, but it depends on how you’re playing the game. I almost never terraform, so I’m never too anxious or annoyed at my island because I accept it for what it is, lol. Instead, I do what I do most in AC games: hang/talk w my villagers, spend some time fishing and decorating :)
honestly it has put me through some stressors. given me headaches, made me extremely frustrated. but i havent had this problem w just acnh. ive had this problem w anything im creative in/creating. for about four years i was very passionate about video editing. (i still am but due to a lack of money and equipment i cant anymore) id become so frustrated on days i couldnt get something right, if i was struggling with editors block, if the program was just being slow and glitchy. i dont think its a problem w just acnh, i think its a problem for people who are creative and get caught up in their work. since acnh is such a creative game and gives u so many ways to customize anything and everything the way u want it, the same struggles w creativity get applied.
I do find it to be very chill, apart from some stresses that can be associated with terraforming the rest of the game is chill. I love getting home and settling down in the evening to play some acnh with a coffee and an episode of something and just doing little menial chores that take away from some of the stresses associated with real life!
ACNH is a weird mixed bag. I sometimes play it at night to get drowsy even if I am tting and terraforming. So I would say that this game can be relaxing at times.

On the other hand it’s not relaxing is when I’m working on a difficult project like breeding flowers; or getting seasonal diys. Terraforming could also use some work too, since it may take a couple tries to dig up land if you’re direction is slightly off.
i took a break because i got swept up in my own perfectionism (i was that way with NL. remember plot resetting? yikes).

i'm playing much more casually now. i reset and now i'm plodding along and just enjoying it. i don't mind going hard (i needed something to sink my time into when the pandemic started), but this is absolutely more sustainable for me. i love just taking an hour to go fish or clean up an area or talk to my buddies. the chill element is what i come back for at the end of the day. animal crossing is at its best for me as a slow game.
For the most part. The biggest thing that detracts from it being a totally relaxing game, for me, is my darn tools breaking. I like hanging out on my beach and catching fish, or looking around for bugs to catch, without having to worry about my tools snapping in half.

I find this to be the same reason why “gardening” (sorting my flowers, planting shrubs) isn’t relaxing because I’m always worried about my shovel breaking and throwing off my groove.

There’s some other bits and bobs like not being able to buy large quantities of things (let me buy the 100+ shrubs I need from Leif all in one go, pls)

For the most part though I do still find the game to be relaxing! I’m not worried about the day ending before I finish what I want to do, like in Stardew/SoS/Rune Factory, nor am I worried about trying to accomplish bigger goals in a rush (trying to marry somebody, or progress a story, or whatever else. I’m also not stressed about trying to remember what I was doing the last time I played the game!).

Sometimes it can feel a bit like I’m running out of time when it comes to finding DIYs or seasonal materials but it’s not the same kind of stress as it is when I see I’m already partway through Fall in a farming game.
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I saw how every thread back then was about resetting to get some rock out of the way or whatever.
Oh my gosh I was starting to feel like I was the only person who remembered this. I'm curious where all the obsessive town builders are now, as they don't seem to be on the forum praising NH anymore xD which is weird because I feel like the game was made for them. But now everyone is talking about New Leaf's gameplay, which I barely heard about at all when this was actually a New Leaf community lol

To answer the question of the thread, I don't really. But I've never been chill in any animal crossing game. I was the worst in the New Leaf days, because I played solo since launch, and I had to do things like island hop for the stupidly rare bottled ship item. The games before that were just a grind for house upgrades tbh, so this game is the most chill really.
For the most part, yes. So much creative freedom, nothing violent, just super peaceful and cute.
However, people online somehow create amazing islands with beautiful furniture, custom designs, etc that take so long to time. And then, it’s kind of expected of you when you play. Sometimes I feel pressured to make a pretty island with amazing islanders, however my island kind of sucks lol. It’s neat, it doesn’t look bad, however it’s actual trash compared to some out there.
That’s why i keep my villagers such as Judy, Raymond, and Marshal, even though they arent uhm, my first choices, I feel they’re the only good part about my island.

Although, hearing out the same experiences from some people, i’ve begun to feel better about my island and starting to consider kicking out the villagers I only keep for show. Gonna get my dreamie Tangy someday 🍊 ✨
Oh my gosh I was starting to feel like I was the only person who remembered this. I'm curious where all the obsessive town builders are now, as they don't seem to be on the forum praising NH anymore xD which is weird because I feel like the game was made for them. But now everyone is talking about New Leaf's gameplay, which I barely heard about at all when this was actually a New Leaf community lol
I mean I see it here now as well. And elsewhere. People will always say how they're resetting their island. Now they stress out about the airport and the RS. So they're still here. They just found something else to stress out about. The airport color, the pier location, if it's a long or small board walk, where the RS is. Probably something else I am missing lol.

They just have more freedom, so you don't hear them chime up as much as they used to.
I think the game in and of itself is very relaxing. Social media, however, is not relaxing and has created so many expectations and added pressure for people. I totally succumbed to this and it was so stressful. Playing with friends wasn't even fun because I was self conscious about my island. NL didn't seem to have the same presence online (also, you had the opportunity for all furniture/items from the beginning of the game). Now, I play for myself and have way more fun designing and collecting materials.
It sure is! Sadly, i have no chill so i always worry about having things be exactly the same as i want. It can put me off playing and i have to take breaks, same thing happened with new leaf as well :(
Very chill. The fishing life is a good life. It's what I do most of the time besides mingling with the neighbours, and I can't seem to get tired of it
I think it is a calming game, nothing competitive at all. I play whenever I can mostly at night after work and kids are put to sleep and is fun, sometimes I don't play for days and I go back to it and is still fun. I haven't completed my Island yet, lot to do still but the great thing is that this game is one of those that you play on your own paste. I been playing all the games of Animal Crossing ever since the first game came out on the game cube, and it does not get tired at all. I wish this one could have more like mini games, or interactions, but they keep having updates so we will see.
The game has potential to be chill. I think many of us get permanently suck in the terraforming/design phase though and it becomes more stressful and sometimes depressing than chill.

In my opinion, the first 7 days before Resident Services upgrades to a building is probably the most chill. You have a chill song playing in the background, you have a few villagers, 2 of which are probably still living the tent life, and there was no terraforming to worry about. I don't really like having to build all the furniture for the first 3-homes, but I do think it's a cute idea, and I believe the goal is to just familiarize the player to gathering resources and crafting, but also get accustomed to decorating yards for villagers or just outside in general.

Once Resident Services upgrades, you begin your quest to 3-star, which involves a lot more town development than you were probably doing before, especially now that you're placing bridges and inclines. This may not be as chill for some players. After you do get 3-star, you've now gained the ability to terraform, which has the potential to further suck the chill out indefinitely until you restart the island or find something you're happy with.
I think it's a chill game. Yes, I want a certain look for my house and island, but it's on my time. If I don't get flowers or trees planted or a rug placed today, I'll get it tomorrow. No penalty. There are a few timed games, but the stress of reaching goal after goal isn't there.

I know it will take me several years to complete the museum, badges, and catalog. I'm fine with that. They might not be big things, but they keep me engaged, which is good.
I do find it to be ~chill~!

This was my first AC game where I was active on these forums and followed AC Instagram accounts. The latter was a mistake. In the first weeks of the game before Resident Services was built, it was sooooo chill. I loved it. Then when everyone who had gotten the game on release day had hit the point where we unlocked paths, landscaping, and waterscaping...the Instagram accounts stressed me out. It made me feel anxious that my island wasn't as beautiful as the ones I was seeing and it made me feel like I should be doing more and trading more. Eventually with a big help from reading people going through the same thing on these forums, I unfollowed these accounts and stopped comparing my town. I would occasionally look for inspiration, but nothing more. After this shift I started being able to just ~chill~ in the game once more. When I land/waterscape it is a bit tough to feel relaxed, but I think it's kinda worth it because now I love my town and am able to just ~chill~ whenever I'm in it. Plus if I do need to land/waterscape I do it in small sections as to not overwhelm myself.