ACNH is simply beautiful!
My copy of the game that I pre-ordered from Amazon in June, is definitely on its way via UPS. By now, the first location that UPS shows it arriving at and leaving is Jackson MS which is very close to New Orleans where I live. So, that was why nothing but the label showed earlier. It just didn't have very far to go.
My US amiibo cards that I ordered on Amazon and are also being delivered by UPS, have arrived at and left Chattanooga, and then Louisville.
I am so happy! Looks like I will be able to play HHD tomorrow night as planned.
My US amiibo cards that I ordered on Amazon and are also being delivered by UPS, have arrived at and left Chattanooga, and then Louisville.
I am so happy! Looks like I will be able to play HHD tomorrow night as planned.
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