I've faced racial discrimination for being black and white, ableism, transphobia and biphobia in my lifetime. Racial discrimination isn't as bad as it used to be, but in elementary school I used to get made fun of a lot for my skin color by this one girl who'd relate me to poop and stuff. I was called a lotta racial stuff in high school as well but it wasn't on the same level as elementary school. Ableism has always been there, but it was worse when I didn't know what mental disorders I had or that I even had any. Once again, elementary school was hell for me because the autistic+schizo+ADHD mannerisms I have now were waaaayyy more... there... when I was little. Like having special "imaginary friends" and certain "stim" habits like eating things I shouldn't have been eating (mainly pencil erasers) and such were always mocked and this one girl even publicly called me out on "acting weird" in second grade and the whole class was just like, "ewwww" and stuff and I swear this crap felt like a moment in a movie. My teacher even kinda got on my case and was like "Take that out of your mouth!" and whatever, and all of that's just one example out of many. I was the "weird socially awkward kid" who only had one close friend all throughout elementary school and a bit into middle school so obviously my earlier years were a blast. /s The queerphobia I face is online and in jobs mostly, where a lot of the time I've been told I can't have a job because my identity would "complicate" things for people or I've had my identity weaponized against me by my own family multiple times. But yeah, sorry for the tangent but there's been a lotta stuff I've had to go though.