So far I haven't missed seasonal DIYs, and a friend and I have been working together to complete our DIY collections. The only "normal" DIY I still need is the wooden table, but other than that we're now working on Celeste and flower wreaths/crowns. We'll get there.
I have all DIYs currently obtainable without TT, thanks to all the trades I've done with all the amazing people on various sites. Of course, majority of what I was missing was made possible thanks to TBT shops.
unfortunately I missed a handful of cherry blossom and autumn DIYs so they're missing, but other than that I think I have most DIYs? I'll need to double check the app i have it all logged on. I have done a bunch of trading for them though because it's a lot easier than trying to hunt down balloons!
i had probably almost all of them before i reset...the ones i needed almost immediately i just bought from tbt ppl, got lucky with a few of them being giveaways. it doesnt bother me too much to have to recollect them but some of them i NEED for island decoration i bought the autumn ones i reaaaaally liked (the maple leaf bag, the autumn wallpaper and flooring i think, i found most of the mushroom diys myself), and i'm leaving the rest to be collected when mushroom season/maple leaf season rolls around in 2021! :3
I got my game in mid/late October so sadly I missed out on a lot of DIYs (I’m hoping they’ll come back next year!), but I got a few spooky DIYs, all the autumn and mushroom DIYs and all the frozen DIYs so far. I’m hoping to get all the festive DIYs next!!
I am soooo close. I don’t time travel nor buy DIYs that are only available through time travel, so I’m still missing the last few zodiac recipes that haven’t rolled around yet, the ones we aren’t getting until toy day, and a few snowboy recipes even though I’ve been getting one per day since the snow arrived. I think I’m missing a total of 9. I fully expect the golden shovel to be the last one I get, bc Gulliver just does not show up that often.
(to my shame, I also still lack the golden watering can bc I have procrastinated finishing off my island like a PRO.)
I have all DIYs (including toy day ones!) My goal is to collect literally everything in game lol :') And I'm pretty close! new updates are always exciting and give me another thing to hunt down and check off!
I have all of them except the frozen wall and partition and I will have those soon. I have bought/traded diys but I do try to get them on my own. I just hate balloon grinding.
All I really need to complete my *current* DIY collection are the rest of the Snowboy recipes I have everything else currently available without time travel!
According to my app., I'm missing 42 ... About half of Celeste's [including wands], quite a few crowns and wreaths [that I don't care for at all anyway so I'm in no rush to get those] and, obviously, seasonal event ones that haven't happened yet ... I've also only managed to get 4 so far from Snowboy as he seems to be on a mission to slowly drive me to the verge of a nervous breakdown !! I know nobody's perfect, Snowboi, but could you be every now and again, please ?!?! XD