Do different colored Balloon Presents determine what item you're going to get?


Maining Male Villager since 2015
Jul 23, 2013
Ancient Lantern
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Friday the 13th Candy
Sinister Lantern
Eerie Star Potion
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
Zombie Halloweaster Egg
Moonlight Halloweaster Egg
Purple Bat Potion
Okay, so I noticed the Balloon Presents have different colors on them. And as it turns out, every time I pop the blue colored ones, I seem to get materials from the blue ones. And the yellow ones, I get bells from them.

Am I going nuts? Has anyone noticed this? I need answers pronto!
I've popped different colors but never actually paid attention to this. I'm curious as to the answer now~
I think as far for me it’s just been completely random. Could be wrong though.
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I will take note of what I get out of the next balloon I come across, and its colour.
i just popped a green balloon that gave me a gold nugget

i think a yellow ballloon i popped a while ago gave me 30k bells
i just popped a green balloon that gave me a gold nugget

i think a yellow ballloon i popped a while ago gave me 30k bells

I've also popped a few yellow balloons, and as far as I can remember, they were all just bells. I believe the lowest I got from a yellow balloon was 10k, the highest being 30k.

I've also seen red and blue balloons, but no green so far. My memory isn't the best, but I'm pretty sure (~70% certain)
that blue balloons give furniture. Red balloons just gave me trashy items (i.e., 5 clay, 5 iron, etc.)
Just popped a blue balloon, and it gave me a simple-dots dress.
Seems its just random and all this was a coincidence. Case closed.